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The Freemasons are the biggest tax dodgers of them all.

Dodgy Lodgy. | 08.12.2010 12:03

In certain areas of the country, Freemasons who are defrauding HMRC are being assisted in their crimes by fellow Brothers in HMRC.

This system has been allowed to continue for many years and those involved get away with it.

Whatever crime they have committed, or type of problem they have, the Freemasons have always been able to call on their Brothers for assistance. When it comes to looking after themselves, the Freemasons have lied, thieved and acted to protect each other thoroughout history.

This is also true of Freemasons who evade their taxes and are the subject of investigation by HMRC. Their dodgy accounts can be investigated and they can be asked to pay a settelement to HMRC. This is in respect of tax that has been underpaid by fraud, or neglect. Amounts can run into hundreds of thousands of pounds, or more.

The men who work at senior levels within HMRC are often Freemasons. Membership of the Freemasons can assist with promotion and ease life in other ways within HMRC. There is less risk of an unwanted transfer to somewhere grim. It can be possible to get up to all sorts of activities with no risk of censure. Say no more!

In one area of the country, there was a senior Tax Inspector, call him TD. TD worked in a small town in North Wales. He had numerous "business" interests, which were not quite the done thing for a Tax Inspector, one of Her Majesty's servants. These included making, distributing and selling pornographic films. There were other "businesses" run in the sex industry but as a senior Freemason and a senior Tax Inspector, TD survived and prospered.

North Wales has many self employed people, there is a large tourist industry with hotels and guest houses along the coast. There are also a variety of other small businesses run by the self employed. North Wales is also an area where the Freemasons have a huge amount of influence. One town, Llandudno, is known as "Masonville" in the book, Inside the Brotherhood" by Martin Short.

TD was in great demand from his Masonic Brothers who were the subject of investigation by HMRC. They asked him to help them to get away with paying the settlements that were being demanded of them. He spoke to other Masons within HMRC and they came up with a plan to assist those who asked for help.

TD would visit each of the Tax Districts within the North Wales area and where there were investigations into other Freemasons, he would find some grounds to close these down. There were no legal reasons for dealing with these cases in this way. This was designed just to assist his Brothers and to stop them having to pay their rightful dues to HMRC.

Other Tax Inspectors who were Freemasons got to hear of what was happening but did nothing and went along with what was, in effect, conspiracy to defraud the Exchequer, a criminal offence.

The amounts involved in the loss of taxes were thought to run into many millions as this state of affairs continued for very many years.

In the end, the people in London Head Office heard about this arrangement. They sent men to investigate and the outcome was that TD was sacked. There was an outcry amongst his fellow tax inspectors and Masonic Brothers. TD appealed and his Brothers altered and "lost" evidence to support his case. In the end TD was reintstated as a senior tax inspector but he was monitored, so his activities were thought to have ended. The people who dodged their tax settlements were never asked to pay these. The cases were not reopened after they were shut down by TD.

The details of this were never put into the public domain. HMRC preferred to cover it up. Those who had committed criminal offences did not face any charges and continued in their jobs without censure, or disciplinary action.

It is known that this system has existed in other areas of the country too.

This is a true story. The Freemasons are able to commit fraud, tax evasion and get away with it by the conduct of their Brothers in HMRC.

There is also the fact that Freemasonry itself is deemed to be a charity and as such is exempt from tax liabilities.

Dodgy Lodgy.
