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International Solidarity Call by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (Greece)

))) | 03.12.2010 18:43

International Revolutionary Front


Another reason of our action, via the mass sending of incendiary parcels to embassies and European leaders, was so we can make an international call.

We therefore call to all lengths and widths of the earth, from Europe to Latin America, for the strengthening of the revolutionary war. We organize internationally and aim at the enemy. We can’t wait to see the subversive elements flooding the streets and the guerrilla groups striking again and again. All means unlock and go on the table without taboos and fetishisation. On the demonstrations we smash the heads of cops, banks are robbed and are delivered to flames, bombs blow up governmental buildings, guns execute politicians, journalists, cops, judges, as well as all sorts of protectors of this world.

This way, step by step, the domestic internal enemy becomes even more dangerous for them. Also solidarity, one of the most powerful and authentic weapons of revolutionary forces, acquires a stronger and coordinated cry. To the mass arrests on a protest in Belgium we in reprisal will put bombs in Greece and when a revolutionary team is jailed in Chile, Argentina should fill with rubble from the attacks of comrades. For us the dead guerrillas and prisoners are not a point of truce, on the contrary they become the motive force of the exacerbation of revolutionary processes. This is why we believe that Solidarity should become more an armed stubbornness of today and not a humanitarian protest of reform.

On the 17th January 2011 in Athens, will be the trial for the case of our revolutionary organization. In this are being tried some our proud members, some revolutionaries and other anarchists because of personal relations with the accused. It is of no value to speak of the trial, since we define ourselves outside the limits of juridical authorities. What has substance is the expression of aggressive solidarity to the comrades that are accused and are in prison for this case. For us, despite the man-hunt that has been unleashed against us by the police, as well as the recent arrest of our 2 members, nothing can stop the continuous and evolutionary course of our action.

In our decision to promote a battle to the end, WE CALL in Greece, Europe, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and to the whole world to the comrades and guerrilla formations to send their attacking signals to the judges and the Greek authorities, as well as a greeting of solidarity to the hostages of the new urban guerrilla warfare. Let this trial become another reason for action in the Revolutionary War.



Letter from Gerasimos Tsakalos & Panagiotis Argirou (Greece)

New first letter from the imprisoned fighters of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire who were arrested in the 1st Nov. 2010 ‘letter-bombs’ case, which sparked international attention from mainstream global media and their overseers.


On 01/11/2010, after we have already delivered two incendiary packages to Suisse Mail on Astidamantos street and to ACS on Spirou Merkouri street; in Pangrati, sent to the Mexican embassy in Athens and the address of Eurojust (EU Police agency) in the Hague, we are surrounded by police officers of the DIAS group (motorbike task force) and arrested. In our possession were found two more packages of incendiary parcels destined for the presidential residence of Nicolas Sarkozy in France and the Belgian Embassy in Athens.

As revolutionaries we do not recognize any interrogating authority. So, we were bound to refuse to apologize to cops and investigators, since our revolutionary position only before the public and comrades we feel as a duty to promote.

We declare ourselves, therefore, hostages of the revolutionary war, proud members of the revolutionary organization Conspiracy Cells of Fire. We do not regret anything and we support all communiques and actions of our organization, as well as those that will happen from now on, which made us and will make us proud.

We support with all our soul the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, because it is also a part of our soul. We pride ourselves in our selection to find ourselves in a position of attack against the system.

Even through the difficult conditions of detention we will not stop showing never our clear views and positions on armed violence, urban guerrilla warfare and the revolution.

Comrades, let us not allow them to take from us even a drop of land.
Comrades, lets break the apathy and social stupefaction.

Let’s blow up the regularity of society once and for all.

P.S. There is no more beautiful way to show solidarity and the widening of the revolutionary consciousness than the continuation and intensification of diverse guerrilla action. So we send our most sincere comrade greetings to the guerrillas, which in spite of the times, continue to shine with fires of hate the miserable nights of the metropolis.

In the campaign for international solidarity to foreign organizations and imprisoned fighters, a communique of the organization will follow.


Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Commando Practical Theory

Gerasimos Tsakalos
Panagiotis Argirou



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04.12.2010 08:23

And what solidarity does Conspiracy show to the rest of the movement but just the self-elected, egotistical mentality like in the 1970's. YOU have decided to take YOUR couse of action, with out discussion or collective responsible, this is an INDIVIDUAL struggle and does NOT represent the desires of the many hundreds of thousands of civilians involved in the conflict against state and capital.



04.12.2010 10:07

Wrong wrong 'anarkia'. the group came from the anarchist social movement around the time of Alexis murder and clearly respond to social conditions and the anti-state/anti-capitalist struggle, they have taken part in campaigns of solidarity, like for example the struggle against prisons and in solidarity with hungerstrikes. the group are part of the -social insurrection-.

the group do not need to answer to your 'collective responsibility' cry, and nor do i, nor any of our people. this term is usually the short-hand for vanguardism, platformism, federationism. crap. this is stuck in the past. without revolutionary direct action there is NO movement. all actions are made by 'individuals' and yes they also have an individual perspective, maybe they are not all clones. they have nothing to do with vanguardist 1970s groups, nothing. they are anarchist and insurrectional. you would know this if you were not blinked by your ideological blinders. also these federation people do nothing for the revolutionary prisoners and you want to deny the prisoners solidarity also, you are a parasite creep and not an anarchist. more like a shill or cheap shit.

long live the armed social struggle - for a new generation of conflict.

anarchist revolt