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How to repel horses. A very brief guide from

Things You'll Need:


Keep your camp as tidy as possible without leaving any food out. Although, many horses have learned that wherever humans are, food is inevitably nearby.

Before you leave your camp, set up the lion or wolf silhouette against your tent or an open umbrella wherever you can. Hanging it over your tent would be great if you are sure it will stay in place. Weigh it down on the ground with rocks if necessary. Horses tend to be scared of the sight of open umbrellas or the outline of a carnivorous animal, but this does not scare away all horses.

Stand still as soon as you see a horse in your camp. You want to be far enough away from the horse to have a good running start in case the horse charges you. Shout at the horse loudly to get his or her attention. Clap your hands if necessary. If the horse looks at you, wave your arms.

Try more noises if the horse doesn't move off immediately. Bark, growl, mimic a whip crack, clap your hands or swear really loudly. These noises tend to be the ones that horses find the most frightening. The horse or pony should move off at a gallop or a walk.

Repair any damage the horse or pony has done to your camp.

Tips & Warnings

Particular smells do seem to make horses stay away--if you can get a hold of them. These smells include lion, tiger or wolf dung, fresh blood and bone and butyric acid. However, the butyric acid smells like vomit, so you might be better off not trying to use it.
A lot of horses are not afraid of the smell of a campfire, either, despite some old wives' tales.
Don't feed wild horses or ponies people food. This encourages them to bite. Also, people food usually can upset their digestive systems.
Don't lure wild horses or ponies over to your car to feed them. They learn to beg by roadsides and can die from getting hit by a car or truck.
Never sneak up on a horse or pony. They might run over you in fear.


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12.12.2010 11:30

Seriously - marbles! On a road surface covered with small round rolling balls there is nowhere for them to gain good footing.

So try surrounding your tent with marbles or something - dunno if it would work on grass but am damn sure it would work on road surfaces.

Concerned 'camper'

comment from the same site

12.12.2010 12:45

Plastic is easy to come by, maybe tied to the end of a stick and flapped around.

Great article! One of the things horses seem to be very afraid of is flapping plastic. You could also hang some loose tarps or garbage bags around your camp to flap in the wind and deter them that way

Read more: How to Repel Horses |


Champing at the bit

12.12.2010 16:44

On trick most hunt sabs are familiar with is to grab the reins where they meet underneath the horses mouth - you then have more control of the animal than the rider.

Of course police horses are bigger than (most) hunt horses and the rider is equipped with a long baton so you have to be a bit careful but try it - it works!

For Fox sake

Cuir do chorrag nad thòin is leig fead

13.12.2010 14:38

Cuir do chorrag nad thòin is leig fead
