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Brighton Rebel Alliance - this Sunday

... | 07.12.2010 19:21 | Anti-racism | Palestine | Public sector cuts

6pm, Upstairs at the Hobgoblin

Pissed off about rising tuition fees and cuts to welfare or want to campaign against your local arms company or confront the EDL....

The Rebel Alliance is Brighton's meeting of anti-authoritarian direct action groups, a forum where we can exchange ideas and plan resistance.

No Cops or Fash



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EDL's Counterrevolutionaries In Action

10.12.2010 08:52

It's funny how EDL members are making comments about wanting the police to beat up and kill demonstrators, when they themselves complain about heavy handed policing: -

I just read these comments on the EDL's Zetaboards: -

(dudleyanglosaxon, Thu Dec 9, 9:34 PM Post #211) "Time to use more force on these anarchists!! bullets if necessary..."

(dudleyanglosaxon Yesterday, 10:06 PM Post #217) "Throw them in the fcukin River Thames!"

(birmingham-loyal, Thu Dec 9 2010, 10:04 PM) Id drowned the work shy cnuts with a water cannon and leave them out in the cold all night..."

The real reason why they want the cops to treat their very own racist thugs with inpunity, while beating up, drowning and shooting student fees marchers Pinochet-style is summed-up by EDL member Wodin:

(Wodin) "Why the fcuk should we pay for a load of students education when all they do is protest against the EDL?"

Wodin is also on Stormfront, and is an Odin-worshipping senior BNP member who has joined the EDL to make sure they become anti-leftwing as much as anti-Muslim.

Exposing The EDL

Spot On!

10.12.2010 12:45

Another hardcore white supremacist on the Zetaboards is: "whitevenom76" who regularly posts links to Stormfront for people to join in neo-Nazi debates there, many of which espouse pure anti-Semitism and the adoration of the Waffen SS.

The EDL have had their cover blown as the home for pure Hitlerite neo-Nazis and Orin worshippers, and yet, these hardcore racists are still part of the EDL apparatus as they serve an extreme rightwing purpose.

And yet the mainstream media has gone overboard on a few students protesting about fees in London.

Most clearly, the EDL are run by MI5 as a safety valve for racist hooligans and hardcore neo-Nazis with the BNP disintegrating. By heightening Islamophobia and it's effects which include burning down mosques in Stoke, the coailition government's continuation of colonialist wars in Afganistan is shored up by anti-Muslim street violence. The racial tension breeds support for Islamic radical organisations like Islam4UK and its successors, and gives the Coalition a greater reason to keep sending British troops to their deaths fighting the Taliban.

Which is why the EDL are allowed by the authorities to hijack troops homecoming events with impunity. It all stinks, and reminds me of the counterrevolutionary movements which were set up in America after the anti-Vietnam protests to keep anarchists and socialists on their toes, pre-Ronald Raegan.

It does seem incredibly strange that the BBC don't give a single mention on News24 of the last weekend's EDL racist violence which included throwing fireworks at women and children, and yet, they are now focusing on acts of violence by student fee proetstors.

Double-standards or what?

The BBC need to be emailed and phoned up each time they choose to take sides and play down fascist violence while demonising students.

We all know Yaxley Lennon is a special branch snitch, and so is Jeff Marsh, so the question must be asked, who exactly is pulling the EDL's strings?

And why??????
