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NCAFC STALINISM - 'Professional Activists' stifling The Peasants' Revolt

Zarathustra | 14.12.2010 14:23 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

It seems as they are sitting there in their middle class comfortable rooms saying to themselves... "I know something you don't know"... And already they have begun to form parties, to say to people "don't go to other protests" - we are supposed to run to them for protection just like "the party" protects under Stalinism

On Sunday night I went to the pub in South London and met a large number of middle aged, middle class folk of many vocations who all supported the student protests. After stumbling across a couple of drunk coppers, one of whom told me he was an undercover ("now come on boys we don't want to have to search you tonight..."), we ran into a geologist working for a Swiss oil company who expressed his support for the Uprising, old Irishmen and the common folk of the land, all of whom not only supported the student protests but engaged in the most heated political debate that I have seen for a long time in the pubs of this country.

When in recent years have passions run so strong that people are found to be shouting about politics in the pubs? A more poetic friend of mine said "it is like being in those Parisian cafes you hear about in books where they are all discussing and plotting the revolution".

Whether 'NCAFC', the Student Unions and their out-of-touch buddies know it or not, whether they can see beyond their thick-rimmed glasses and worrying about essay deadlines, whether the SWP with their leader who attends meetings in a tuxedo with a gold watch and discuss what word are best to use in speeches - THE POPULAR MOOD IN THIS COUNTRY IS REVOLUTIONARY, the most revolutionary it has been for many years.

Middle class folk, disillusioned with all political movements after seeing the failures of the communists in the 60's and 70's are now re-awakening to a renewed vigour, they are becoming willing to be active and radical in attitudes at an unprecedented rate. They see police violence on the news and call their children offering to pay their fines if they are arrested, they are developing a new sensitivity and discovering very fast that THEIR SONS AND DAUGHTERS ARE BEING OPPRESSED, and they are feeling a strong sense of righteous indignation.

Yet the 'Officials of The Revolution', the New Stalinists of NCAFC, who are nothing but decadent middle class folk living off of their parent's money and student loans, fighting this cause only as 'career activists' with no understanding of the realities of life amongst the poor and oppressed, who have never been hungry, who have never been homeless, who have never known what it's like to actually be poor, suffering and oppressed except what they are now discovering at their organised protest marches, are TRYING TO STIFLE THE REVOLUTION.

They say "only go to official protests because otherwise you will not be safe". We, THE PEOPLE, do not care about 'being safe', this is the begginings of an insurrection, have you ever heard of a
'safe insurrection'?

In a survey on their website, 76% of Daily Mail readers are even supporting the student protests.

IT IS ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL that we take advantage of this wave of popular discontent, continue organising, marching and creating as much trouble as possible for the government.

A MARCH HAS BEEN CALLED for the 20TH OF DECEMBER, the organiser seems to be an idealistic 17 year old who happens to have a prediliction for high culture and possibly for Geert Wilders (or perhaps a good sense of humour), and aside from having 'Geert Wilders' on his 'political views' on facebook seems to be otherwise a completely inoffensive, decent and idealistic youth. We cannot blame a 17 year old kid for being interested in many sorts of political ideals even if he is interested in Geert Wilders, and furthermore, this isn't the important thing.

THE IMPORTANT THING IS that we KEEP UP THE STRUGGLE and don't let the people forget that it is happening. If we let the British public fall back to sleep until January 29th when the next 'official' march is organised by the NCAFC Stalinists, we will see them fall back into their apathy. They are very sleepy in this country, they are very afraid, WE MUST KEEP MARCHING, WE MUST KEEP GIVING THE PEOPLE COURAGE.

I CALL FURTHERMORE for a day of MASSIVE ECONOMIC DISRUPTION on the 20th. How many people would it take to shut down your local railway station? How many people would it take to shut down a local council or corporation?

Get a group of friends together and either come to the march or engage in an activity of economic disruption. THE STALINISTS AT NCAFC AND THE OTHER REGRESSIVE 'CAREER ACTIVIST' GROUPS DO NOT RUN THIS REVOLUTION, let's not let them begin to create parties and cling to power, let's set ourselves free AS A GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT IN UNITY, we do not need their 'help', 'safety campaigns' etc.


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Plus ca change...

14.12.2010 17:50

Nice to see the latest movement get off with a really healthy "prolier than thou" sectarianism. We couldn't all pull together to fight a common enemy could we, 'cos that might actually work. It seems that the addage in Parliament, that those we face are merely our opponents and that our real enemies are behind us rings true for street politics as well. It's a pity really, because as long as we carry on like this they'll always win. After all, how can we hope to build a better world in the future if we can't get along with one another for long enough to lay the foundations?

Skyver Bill

Here's the facebook link

14.12.2010 17:51

Good if someone could design a decent poster and send it to student forums etc


What a load of sectarian crap.

14.12.2010 18:45

The NCAFC is a pretty broad group which does include some anarchists and is open to all. Take your Stanlanist labels and shove it up you arse. By all means organise alternatives but dont throw a hissy fit when they dont support it.


They spread unfounded rumours

14.12.2010 19:07

Fine if they don't want to support the demo but some of them-on their website-are actually telling people not to attend any demo they don't approve of. Which is bullsit.


What the fuck is going on on the 20th??!?!??

14.12.2010 19:18

No one seems to have a straight answer. im hearing all these rumours that fash are behind it and what not. it doesnt make any fucking sense. i dont want to trek up to picadilly and find out its a sham but id love to get out on the streets monday. anyone know wa-gwan?

i have to say i agree. im as happy as the next person to engage in some light hearted sectarianism but now of all time? this is the most spontaneous movement ever (due to the participants practically living on facebook) and if you dont like the NCAFC then organise your own protest, it doesnt seem that hard, just set up a group. i also wanna rep the SWP, the only people organising on my campus. they might be a little muddled ideology wise but bless em, their hearts are in the right place.

the anonny mouse

Try to rise above it

14.12.2010 19:27

If other groups won't condone your initiatives try not to take it personally and, even if they are actively screwing things up for you, still try to rise above that. We need to focus on the common enemy / bigger picture and keep the bickering as far off as possible



14.12.2010 20:11

I don't know any more than you do but at an educated guess I'd say any fash trying to lure students into a trap is picking the wrong fucking time - a few thousand students would turn up easy which would be several times greater in numbers than anything the fash could hope to put out. Never fear, they may be morons but they're not THAT stupid. And hey, if they are, they'll get a fucking good kicking.


Insane shite

14.12.2010 21:58

What a lot of crap.

Lie and say you're NCACF backed and then take a hissy fit after... Refuse to explain your lies... Then call everyone Stalinists. LOL.

If this is for real your a fucking clown. Otherwise, this is a major scam by one of the saddest bastards in Britain.

Either way, FUCK OFF.


Some facts

14.12.2010 23:24

(While I'm not interested in discussing it here, I am an NCAFC supporter and a Trotskyist - a member of Workers' Liberty.)

Here's what happened:
- These people (whoever they are - as we shall see they have not yet said) set up a demo, not only claiming it was NCAFC-organised but using the NCAFC logo.
- They also claimed support from other organisations including NUS, the RMT and a couple of student unions (ie organisations they'd read about on the NCAFC website).
- They also claimed they'd received endorsement from myself and two other prominent NCAFC activists - who, btw, don't have the power to endorse things as individuals, but in any case had not been contacted by them.
- When challenged they changed the logo - first to the "British National Union of Students" and then to "UK People's Initiative".
- One of the organisers has 'Geert Wilders' as his politics and a quote from Mussolini on his profile page on Facebook.
- They still refuse, despite repeated requests, to say who they are. I emailed them and received a totally evasive reply simply saying "We are students"; I emailed again with specific questions and have got no response.

Don't you think this suggests something a bit dubious is going on (aside from the fact that they have never approached the NCAFC to propose a demo on that date)?

Sacha Ismail
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Let's reflect rather than argue...

15.12.2010 01:20

I am not in any way affiliated with the organisers of any demo and I do not wish to spread discontent, quite the opposite. I simply think it is very important to remain self-critical and intelligent as the movement builds in order to avoid the formation of competing and bickering parties, keep things human, no 'party lines', no 'official events', because in this way we will come to a situation much like Stalinism yes? Where 'the party' has the final say.

Whether NCAFC like it or not, they currently have a lot of power over this movement. They are essentially causing the 20th to be cancelled because the people reading about it, who are not necessarily very politically active people, are being put off by the rumours of 'EDL' etc etc. They will remain put off if they begin to see this movement divided by internal struggles.

Luckily enough those folk who will be put off will not pay much attention to a little article on Indymedia.

Let's remain self-critical otherwise we will be the next 'proud kings', for 'the one who fights with monsters must take care that they do not become a monster'. Keep things simple eh? Not 'all equal but some more equal than others'.


"Don't attend any demo they don't approve of"?

15.12.2010 03:57

What, you mean the bit where they say "Don’t put yourself in danger – only attend events you know the organising body of. If in doubt contact organisers and ask them to explain what security measures have been taken. It is bad enough that the police is violent even after we meet with them, imagine how they can get if they know nothing about the demo you are thinking of attending"?

That's hardly saying "don't attend demos we disgree with", is it? Surely it's just advice that if a demo is organised by a dodgy group that refuse to name themselves, you don't know what you're getting yourself in for?


Theo, Seize The Day

16.12.2010 10:55

There's 2 much doubt around this. I'm staying away. For the unity and safety of the movement, which is the only way to win, divisive nationalist ideas are about as welcome as a glass bottle. Any stable person with real concern for us all would now stand the protest down and help mobilise for January. Our strength is in our numbers, and our numbers need to be even bigger next time - not smaller and more random.

Just on practical grounds, this event will now be weak, and therefore dangerous with predictable outcomes for those who go, and the risk of abuse by agents provocateurs and cop-haters. The more actively we now all disown it, the less chance there will be for the media and police to use it against our movement if it still happens and then goes bad.

And don't bang down on the people at NCAFC. They've done stirling work in helping create this movement and they come from all class backgrounds. You seem to be criticising them just for being students, which is ironic.

Believe, me the mood at large is not yet revolutionary and an insurrection in the run up to christmas just isn't going to happen. Get real and take your responsibilities seriously.

Theo, Seize The Day

unity is strength

16.12.2010 11:16

Sorry - didn't mean "disown" like abandon. If it looks like this has still got some steam by the time it's due to happen, then the welfare of people who go without knowing about the discussions around it needs to be considered. I'm not sure how...

Sooner or later, given the strength and energy of this movement the state is going to set-up bogus events, distractions and agents provocatuers. That's why unity is most important, but the article above is divisive. There needs to be serious discussion beginning now about how to best protest ourselves against that.
I think the best defence is in expanding the links of solidarity and building our numbers on the streets, as well as reaching out to support people fighting cuts in the workplace.

Theo, Seize The Day

Corporate media is not our friend.

16.12.2010 13:05

"The more actively we now all disown it, the less chance there will be for the media and police to use it against our movement if it still happens and then goes bad"

If the media and police(owned and controlled by the rich)support your movement then it is no threat and meaningless. Next step(on the big 29 Jan march) is to occupy the buildings of downtown London.
On the 20th we flood the shopping district with angry protesters.

All to the streets as much as possible!

Riot squad

Folk Revolution

16.12.2010 13:51

Hi Theo and others,
I'm sure Theo you would understand where I'm coming from in suggesting that a revolution needs to come out of the folk culture, which is not to say the 'folk culture' of sessions etc but the real folk culture, the living and working people of the earth, their songs, their lives etc - not out of an artificial collective of drunken students listening to capitalist R and B music and quickly becoming obsessed with the power of their clique. It is not exactly their fault, as students are not really taught any kind of self-discipline, but it is easy for all us to fall into power games etc, just a natural tendency of the human ego, and unless we remain self-critical then this will not be overcome.

We must ensure especially in the begginings of things that there is a purity, that there are not cliques and cabals running the show, because the results of every work are like what goes into creating it, 'you will know them by their fruits' as Jesus said.

Therefore it is of the essence that we ensure that the things are not only being organised by a certain group but are truly democratic, which is to say, anyone can go about organising a march etc without being disrupted, questioned publicly with a paranoiac degree of suspicion enough to put anyone off... Why the heck are they so paranoid? Only the power hungry are this paranoid, evidently it's not to do with 'safety' because everybody knows a protest isn't safe, nor is it really supposed to be, and it's funny these NCAFC people are like "oh yeah let's make it like 68" or "let's make it like Greece" - well I didn't see any 'safety' at the barricades where they were throwing molotovs and fighting running battles with the police... Evidently this is all just big talk of NCAFC who are disoriented people having no real idea of what they are doing except the proud assumption that they do because they are 'professional activists'

Furthermore I have heard that they themselves, the NCAFC, have contacted the EDL about this march! ...To check whether it was them organising it or something I imagine. If this is true then they have truly commited the most abominable crime against the grassroots revolution and should be immediately deposed and all of their future attempts to organise protests or criticise other protests ignored. I haven't recieved confirmation of this yet, I imagine it will be time for another article if I do.



16.12.2010 18:18

The person who wrote this article is the same person seen in screenshots uploaded to Facebook in a private conversation with someone going on about the EDL. You can tell by the style of writing and the phrases used repeatedly. Oh and going on about the revolution that's coming shortly (LOL!)

The event creator's political views are 'Geert Wilders', he has been seen making Islamophobic comments on Facebook, no-one knows who the 'UK People's Initiative' are, the creators refuse to comment on the nature of the event or provide even a route or even to make a statement condemning Islamophobia, racism and fascism and the website posted as the source of this article has clearly just been set up and contains no content.

It would be pure folly to turn up for this event. If you do, go with a lot of mates and prepare for a fight with some EDL scumbags.'Tommy Robinson' threatened to oppose student protesters very recently, remember. I think it's more likely that this is just a fake, though.

A is for Anarchy

Another option - take over the day and make it your own

16.12.2010 20:30

If this event is taking off naturally despite being initiated by a quasi-fascist, another option would be for other groups to just take over the idea and say they are holding an event the same day too. Then hopefully the initiator will fall by the wayside and be forgotten.


Yes,hijack the demo on the 20th

16.12.2010 22:51

Anon's suggestion is the best so far. Ive been following the furore on Facebook and apart from defending himself against accusation of fascism, the organiser doesnt seem to have a clue what to do. Definitely looks as though a lot of people are going to turn up for this. So please, some people with good ideas, hijack this demo. Perhaps some follow ups to the uncut actions. Save these people from milling around without an objective and getting trapped in yet another police cordon.


Bloody hell

17.12.2010 15:03

Look mate, mr "A is for Anarchy", I'm not in any way affiliated with the organiser of this event nor am I anything to do with the EDL. I'm a person who happens to have a met a few of the folk with positions of power over these protests and have a serious feeling that it is going to be a little organised nanny-state type affair where only what they say happens and all popular voices are ignored. As for my personal politics, which are irrelevant, I am quite into John Zerzan and Hugo Chavez.

I think the EDL are essentially a bunch of fools though I can't be bothered to hate people simply for being uneducated and having the misfortune of being exposed to Rupert Murdoch's all consuming media-machine. We all think stupid things when we have hangovers, and I imagine if you live in squalor, have a hangover every day, read the Sun where it is saying "FREAK OUT, TERRORISTS EVERYWHERE", and being told by many people that the reason you can't get a job is because Poles have taken them - in this case you might feel attracted to an organisation such as the EDL. These people cause damage by their ignorance, but I wouldn't call them "EVIL", they probably suffer for being ignorant like this, and there are much worse organisations out there, like the government for example.

Honestly I can't say that the EDL are a group which really worry me, well not as much as the capitalist governments do anyway, nor am I planning to have 'ACAB' tattooed on me because I simply can't be bothered to fight petty battles, seems better to me to concentrate on the real issue, which is the fact that a giant corporate machine is consuming the planet, killing our indigenous brothers and sisters of all races - and we're too busy bickering to do anything about it!

I wrote the article because I don't wanna see no activist KGB running the show, and it upsets me that some college kid tries to organise a demo and he immediately has a thousand paranoiacs questioning his motives. It disturbs me to be honest what a terrible psychological situation we are in where we, who are supposed to be the resistance against the insanity of society, get paranoid and fight rather than communicating humanly. That is all.


Dec 20 Protest

17.12.2010 20:02

The Harrow United channel on You Tube previously posted links in its video descriptions supporting the Dec 20 demo, but in view of the demo organiser's support for Geert Wilders, Harrow United has deleted all links to his protest and has re-posted video descriptions encouraging people NOT to attend (whatever turns out to be the situation here, it ain't worth the risk)

In all honesty however folks, even right-wingers SHOULD attend anti-cuts demos, as the cuts will hurt almost everyone and it's vital the protest movement actively preaches to the unconverted, and I'm most definitely anti-Stalinist, however in this case NCAFC have done a great job with their protests, and with the Geert Wilders business I smell a rat, big time, and sincerely apologise for a mistake made in good faith, which was to have encouraged (past tense) people to attend the Dec 20 demo. Go on these protests instead...

Defend Education and the Public Sector!
12 mid-day, Sat 29 January 2011

TUC March for the Alternative: Jobs, Growth + Justice
11am, Victoria Embankment, London, Sat 26 March 2011

Harrow United

March organiser John Abraham supporting Geert Wilders

17.12.2010 20:07

March organiser John Abraham supporting Geert Wilders

Harrow United

and that website is a fake too

18.12.2010 16:03

Everything about this demo stinks. From the fake website above, to the proposer changing his name, to the Mussolini qoutes and Geert Wilders support. I am sure that NCAFC have an element of wanting to dominate protests but in this case ( and in the sterling work they have done so far) they are spot on. STAY AWAY! or attend and observe closely.

gary sprake


19.12.2010 19:42

Guys, This article is almost spot on.

@ The few people who keep repeatedly posting comments saying the event is fake.

If people come to protest and they do protest, Its a protest period. You cant say its fake, Because their are people there protesting...

This event is still taking place, And I WILL be there.

Also, People keep going on and on about NCAFC. Who actually are they to say they have more power over somebody else?

They also have their own planned protest, It has a little 40 or so people saying they will attend, What a Protest that will be, Especially from a group that likes to believe and promote that they are at the top of the "protest" hierarchy. When there currently isn't even one.

NCAFC Are just making me not want to attend their riot on 29th January.

Steven Smith


20.12.2010 23:51




It was that Dodgy Fucker Charlier Flowers

10.08.2011 15:42

It was that Dodgy EDL-megaphone holding, cyber-bullying, thinks-he's-funny clown and all round entryist, Charlie 'Fucking' Flowers.

Luther Blissett