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Riot shields as steering wheels

Stay Safe | 07.12.2010 18:20 | Public sector cuts | Repression

If you are going on a protest, especially in London, try this to keep from being hit by a police bludgeon.

Riot shields as steering wheels

When faced with a cop with a round riot shield in one hand and a bludgeon in the other and you feel in danger of being struck, try this.

The cop will most likely be holding the shield in their left hand so they can hit you with the right. Round shields typically have two straps on the inside, the cop puts his arm through one up to the elbow, and grips the other with his hand.

Grab the shield at the top and bottom, with your right hand at the bottom and your left hand at the top. Then turn it anti-clockwise, like using a steering wheel to turn left, and at the same time lift it.
(If the cop has the shield on his right arm, then turn it clockwise for the same affect.)

This should force the cop to bend to his right, his striking arm down, and give you time to get away or think what to do next.

Lifting at the same time gives the cop the option to cling onto the shield and be controlled, or let go, and you now have a useful shield against subsequent bludgeon blows.

Practice this with your mates using cardboard or wooden shields.

Let’s stay safe out there people.

Stay Safe


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Nice One!

07.12.2010 18:36

Excellent useful advice there for peacefully ejecting yourself from being held against your will (and in breach of your human rights) in the kettle...the amount of force excercised whilst performing this manouver is of course completely down to the individual!
More creative thinking / sharing like this!
Nice one!


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07.12.2010 19:18

it be turn clockwise and lift?


good advice

07.12.2010 19:37

this worked in Lewisham, we managed to rip off the riot shields of some of the cops!



07.12.2010 21:04

"shouldn't it be turn clockwise and lift?"

- no, you would twist the coppers body around so he would be behind you, it would hurt him but you won't release the sheild, and you would be struck on the back of the head, if you go this way it should be twist and pull down, then release.... he will still have the sheild though, as you won't have straightened his arm.


coupled with this:

08.12.2010 09:34

the Crimea Bridge Riot Moscow

Good footage of skirmish lines and breaking through police lines from way back in early 90-s

That’s the kind of thing we need here to break this coalition.
Enough people + enough anger and unity from across the entire population = we can smash them.

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