Anti-nuclear campaigners brand Government energy view a 'fantasy'
Stop Nuclear Power Network | 03.12.2010 22:05 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis
Activists interrupt public meeting to read out ‘cautionary tale’
West country members of the Stop Nuclear Power Network, have slammed a government consultation on the future of the UK’s energy supply - held on Monday (29 November) in Bristol - as ‘trying to sell a fantasy’. And activists attending the public meeting, held by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), interrupted this afternoon’s event to read out their own ‘cautionary tale’ - which outlines the nightmare future that could be created if a new generation of nuclear power stations is given the go-ahead.
West country members of the Stop Nuclear Power Network, have slammed a government consultation on the future of the UK’s energy supply - held on Monday (29 November) in Bristol - as ‘trying to sell a fantasy’. And activists attending the public meeting, held by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), interrupted this afternoon’s event to read out their own ‘cautionary tale’ - which outlines the nightmare future that could be created if a new generation of nuclear power stations is given the go-ahead.
Local activist, Nikki Clark, says preliminary statements on nuclear power published by the DECC prior to today’s meeting acknowledge the huge negative impact that nuclear new-build will have on communities, biodiversity and water resources. ‘Yet despite this, they are continuing to push their nuclear agenda - claiming that it’s in the public interest,’ she says.
In response, activists opposed to EDF’s bid to build two new reactors at Hinkley Point, Somerset, halted the meeting to read out their own ‘cautionary tale’. The story described the plight of a greedy king who buys a dragon that breathes endless supplies of fire from its mouth - but also creates a mountain of highly poisonous waste from its rear end.
‘We can't believe that a Government in the 21st century can get away with telling fairy stories about nuclear energy to the nation and dressing it up as fact,’ Nikki explained. ‘In response, we’ve created our own cautionary tale which clearly illustrates the fatal flaws in nuclear energy production. The problems associated with the long-term storage of radioactive waste remains unsolved and we feel outraged at the government’s blindness to this issue. The nuclear industry has already left us with a terrible legacy for future generations – and now the Government wants to compound the problem.'
Fellow campaigner, Zoe Smith, added: 'They're promoting nuclear power as a sustainable option and claiming that we can't meet our carbon reduction targets without it. Yet only three years ago the Sustainable Development Commission produced a report that reinforced the widely held position amongst academics and scientists that carbon reduction targets can be met without new nuclear build (2).'
Nikki Clark, who lives close to Hinkley Point, added: 'People need to be reminded that the nuclear industry is still as dangerous as it is ever was and that more reactors will just increase the possibility of more radioactive leaks or another Chernobyl-style disaster.'
For further details contact Nancy Birch on: 07506-006597
1 - EN 6 draft statement on energy policy nuclear main report
2 - Sustainable Development Commission positon paper on the role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy
See also the following report:
Stop Nuclear Power Network
On Twitter:
Boycott EDF
No Need for Nuclear
Stop Hinkley
In response, activists opposed to EDF’s bid to build two new reactors at Hinkley Point, Somerset, halted the meeting to read out their own ‘cautionary tale’. The story described the plight of a greedy king who buys a dragon that breathes endless supplies of fire from its mouth - but also creates a mountain of highly poisonous waste from its rear end.
‘We can't believe that a Government in the 21st century can get away with telling fairy stories about nuclear energy to the nation and dressing it up as fact,’ Nikki explained. ‘In response, we’ve created our own cautionary tale which clearly illustrates the fatal flaws in nuclear energy production. The problems associated with the long-term storage of radioactive waste remains unsolved and we feel outraged at the government’s blindness to this issue. The nuclear industry has already left us with a terrible legacy for future generations – and now the Government wants to compound the problem.'
Fellow campaigner, Zoe Smith, added: 'They're promoting nuclear power as a sustainable option and claiming that we can't meet our carbon reduction targets without it. Yet only three years ago the Sustainable Development Commission produced a report that reinforced the widely held position amongst academics and scientists that carbon reduction targets can be met without new nuclear build (2).'
Nikki Clark, who lives close to Hinkley Point, added: 'People need to be reminded that the nuclear industry is still as dangerous as it is ever was and that more reactors will just increase the possibility of more radioactive leaks or another Chernobyl-style disaster.'
For further details contact Nancy Birch on: 07506-006597
1 - EN 6 draft statement on energy policy nuclear main report
2 - Sustainable Development Commission positon paper on the role of nuclear power in a low carbon economy
See also the following report:

Stop Nuclear Power Network

On Twitter:

Boycott EDF

No Need for Nuclear

Stop Hinkley

Stop Nuclear Power Network
network [at]