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Do you still support the students after all their rioting?

anon | 10.12.2010 16:47

Online poll underway

Poll on the daily mail website, currently 68% don't "still support the students" (although i assume many didn't to start with).

If you feel like voting, go here:

If you make a mistake and accidently vote the wrong way, you can always clear the cookies in your browser and vote again the way you meant too. You won't have this problem if you have cookies disabled (in the privacy or security sections of most browser options menu there is an option for this) already, since daily mail will always let you vote again if this is the case.



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On the fence.

11.12.2010 02:16

Would people like a tool to make it easier to vote incase they have problems with there browser and cookies and such, also incase they want to vote multiple times .....incase there are more members in the household that share the same computer, etc.....


@ Sqee

11.12.2010 15:36

Yes please - I'd like a little tool like that - that hides IP addresses, flushes cookies, etc., and allows these rigged voting polls to be unrigged.



11.12.2010 23:09

The Whole IP thing would be great but the problem then is having proxies, do you think you could find a list of proxies to help do the job? If you or anyone else is interested in a tool like this email me.


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