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This is what democracy looks like

Omali Olaymama | 10.12.2010 17:26

This is what democracy looks like

This is what democracy looks like
This is what democracy looks like

This is what democracy looks like
This is what democracy looks like

This is what democracy looks like

Omali Olaymama


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Only if you hang around in dodgy protests

10.12.2010 18:00

I realise London is different, but you got to remember it isn't the center of the universe like most people down there think it is.

I hardly even see a policeman where i live, and certainly not one dressed like that.


dodgy protest response

10.12.2010 18:12

good for you for never seeing a riot cop, I envy you. I don't think Londoners think it's the centre of the universe it's just where all the big decisions are made. Do you think protesting in your village's cowshed is more effective than outside parliament?

Omali Olaymama


10.12.2010 18:12

Well, that's OK then, bumpkin boy. We can all go back to consuming and not questioning authority.


actually no ...

10.12.2010 19:30

The truth is - the poster does not show the face of democracy today, what it DOES show is the face of capitalism when the authoritarian poodles of capitalism feel under threat.

Kant wrote, and I believe with concise perception, that the end result of any capitalist society can only be anarchy, because capitalism requires the rich and the poor to exist.

When those defending their capitalism gained riches feel the lower orders (the poorer) are getting too pushy, they build up their defences against them.

As there are many thousandfold more 'lower orders' than the rich elite, it is not tough to figure that as things are perceived by the rich elite to be getting worse in their favour, those defences will get stronger and resort to yet more cruel methods of 'defence' - or in more exacting terms, repression.

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I don't live in a village.

10.12.2010 23:55

I live in a city. Just not london.

ANd i don't go around looking like a terrorist with my tea towel scarf on.
Or bitching about my rights.

Just get on with your lives. You are seriously wasting it away.
Why is there no old protestors there? Because, apart from a few losers, they have all moved on from this 'phase' and got on with things. Yes, thats right, its a phase, we all do it when we are young, we all rebel and become idealists wearing our berets pretending we are comrades.

Seriously, you will grow out of it like everyone else does.
Then you will get a life and start to enjoy it. Perhaps a family as well.
Then the last thing that you will want to do is pretend your the hardman in front of the police
Then your kids will grow up and do the same as you did, and you will shake your head and pity them.


sleep thru the invasion

11.12.2010 04:34

"I don't live in a village."

Imagine if your ancestors had felt and behaved the same way as you proscribe when Nazi Germany was invading free nations and curtailing freedom.

Please wake up, because this time the invasion is not coming from some outside source - its coming from within our own society.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing



11.12.2010 06:35

Kickin' new protest video...


young and naive or old and cynical?

11.12.2010 15:56

It's so sad to hear old people talk this way, its just like you've given up on everything you ever believed in and just hidden behind family life and convinced yourself that it's because you've grown up.
Many people other that students were there on the day, watching the bbc and reading the Daily Mail the next day probably didn't give you the nice rounded picture that those of us who weren't to tired with life and made it down there had.

Secondly, people didn't look like terrorists. They just didn't want a knock on the door in a weeks time for standing up for their rights. Also the insane databases the government are compiling on us and calling us domestic extremists for going to protests means many people would prefer to be anonymous. And rightly so. I would recommend EVERYONE mask up.

"bitching about my rights" Yeah damn right! without our rights we have nothing and no control over how we live. Many people have died fighting for our rights, thats a very sad statement that you don't value them.

For many people I agree it may be a phase. but SO WHAT! standing up for what you believe in is always a good thing, and if as you grow old, weary and bitter like yourself, your opinions change, then you must stand up for them too. The human mind is fluid not fixed, but that's certainly not a reason to stay quiet for the first 30years of your life.

Just so you know, I'm not a student, I have a good job and I enjoy my life immensely.

Lastly we, or the new radicalised generation don't need your pity, I just hope they take away your free bus pass you miserable git.


Omali Olaymama


11.12.2010 18:38

That's funny, the serial number of that "democracy" plod doesn't look very visible to me :-/


@ canton

11.12.2010 20:43

Oh, is that what we do? Get older, get on with our lives? Some of us just about manage getting older, having relationships, even having a kid or two and are STILL FUCKING PISSED OFF with the State trying to run our 'little lives'. Late 40's, fighting the system and bringing up the next generation of beautiful anarchists.
