Urgent Action To Stop The Nuclear Power Programme
STOP HINKLEYC | 15.12.2010 10:22
What can we do to stop the Nuclear power programme and stop the first of 8 Nuclear power Stations to be built at Hinkley (Bridgewater)?
EDF owns 60% of Bristol's electricity....and they own Hinkley A and B Nuclear Power stations and 450 acres of the land surrounding...they intend to build HINKLEYC ,they have applied for planning, the decimation of trees and hedgerows and farming land...can be applied for, even before the government gives the go ahead to the Nuclear New Build...NO TIME TO HESITATE, PUT YOUR OBJECTIONS IN NOW!
Key Dates, Meetings and Links
1. EDF Preliminary Works (Site Preparation)
Now that EDF have put in their Site Preparation Application to West Somerset District Council the public have the chance to comment/object to the application.
EDF (NNB Generation Company Limited) has submitted a planning application to West Somerset Council in which it proposes to start site preparation works in association with the company's plans to construct two new nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point.
The description of development is as follows:
"The proposed development involves the following activities: site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures, and creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling, spoil screening/storage for re-use on-site); provision of earth retaining structures; deep excavations; provision and relocation of drainage infrastructure (including culverts, outfalls, balancing ponds); the provision and operation of plant and machinery (including concrete batching); site establishment works (including layover facilities, car parks, haulage roads, site access points and roundabouts, and laying replacement and/or diversion apparatus); and other associated works, in the event that Hinkley Point C is not consented all structures would be removed and the site reinstated".
The Application Number is 3/32/10/37 and can be viewed at www.westsomersetonline.gov.uk/hinkleypoint
Final Date for objections to be sent or e- mailed to West District Council is Wednesday 12th January 2011
There are two public meetings for the public to question the West Somerset DC and EDF,
1. Stogoursey - Victory Hall : Friday 17th December 2010 : 6.30 - 9.30pm.
2. Cannington - College : Wednesday 5th January 2011 : 6.30 - 9.30pm.
Hinkley Point Case Officers at West Somerset are Andrew Goodchild, James Holbrook and Alex Bullock.
On 01984 635285
Another very useful document to relate to is Somerset County Council's very thorough report by the Arup Consultants which found EDF'S second public consultation "not fit for purpose". (16 pages but readable!)
2.DECC Consultation on the revised government Nuclear Policy Statement.
Final Date for comments/objection to the government's policy is the 24th January 2011.
There is a public meeting with DECC in Bridgwater, Sedgemoor District Council Offices on the Wednesday 12th January where we can question the new nuclear policy statement EN6, starting at 8pm. ( This follows their meeting with the Pylon protestors which should finish at 7.45pm.)
There is a limit to 100 places, we need to get a big turnout to challenge the government's policies on nuclear.
Crispin has been given the chance to explain Stop Hinkley's concerns after DECC has introduced the changes and then public questions will be open to the floor.
Register with Sedgemoor District Council for your place giving your name, address and e-mail at Hannah.Evans@Sedgemoor.gov.uk by 4th January 2011.
A very useful source of information about the changes in government policy can be read at the following link produced by Pete Roche which gives a a summary of the changes, with reference details for you to go further with into the government documents.
A special extended edition of NuClear News No.24 is now available online. This edition aims to give you, amongst our usual news stories, the information you need to navigate around the Energy National Policy Statement reconsultation documents.
No2nuclearpower 8th December 2010
All the nuclear free best Allan Jeffery.
Assistant co-ordinator Stop Hinkley.
What can we do to stop the Nuclear power programme and stop the first of 8 Nuclear power Stations to be built at Hinkley (Bridgewater)?
EDF owns 60% of Bristol's electricity....and they own Hinkley A and B Nuclear Power stations and 450 acres of the land surrounding...they intend to build HINKLEYC ,they have applied for planning, the decimation of trees and hedgerows and farming land...can be applied for, even before the government gives the go ahead to the Nuclear New Build...NO TIME TO HESITATE, PUT YOUR OBJECTIONS IN NOW!
Key Dates, Meetings and Links
1. EDF Preliminary Works (Site Preparation)
Now that EDF have put in their Site Preparation Application to West Somerset District Council the public have the chance to comment/object to the application.
EDF (NNB Generation Company Limited) has submitted a planning application to West Somerset Council in which it proposes to start site preparation works in association with the company's plans to construct two new nuclear reactors at Hinkley Point.
The description of development is as follows:
"The proposed development involves the following activities: site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures, and creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling, spoil screening/storage for re-use on-site); provision of earth retaining structures; deep excavations; provision and relocation of drainage infrastructure (including culverts, outfalls, balancing ponds); the provision and operation of plant and machinery (including concrete batching); site establishment works (including layover facilities, car parks, haulage roads, site access points and roundabouts, and laying replacement and/or diversion apparatus); and other associated works, in the event that Hinkley Point C is not consented all structures would be removed and the site reinstated".
The Application Number is 3/32/10/37 and can be viewed at www.westsomersetonline.gov.uk/hinkleypoint
Final Date for objections to be sent or e- mailed to West District Council is Wednesday 12th January 2011
There are two public meetings for the public to question the West Somerset DC and EDF,
1. Stogoursey - Victory Hall : Friday 17th December 2010 : 6.30 - 9.30pm.
2. Cannington - College : Wednesday 5th January 2011 : 6.30 - 9.30pm.
Hinkley Point Case Officers at West Somerset are Andrew Goodchild, James Holbrook and Alex Bullock.
On 01984 635285
Another very useful document to relate to is Somerset County Council's very thorough report by the Arup Consultants which found EDF'S second public consultation "not fit for purpose". (16 pages but readable!)
2.DECC Consultation on the revised government Nuclear Policy Statement.
Final Date for comments/objection to the government's policy is the 24th January 2011.
There is a public meeting with DECC in Bridgwater, Sedgemoor District Council Offices on the Wednesday 12th January where we can question the new nuclear policy statement EN6, starting at 8pm. ( This follows their meeting with the Pylon protestors which should finish at 7.45pm.)
There is a limit to 100 places, we need to get a big turnout to challenge the government's policies on nuclear.
Crispin has been given the chance to explain Stop Hinkley's concerns after DECC has introduced the changes and then public questions will be open to the floor.
Register with Sedgemoor District Council for your place giving your name, address and e-mail at Hannah.Evans@Sedgemoor.gov.uk by 4th January 2011.
A very useful source of information about the changes in government policy can be read at the following link produced by Pete Roche which gives a a summary of the changes, with reference details for you to go further with into the government documents.
A special extended edition of NuClear News No.24 is now available online. This edition aims to give you, amongst our usual news stories, the information you need to navigate around the Energy National Policy Statement reconsultation documents.
No2nuclearpower 8th December 2010
All the nuclear free best Allan Jeffery.
Assistant co-ordinator Stop Hinkley.
Original article on IMC Bristol: