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New social centre opened in Oxford! | 05.12.2010 18:13 | Education | Free Spaces | Oxford

As of today the Fox and Hound pub on the corner of Abingdon and Wiers road, derelict since July 2009, has reopened for the use of the local community as a space for free cultural expression and the growth of solidarity in a climate of austerity.

We are happy to announce the birth of a new social centre in Oxford!
As of today the Fox and Hound pub on the corner of Abingdon and Wiers road, derelict since July 2009, has reopened for the use of the local community as a space for free cultural expression and the growth of solidarity in a climate of austerity.

Even more good news: our potential hub of communal re-creation stands in the way of a second attempt by grocery market monopoliser Tesco to buy up the land, demolish the site and build yet another supermarket in its aggressive tactic of out-competing local shops and businesses. Hurray!

We think it´s scandalous to have buildings stand empty in a city with a chronic lack of affordable housing and free spaces for social events and gatherings and so we decided to respond to Tesco´s latest bid at community take-over with direct action: by re-appropriating this abandoned building for the public good.

A variety of activities have already been proposed: as a space for free community meals (courtesy of Oxford Food Not Bombs) a café, music and events venue, as a community garden and as a space for skill sharing and workshops. Following the successful liberation and subsequent eviction of the Radcliff Camera library the Oxford Occupation-In-Exile are also keen to move the free university into a new space for critical and non-hierarchical education and skills sharing. Any other creative and inspired collectives are welcome to add their energy to the project!

We hope that the space can become a focal point for a wider discussion about our community and how it will fare in the coming year, bearing in mind the huge cuts to social welfare planned by the Con-Dem government. By offering a free space to hold meetings and community events, we believe the newly-revived Fox and Hound can play an effective role in local organising against these unprecedented attacks on our society.

From the rising student movement, to trade unionists and pensioners, the wider public are mobilising and we need spaces to consolidate our efforts and create a common platform of resistance. This is a community effort! Please come and join us with your ideas, your energy and your creative skills.

Pop by, say hello and share some tea any time. Anyone who feels motivated would be welcome to help us rejuvenate this beautiful building and take part in making this an open project guided by and able to answer the genuine needs of the local community: first general assembly tomorrow (December 6th) to discuss the use of the space and upcoming events.

This is a call out to all activists, community builders and local residents – come, add your voice to the project and help determine its future – infinite possibilities exist wherever we work together with solidarity and imagination!

Hope to see you there very soon

Get in touch at:

P.S. We would particularly appreciate any kind donations of beds, blankets and any other unused furniture for the immediate future!



05.12.2010 20:07

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05.12.2010 18:59

This is fantastic news! Well done to all involved, stay warm, I'll try and drop by with a box of tea soon. Funds are limited so I doubt Ill be able to manage much more.

In solidarity!

Oxford citizen

Similar projects in France.

05.12.2010 19:52

They've been a nice mixture of useful, interesting, divisive and isolated.

We'll be translating some of their communiques shortly.


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05.12.2010 20:08

Sorry, contact via:
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evicted already

05.12.2010 22:21

Police intimidated people out of the place claiming there was evidence of damage :(

Watch this space! The project will hopefully continue, after this brief false start!


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