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New Oxford social centre evicted! | 06.12.2010 00:10 | Education | Free Spaces | Oxford

Within hours of the call out to inaugerate the opening of a new social centre in Oxford heavy handed police response puts a spanner in the works...

After a fun communal day of cleaning and preparation the inaugeration of Oxford´s new social centre was rudely interrupted by the appearance of more than 8 police cars, vans, an attack dog and plenty of police armed with battering rams for a hasty eviction.
A very clear indication of Oxford police force´s attitude to legal squatting rights and the effort to rebuild free spaces for community projects and social solidarity in times of crisis...
(Mabye Tesco had something to do with too.)
Not to worry - plenty of leafletting and positive conversations with neighbours highlighted the local support out there for a new social centre - watch this space!

Please stay in touch and send any messages of support or suggestions to
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Must be doing something right

06.12.2010 00:24

In my eyes the more repressive the state is the more effective you are being. This sort of direct action is incredible on so many levels, and is the real hard work that must be done to claim back our future. Mega Solidarity and Love and best luck for the future.


It's a Fascist Regime!

06.12.2010 01:00

While I agree with Frank's comment that the 'authorities' are finally showing their hand. It is still a great pity that so many people have been alienated by the state systems and are not able to live without the constant nagging fear of enemployment, homelessness and myriad of so many other needless causes of stress in our live.


Maybe wait a day or two?

09.12.2010 16:01

It was a great idea to squat the building, but maybe not such a great idea to announce it immediately. In my memory, political squats always waited a few days before opening to visitors, to establish security, who was going to be there, sort the place out a bit etc, and get their barricading sorted if nec.
