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Update from EDO blockade

Smashy | 14.12.2010 13:27 | Smash EDO | Repression | Terror War | South Coast

The blockade action at EDO/ITT in Brighton today went off rather differently than usual....

Not only was no one arrested, no one was warned by the police, nor EDO managing director Paul Hills himself, that they were committing any crime. No one was told that they were infringing in any way on EDO's property. Or about to commit criminal damage. No supporting demonstrators were harassed by the police.

This is virtually unprecedented at such actions at the factory, where Sussex police have, in the last year, made somewhat of a habit of arresting absolutely everyone they can, on such serious charges as crossing the road against a police officer's instructions.

After lengthy negotiations between police and Paul Hills, the police actually left the factory, and those locked to the gates to leave at their own leisure. Has what Sussex police considers to be aggravated trespass suddenly changed without warning?

Commenting on this apparent U turn in police and factory policy, SmashEDO spokesperson Chloe Marsh said, 'Sussex police have been protecting EDO/ITT from dissent for years now. It seems that the corporation's tack has now changed, and that after Paul Hills' rather damaging time on the stand in the Decommissioners' case this summer, EDO is keen to ensure that its activities do not come under too much court scrutiny'.

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14.12.2010 18:09

If the cops do come on heavy at a later demo and you are arrested, you can use this action as a reason to think that the police wouldn't arrest you for doing the same thing. Point out the inconsistencies in the policing of events when you come to trial, it may get you off, especially if you have video from today.

You may even decide to call the officer in charge as a witness to explain why they arrest at one demo and not at another.


No Offence

18.12.2010 21:41

Despite causing MD Paul Hills to destroy his own fence no one was arrested- makes you think they've got something to hide and Sussex Police are willing to help them...
