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Fees Vote Protest London 9.12.10

ANITCUTS | 04.12.2010 21:17 | Public sector cuts



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Lobby Our MP's? Surely we've gone a bit further than this

05.12.2010 00:26

There's only one good use for a candle lit vigil at Parliament!
There's only one good use for a candle lit vigil at Parliament!

Hardly a battle coming down, is it! After all the occupations and amazing demos on the streets that brought together a lot of pissed off students, college students and others, we are now asked to 'lobby our MP's' and 'demand our MP listens to us'. Following this by a candlelit vigil! Beggars belief, really! Surely this we've moved further on than this in the last few weeks for the first time in donkey's years. What happened to 'Tory Scum - Here We Come!' and other classics. It's because MP's dont listen or actually give a shit about what we think that things progressed to way they are now - outwitting the police, taking back the streets and occupying! Don't give in to the fuckers who now want to turn the fight into something they control, whether it's the NUS, the ULU Central Committee or anyone! Keep on fighting esp on the 9th!

Bored Already

Remember Stop The War Coalition

05.12.2010 18:06

Despite millions on the street they apparently couldn't stop the war.

Same people behind Coalition of Resistance.

Don't trust the leaders. Organise up not down.

Coalition Watcher


05.12.2010 18:21

No doubt the unions would like us all to keep protesting our ' own' specific anger at what is going on to separate occaisions. All the better to maintain their control of events ( divide and rule - the same old, old story from the same old, old Left). Divide the young from the old, the students from the workers, the workers from the unemployed, women from men, families from single people...etc etc. It's vital that we stay in control of all this so it evolves organicaly. These are early days. We must keep our wits about us and be ruthless with those attempting to split us up. Lobbying MP's ? Well clearly that is laughable and so out of touch with what has been achieved so far. Parliament square is a trap, a guaranteed kettle for the photographing of us all onto the public order database. Keep up the imagination, keep up the creativity - this the very stuff of life. This is how we stay strong. Kisses.



05.12.2010 18:21

No doubt the unions would like us all to keep protesting our ' own' specific anger at what is going on to separate occaisions. All the better to maintain their control of events ( divide and rule - the same old, old story from the same old, old Left). Divide the young from the old, the students from the workers, the workers from the unemployed, women from men, families from single people...etc etc. It's vital that we stay in control of all this so it evolves organicaly. These are early days. We must keep our wits about us and be ruthless with those attempting to split us up. Lobbying MP's ? Well clearly that is laughable and so out of touch with what has been achieved so far. Parliament square is a trap, a guaranteed kettle for the photographing of us all onto the public order database. Keep up the imagination, keep up the creativity - this the very stuff of life. This is how we stay strong. Kisses.


....on the other hand....

05.12.2010 21:00 could indeed spend the day listening to some egotistical wannabe-mp unionista tell you what 'we' should be doing, and wave your candles....

...or if you are a little more self reliant, and prefer some grass roots, non-union organised, non-hierarchical direct action coming from the East London / Essex area against state cuts and oppression and the governments contemptuous attempts to drive the non-rich / working classes into the ground, visit or email for details of meeting points for our next day out...

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