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Brits need to wake up and end socialism in U.K.

Donald Iarussi MFA | 09.12.2010 15:27 | Analysis | Indymedia | World

Socialized medicine and education just don't work, They create a bureaucratic system
the will eventually implode. College is not for everyone, Current tuition for college in the U.K is unsustainable .

Public control of medicine is a death sentence for the patient and the economy

It is time for the Brits t have a tea party. The U.K cannot give in to spoiled, upstart radicals who feel the government owes them a living from diaper to death

Ronald Reagan Spoke out Against Socialized Medicine is a 1961 LP recorded by Ronald Reagan. In this 11-minute recording, Reagan "criticized Social Security for supplanting private savings and warned that subsidized medicine would curtail Americans' freedom" and that "pretty soon your son won't decide when he's in school, where he will go or what he will do for a living. He will wait for the government to tell him."

Socialized education will not go forward in the USA and it should end in the U.K.
It is clearly hazardous to ones health. An elderly British patient was abandoned for two days in hospital store cupboard with little food or medication

Confused and in pain, 80-year-old Doris McKeown is kept in a hospital cupboard while she awaits emergency surgery. The pensioner was stored away for 48 hours in a tiny windowless room, with only shelves of hospital supplies for company. On the door outside was a sign saying 'Dignity in Care'.

Great Britain is a shell of a nation it used to be, They could hardly defend themselves vs Argentina in the Falkland crisis. They actually gave in to Libya and released a terrorist .

It is a nation that nolw has a generation olf red diaper doper babies who put their own needs ahead of the survival of its won nation. who murdered innocent women and children in the Pan Am Bombing

Brits need to take some advice from U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Asl what you can do for your country."

Wake up Britain, you are not woed a living and health care and education need to be privatized to survive.

Donald Iarussi MFA
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Tea party

09.12.2010 15:39

Come to the UK with you teas party nonsense and we will smash you crockery and eat your biscuits.

Fuck off.


downward spiral

09.12.2010 16:03

Is it just me, or do the ideas, content, and tone of the comments coming from our north American friends seem to be getting increasingly vacuous and inane every single day?

Perhaps it's because of their privatised health system...


ask not again

09.12.2010 16:38

ask not what your country can do for you blah blah

thats why the corporations shift their ops and taxes away at the first chance

munki lodjik