Voices from occupied Nottingham
anon@indymedia.org (btm) | 01.12.2010 18:23 | Public sector cuts
I popped down to the University of Nottingham today to see how the student occupiers were getting on. I found a well organised group making use of the space for workshops, meetings and catching up with their coursework. In between these activities a few of the occupiers found time to chat about what it's all about.
As soon as I arrived at the Trent Building the enhanced security presence was obvious. Two guards were stood outside the main entrance (near the VC's office) and a few more were prowling about.
In spite of the snow some of the occupiers were enthusiastically handing out flyers for their 1pm general meeting and encouraging groups of students to come and check out the space.
The Great Hall is a great space for the students to have taken. It is just down the corridor from the offices of the main administrators of the university, including the Vice Chancellors office. It is also mainly used for corporate functions so a) the students aren't disrupting much teaching and b) they're hitting the university where it hurts, in the pocket.
The occupiers are well organised, taking it in turns to do door duty, which mainly involves keeping security away. Security seem to be keeping a low profile at the moment, although one guy did turn up when he saw some lads from Beeston come in for food. He seemed very concerned that they were going to nick all of the occupiers' stuff!
The occupation is well stocked for food and other provisions. Apparently one lecturer turned up with a shopping trolley full of stuff for them. They say they have had a mixed reception from the student body, who are mostly apathetic, but have had a great reception from members of staff.
There is a whiteboard on the wall which is being used to timetable events. While I was there there were a number of workshops scheduled including a speaker from Venezuela, activism and the media and one about staff involvement with the campaign. There was also a general meeting planned which was to be a decision making forum about how to continue the protests and the occupation.
Yesterday the students had a march and rally before starting the occupation. They said it was several hundred strong and included local sixth formers and students from Nottingham Trent.
The occupiers would really like more people to come and support them, so please come along and keep the space occupied!
anon@indymedia.org (btm)