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WTF - brain injury from truncheon in London yesterday

shocked despite myself | 10.12.2010 12:45

Just read an article about an incident that I don't see referred to anywhere else on IMC.

About someone who got admitted to hospital with internal bleeding to his brain from being hit by a cop with a truncheon. What the fuck! It doesn't surprise me, but it still shocks.

I liked that a London student union was giving out hard hats, but we're never going to be able to have enough, and for the majority of (smaller) protests it's unlikely we could get away with all wearing them...

More info at

shocked despite myself


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Not suprised at all

10.12.2010 13:51

I'm suprised there weren't a lot more serious head injuies or even deaths the way those psycho freak cops were lashing out. Hitting peoples heads with hard batons for the "crime" of trying get out of a corden is fucking criminal.
Day X 4 should see more people bringing shields like the book block, more hard hats and thicker poster sticks for self defence.

Rise up

heard this much

10.12.2010 15:13

heard about this on radio 4 at lunch tome today. Hit by a police baton. Suffered bleeding around the brain. Lost use of left hand and side of face for a while - like a stroke victim.
Sounds better now though - I hope. He is a 20 year old named Alfie.

Plus lucky there was no disabled people infront of that bloody horse charge, eh?

Fucking police.


Treating head injuries

10.12.2010 16:53

I'm not surprised, but am still shocked.

Sadly, it's probably going to happen again. Here are some tips from the action medics -

- - - - -
These can result from head injuries, Concussion is a bruising of the brain, and compression is internal bleeding in the brain. Anyone with a blow to the head should be monitored for these. Never leave anyone with a head injury alone as they need to be constantly monitored.
* Worsening headache
* Vomiting
* Drowsiness / confusion
* Double vision
* A dilated, unresponsive pupil on one or both sides.
* Convulsions
* Signs of a base of skull fracture (raccoon eyes, bruising behind ears, straw coloured leakage from the eyes or ears)
* Deep scalp lacerations.

* Immediate evacuation to hospital.
- - - - -

It might not always be possible to get someone to hospital (e.g. in a kettle), but try as hard as you can. Compression is a killer.

And, if you are the one who has been hit on the head, listen to what other people tell you and go to hospital (in my experience of being a medic at demos, people with serious head injuries tend not to want to leave).


a.n. medic

Head Injuries

11.12.2010 08:36

I am a uk action medic who was there. I treated a number of head injuries, several of whom had to be escorted through police lines to get medical attention due to suffering from the symptoms listed above.
I hope the individual mentioned in this article is doing ok, and that the many others escorted out of the kettle actually made it to hospital.

mail e-mail:

Head Injuries

11.12.2010 08:38

I am a uk action medic who was there. I treated a number of head injuries, several of whom had to be escorted through police lines to get medical attention due to suffering from the symptoms listed above.
I hope the individual mentioned in this article is doing ok, and that the many others escorted out of the kettle actually made it to hospital.

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