then again if your just a mindless agent provacetuer & you wear a fancy dress mask, its probably best you get charged by proper activists & or the police.
To any protestors who are thinking that 'a demo is ok as long as it stays peaceful' and 'it's a bunch of violent protestors that ruin things', please read: 'How Nonviolence Protects the State' (Peter Gelderloos) and 'Pacifism as Pathology' (Arbeiter Ring)
There's a reason why those in power are the first to decry our use of force, property damage etc and that's because it's effective and threatens their hold over us. Yet they are unflinching when it comes to using violence to suppress dissent. Their use of force is legitimate (they can even get away with murder) and ours is illegal! By all means, make that decision for yourself, but please respect everyone else's right to decide otherwise.
Revolutionaries dont have to riot, especially when the corporate media& police largely twist it & use it as an excuse to crack down. Our message does get picked up & used in other ways a la Space Hijacker+party & protest, self defence should only be used for self defence, the majority of people are on our side all we have to do is organise, dont be a reactionary.
Why is it whenever occupations or rts are successful the police start or boil us up in kettles to start riots in front of the media with their "evil rioters"soundbites set up,why do we often oblige???
The democratic russian revolution which started on the Potemkin& the capital port of St petersburg became successful when the police joined its ranks, this was before Lenins& stalins tookover with gold from the kaiser.
Ive been a serious MIB& written phamplets & read books on it, I was rightfully angy at the time, luckily now my sense of humour is back& I go4 justice in more fruitful ways.
If nazis start serious attacks on us & or we start getting shot I'll be back in, but lets stop ruining demos & encouraging idiots to hit crowds on their side in the back of the head with bricks, it isnt smart,it isnt grown up& it doesnt work
Next time the met put a kettle on avoid & or give them a tea cosy.
fair enough for going on demonstrations & being willing to risk yourself, just be smart about it please.
If your theres any rogue police-corporate agent provacetuers reading this like our "dear friend" from nottingham Mark Kennedy stone, then good luck with your headfuk. "Mark was always into spiking it up against the fash or police& he seemed so coherent.....," yeh he did& he was usually there when trouble brewed, he got into pretty serious fights with police on more than one occasion. "What a man, we need more like him",funnily enough he only appeared on the scene after leaflets like this became popular briefly 10 yrs ago. innit strange
as other comments say Iam really not sure about the eyes though, doesnt look much like fun, looks more edl than revoltionary J18 masks were much more sexy
as other comments say Iam really not sure about the eyes though, doesnt look much like fun, looks more edl than revoltionary J18 masks were much more sexy
There's some bollox written on this thread from the usual 'don't give the police an excuse to crack down' brigade. Don't you mugs understand (and btw your analysis of the russian revolution is pathetic) that the cops don't need an excuse to 'crack down' beyond their orders and our dissent? As for Mark Stone/Kennedy, I can say with authority that he never did fuck all in terms of the fash. Don't worry wankers, if things really do get 'spikey', you'll very quickly find out just how irrelevent you really are.
No ones saying the police dont need a excuse to crack down, us acting reactionary just makes it easier for some of their machievellian bosses. Until the recent blatant sacrificial van incident exposed on youtube&ITN briefly& after the Millbank fire extinguisher snafu, kettling was rightly restricted after G20. An activist calledACAB from sheffield found out his longlost half brother is a copper, this almost said it all.
Relying on"Respect my authority", "u mugs just cant handle the truth"statements make you read almost like a right wing hill billy.
"when it gets spikey Iam a real fighter who knows how to do proper violence", please dont, your going to get need a bottle& some tasty riot porn videos1st big boy, xx
Your choice of language and the inherent mendacity of your posts says a lot about you anonocop, with more scum like you the cops could all stay at home. There is nothing 'reactionary' about a call for people to take sensible precautions to avoid being nicked. As with your other posts your comments about the abandonment of kettling show you to be a naive and ill-infosmed fool. Throwing in an irrelevent half-truth about ACAB's brother and misquoting my previous post way beyond the point of invention does not alter that. You are the moron on every large demo screaming 'cop' at everyone you don't know, everyone without dreddlocks, everyone who doesn't behave like a snivelling coward when you do - And all the time acting like a cop yourself.
What the fuck has Acab's brother got to do with owt?! They were both brought up in care, got in touch as adults, one turned out to be an activist, the other a cop. Funny story, but its not as if Acab's family was secretly infiltrated is it? Stop throwing in names when you know bugger all numpty.
I post a comment asking for people to reconsider a non-violent stance, including books people might want to read that questions received wisdom and hey! - I get likened to Mark fucking Stone! I am NOT urging anyone to riot. I am suggesting people should try and understand a different approach and be tolerant of anyone's decisions. No-one represents me so I'm not offended by their own personal decisions. It's difficult to shift ideas that are deeply entrenched by parents, teachers, state authorities but I think we shouldn't be enslaved by any fixed morality,
We've had this discussion many times and in many forms, about the nature of our violence and when and where we should be using it, and at some point someone will point out that "violence" and "property destruction" are two different things, but who cares. Intelligent use of violence can serve a cause, random one only leads to random outcomes, could be good, could be bad, but will be unpredictable.
I believe you can can some cops on side on this one, and that if you can get that, then you could get them on side the next time. but this has nothing to do with "violence". it's to do with propaganda and organization outside of the demo. as for masks, well... masking up makes it harder to recognize you, but not impossible, I've heard that the face recognition program works by first looking at your eyes, but there is also height/weight differences etc. the cloths you wear can be of help etc, anyway, get and distribute those cheap white overalls and Halloween masks in demos, should be cheap and effective, and remember, whether you agree with one's particular action or not s/he is still your comrade, and needs your solidarity, no matter how crazy his action was. for sure talk before/after demos and establish a coherent strategy, but don't dismiss autonomous ones, do you think we'd be talking about this if it wasn't for the millbank occupation? do you think a mere 50k students protest would of made it to the headlines? but now that it has, you have a short period of time where you will get to the news regardless of if you initiate "violence", and when this press window closes, well you'll just have to smash something else up, but i don't recommend making a habit out of it, because this could go both ways.
This is, in my opinion, a complete waste of time. They may be perfectly ok people at home, but as cops, have only one allegience and that is to the Force. It takes precedence in every situation. They protect property and those in power, from us.
Good advice, what a total fucking idiot. His comments contain some of the worst drivel on IM in ages - the complete red herrings of Stone/Kennedy, the totally invented 'quotes', the 5 year old's understanding of the russian revolution. Don't want to sound harsh but somebody that thick really ought to keep quiet and go and do their homework.
Swearing & trying to beat down a debate with accusations of trolling proves my point. Thanks for confirming acab from sheffields brother is a cop, its relevant in showing how messed up it can get. This thread has been misread&is turning into a kangaroo witchhunt+ its a honeypot for some hardline activists&cops, mutually keeping up the cold war.
ACAB was it me who started the general insults&swearing??. Dont know what your on about RE Inherent mendacity+cops& dreadlocks.
ANON read again you were not likened to Mr Stone readagain.
The Millbank occupation got us here, the occupation was great did I say it was a bad only the mindless violence. Instances like the vans at n30 & whitehall were likely setups, people daubing the centotaph was silly.
Sod whoever Green Syndicalist is, lets keep running around from a2 b in the shadows. What a flipping dribbling idiot he was for writing about the bilderberg group&Trilateral commission for the last 10 yrs+ when we all focused on G8. Now Gaurdian news have correspondents outside bilderberg conferences& the media blackout has been broken on those who steer our politicians, lets keep going after the monkeys & ignore the grinders. What a frigging flipping numpty!.
I take back the police joining in made it successful, though some police did join the febuary revolution. I found some interesting links2 mass strikes by the first police union in 1918& 1919 that made the government send battalions& even a battleship to Liverpool, before its leaders were let down by other trade union leaders at the time, their union was crushed& the force was purged& the government set up the police federation. Even the police federation is now questioning the cuts& governments pandering to a failing banking system.
Hide the following 19 comments
great :)
01.12.2010 15:47
southwest anarchist
large image
01.12.2010 16:59
Like the idea...
01.12.2010 17:27
eyes have it
chocolate fancy dress ball masks& not trashing sacrificial van stings is good
01.12.2010 18:25
To those making divisions
01.12.2010 19:42
'How Nonviolence Protects the State' (Peter Gelderloos) and
'Pacifism as Pathology' (Arbeiter Ring)
There's a reason why those in power are the first to decry our use of force, property damage etc and that's because it's effective and threatens their hold over us. Yet they are unflinching when it comes to using violence to suppress dissent. Their use of force is legitimate (they can even get away with murder) and ours is illegal! By all means, make that decision for yourself, but please respect everyone else's right to decide otherwise.
People are not saying dont defend yourself, their saying screw your head on
01.12.2010 20:34
Why is it whenever occupations or rts are successful the police start or boil us up in kettles to start riots in front of the media with their "evil rioters"soundbites set up,why do we often oblige???
The democratic russian revolution which started on the Potemkin& the capital port of St petersburg became successful when the police joined its ranks, this was before Lenins& stalins tookover with gold from the kaiser.
Ive been a serious MIB& written phamplets & read books on it, I was rightfully angy at the time, luckily now my sense of humour is back& I go4 justice in more fruitful ways.
If nazis start serious attacks on us & or we start getting shot I'll be back in, but lets stop ruining demos & encouraging idiots to hit crowds on their side in the back of the head with bricks,
it isnt smart,it isnt grown up& it doesnt work
Next time the met put a kettle on avoid & or give them a tea cosy.
PS "those making divisions", whoes making divisions?, masked balls sound great
01.12.2010 21:11
just be smart about it please.
If your theres any rogue police-corporate agent provacetuers reading this like our "dear friend" from nottingham Mark Kennedy stone, then good luck with your headfuk.
"Mark was always into spiking it up against the fash or police& he seemed so coherent.....,"
yeh he did& he was usually there when trouble brewed, he got into pretty serious fights with police on more than one occasion.
"What a man, we need more like him",funnily enough he only appeared on the scene after leaflets like this became popular briefly 10 yrs ago.
innit strange
now the pic is sized properly the maskup wether illegal or not is visible,
01.12.2010 21:29
doesnt look much like fun, looks more edl than revoltionary
J18 masks were much more sexy
now the pic is sized properly the maskup wether illegal or not is visible,
01.12.2010 21:29
doesnt look much like fun, looks more edl than revoltionary
J18 masks were much more sexy
01.12.2010 23:40
Dear comrade "ACAB" of the elite vangaurd,
02.12.2010 01:14
An activist calledACAB from sheffield found out his longlost half brother is a copper, this almost said it all.
Relying on"Respect my authority", "u mugs just cant handle the truth"statements make you read almost like a right wing hill billy.
"when it gets spikey Iam a real fighter who knows how to do proper violence",
please dont,
your going to get need a bottle& some tasty riot porn videos1st big boy, xx
02.12.2010 09:35
02.12.2010 10:39
02.12.2010 12:20
No-one represents me so I'm not offended by their own personal decisions. It's difficult to shift ideas that are deeply entrenched by parents, teachers, state authorities but I think we shouldn't be enslaved by any fixed morality,
ignore the troll
02.12.2010 14:57
Intelligent vandalism, not mindless destruction
02.12.2010 17:29
I believe you can can some cops on side on this one, and that if you can get that, then you could get them on side the next time. but this has nothing to do with "violence". it's to do with propaganda and organization outside of the demo. as for masks, well... masking up makes it harder to recognize you, but not impossible, I've heard that the face recognition program works by first looking at your eyes, but there is also height/weight differences etc. the cloths you wear can be of help etc, anyway, get and distribute those cheap white overalls and Halloween masks in demos, should be cheap and effective, and remember, whether you agree with one's particular action or not s/he is still your comrade, and needs your solidarity, no matter how crazy his action was. for sure talk before/after demos and establish a coherent strategy, but don't dismiss autonomous ones, do you think we'd be talking about this if it wasn't for the millbank occupation? do you think a mere 50k students protest would of made it to the headlines? but now that it has, you have a short period of time where you will get to the news regardless of if you initiate "violence", and when this press window closes, well you'll just have to smash something else up, but i don't recommend making a habit out of it, because this could go both ways.
thoughts from the armchair
re: getting cops on side
02.12.2010 18:42
Ignore the troll
03.12.2010 00:14
so4saying masks need2 be more fun& questioning Anons post Iam a numpty troll:)
03.12.2010 15:29
This thread has been misread&is turning into a kangaroo witchhunt+ its a honeypot for some hardline activists&cops, mutually keeping up the cold war.
ACAB was it me who started the general insults&swearing??.
Dont know what your on about RE Inherent mendacity+cops& dreadlocks.
ANON read again you were not likened to Mr Stone readagain.
The Millbank occupation got us here, the occupation was great did I say it was a bad only the mindless violence. Instances like the vans at n30 & whitehall were likely setups, people daubing the centotaph was silly.
Sod whoever Green Syndicalist is, lets keep running around from a2 b in the shadows. What a flipping dribbling idiot he was for writing about the bilderberg group&Trilateral commission for the last 10 yrs+ when we all focused on G8.
Now Gaurdian news have correspondents outside bilderberg conferences& the media blackout has been broken on those who steer our politicians, lets keep going after the monkeys & ignore the grinders.
What a frigging flipping numpty!.
I take back the police joining in made it successful, though some police did join the febuary revolution.
I found some interesting links2 mass strikes by the first police union in 1918& 1919 that made the government send battalions& even a battleship to Liverpool, before its leaders were let down by other trade union leaders at the time, their union was crushed& the force was purged& the government set up the police federation.
Even the police federation is now questioning the cuts& governments pandering to a failing banking system.