WikiLeaks: Kurze, aktuelle Nachrichten
Mario Armandi | 04.12.2010 12:01 | Free Spaces | Social Struggles | Technology | Cambridge | Oxford
WikiLeaks: Kurze, aktuelle Nachrichten von WikiLeaks erhalten. ..... WIKILEAKS: Free speech has a number .... ...'Wikileaks' now twice as known as well known as 'Wikipedia' according to Google. .... .... Auf Twitter erhältst Du Nachrichten in Echtzeit. Es ist ganz einfach, Dich auf dem Laufenden zu halten. ... ......... Assange’s Delusions on Bibi and Mideast Peace, Amazon’s Spinelessness ......

The problem with writing a blog is that you write one thing one day and by the next it’s overtaken by events and you have to backtrack and take back almost everything you said the day before. Such is the case with Julian Assange, about whom I wrote that it would be enormous folly for the U.S. to prosecute him for espionage violations for his role in the Wikileaks episode .......... Tikun Olam-.....: Make the World a Better Place - Essays on politics, culture and ideas about Israeli-Arab peace and world music ....... .......... WikiLeaks cables: Conservatives promised to run 'pro-American regime' ........ Leaked dispatch reveals how US diplomats are amused by Britain's 'paranoid' fears about so-called special relationship .......
Picture: ... Make the World a Better Place .... WIKILEAKS: Free speech has a number .... ..... teotitlan rug3 -

Picture: ... Make the World a Better Place .... WIKILEAKS: Free speech has a number ....

Mario Armandi