(13 min audio) Anti-War Activist Fears4Life of Assange, Calls4Release of Manning
Plowshares | 03.12.2010 08:42
Ciaronj O'Reilly is a long time member of the anarcho pacifist Catholic Worker movement. Over the last 20 years he has participated in 3 plowshare communities
http://www.craftech.com/~dcpledge/brandywine/plow/ on 3 continents - B52 Bomber in New York (eve of the gulf War '91), uranium mining equipment at Jabiluka Mine site NT, Australia '98 (part of a series of NVDA that closed the mine) and a U.S. warplane at Shannon Airport Ireland '03 (in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq).

The Pitstop Plooughshares/ Catholic Worker 5/ "Shannon 5" were referred to in secret cables from the U.S. Embassy exposed by Wikileaks.
O'Reilly stated today,
"Members of what is left of the anti-war movement should seriously consider whether they are going to grant sanctuary to Assange if he comes a knocking on your door.
Better to work out your attitude before it happens. Assange has pissed off a lot of powerful people with no respect for human life.
It is an indictment on the anti-war movement that Bradley Manning is never uttered by the movement's self appointed bureaucrats. Bradley Manning is the political prisoner of our movement. If you haven't given up and still oppose this war...send him a postcard (from your favourite pseudonym if need be) asap. Time's a wastin' they've got him buried alive! Bradleyneeds to be hearing form you for chrissake!"
***Write to Bradley!
Letters and postcards to:
Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610
*Letters will be opened, "contraband" discarded and then mailed weekly to Bradley via someone on his approved correspondence list.
Go to this website to find ways to express ya solidarity...
Bradley Manning support website
****Steve Austin ABC RADIO ( Queensland/ Australia) Interviews Ciaron O'Reilly on Wikileaks
(Audio - 13 mins)
02 December 2010
Ciaron O'Reilly is a long time Australian/Irish anti-war protestor who - amongst many things - has been notable for attacking and damaging a B-52 bomber with 'shovels and sticks and stones (sic)' during the 1991 Gulf War. He disarmed a US navy warplane at Ireland's Shannon Airport in 2003, and he's disabled uranium mining equipment in the Northern Territory. He's been referred to by American officials in the latest Wikileaks documents as a member of the Shannon Five. What are his thoughts on what Julian Assange is doing?
O'Reilly stated today,
"Members of what is left of the anti-war movement should seriously consider whether they are going to grant sanctuary to Assange if he comes a knocking on your door.
Better to work out your attitude before it happens. Assange has pissed off a lot of powerful people with no respect for human life.
It is an indictment on the anti-war movement that Bradley Manning is never uttered by the movement's self appointed bureaucrats. Bradley Manning is the political prisoner of our movement. If you haven't given up and still oppose this war...send him a postcard (from your favourite pseudonym if need be) asap. Time's a wastin' they've got him buried alive! Bradleyneeds to be hearing form you for chrissake!"
***Write to Bradley!
Letters and postcards to:
Bradley Manning
c/o Courage to Resist
484 Lake Park Ave #41
Oakland CA 94610
*Letters will be opened, "contraband" discarded and then mailed weekly to Bradley via someone on his approved correspondence list.
Go to this website to find ways to express ya solidarity...
Bradley Manning support website

****Steve Austin ABC RADIO ( Queensland/ Australia) Interviews Ciaron O'Reilly on Wikileaks
(Audio - 13 mins)
02 December 2010
Ciaron O'Reilly is a long time Australian/Irish anti-war protestor who - amongst many things - has been notable for attacking and damaging a B-52 bomber with 'shovels and sticks and stones (sic)' during the 1991 Gulf War. He disarmed a US navy warplane at Ireland's Shannon Airport in 2003, and he's disabled uranium mining equipment in the Northern Territory. He's been referred to by American officials in the latest Wikileaks documents as a member of the Shannon Five. What are his thoughts on what Julian Assange is doing?

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You love the sound of your own name Ciaron
03.12.2010 09:35
for fucks sake
For Fucks Sake
03.12.2010 09:51
For Gods sake...
ok dufus...we'll take this really slow for ya...
03.12.2010 10:32
1. You're a coward...that is self evident...........you attack someone who is fully named from the safety of anonymity...stick to attacking other pseudonyms (like me)...that would display some ethics if not courage! Of course you could be a cop or a troll.
2. Unlike you, Ciaron is not a coward. That is some track record. Why does it stand out? Because there isn't much, competition! There is more courage and solidarity displayed in the British military than the British peace movement, that is why the British war continues.
- Assange - Australian
- Manning American
- O'Reilly - Irish/ Australian
- "For Fucks Sake" - whinging pom??
- "talking about self promotion"
Ok dufus, if you haven't got an agent it's all self promotion or a housebroken silence or you are in the SWP and you control the platform.
"mixed with religious mumbo jumbo,"
"Mumbo Jumbo" sounds like a racist British colonial term..you'll be using "paddy wagon" next!
"what exactly have you religious nutters achieved with your peacefull direct action."
Well if you bothered to read the links you will find (from the actions Ciaron was involved in) -
-a B52 Bomber on scramble alert that was taken out of action for the length of Gulf War 1 - '91
- uranium mining equipment that was disabled and the Jabiluka Mine closed '98 (still closed at time of writing 12 years later)
- a U.S. war plane on the way to Iraq that never made it, disabled and returned to Texas '03
"I will tell you... absolutely fuck all bar Ciaron's ego trips and him assuming anybody gives a shit about the irrelevant bollocks he keeps posting."
Can't find that assumption in the original posting...but if he has disrupted your adoelescent anarchist circle jerk in cyberspace...you did have the choice not to access the posting....couldn't help yourself uh?...is there something your not sharing with the group...some kind of magnetic uncontrolable attraction to Ciaron's postings? or maybe your just a troll or another cop with the hots for Ciaron?
"Ciaron you holding a badly written placard is not an action its just an ego driven waste of time."
There you go agin it's all about budget really and the legitimate voices of dissent...SWP, Amnesty and the Greens all have nice placards maybe they got a bigger budget than Ciaron?..and spin doctors...and people who do their publicity.
I think he made that placard and went around street speaking and trying to make people aware of the imprisonment of Bradley Manning at the Nov. 20th. "Stop the War" march. Of course Manning was not to be mentioned from the stage that day.
"God is dead!"
Jury is still out on that one! But defo you "for fucks sake" will be soon enough...thanksbetoGod!
Statin' the Obvious
Blah blah blah blah blah
03.12.2010 11:43
Statin' the Obvious
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