WikiLeaks: The Naked Empire ...
Raul Desmond | 30.11.2010 15:49 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles
WikiLeaks: The Empire Is Naked And Governments Are In Damage Control ... On Monday, governments worldwide scrambled to salvage the little dignity they have left however they could, after being exposed by Julian Assange’s Wikileaks. Government representatives voiced an overwhelming, and almost universal condemnation of the release of the US State Department secret communication files in France, Britain, Iran, Germany, Saudi Arabia etc. The leaked diplomatic documents revealed secret details on some of the world’s most tense crisis, they also paint most world leaders in very unflattering and undiplomatic terms. More seriously, the documents expose the State Department as a giant intelligence gathering structure where the diplomatic mission has taken a back sit to the spying one.Some of the highlight of the cables include a call by Saudi King Abdullah for the US to “cut off the head of the Iranian snake”, and a Chinese government attempt to hack into Google.
The more than 250,000 cables from the State Department were given to journalists from five major international publications a few weeks ago, and are being release to the public in stages over the coming weeks by Weakileaks. The Obama administration and many governments worldwide are bracing for the worst. .......... M O R E: .......... What is next for the champion of global transparency to expose? A big US bank. On Monday, Forbes magazine published an interview of Assange (see photo above) that was conducted in London by Andy Greenberg earlier this month. Assange told Greenberg that after the release of the Pentagon and State Department documents, he is planning to target a major US bank. The files should be coming up early next year. When asked by Greenberg what he was expecting from the release of the documents Assange said: “It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume. For this, there is only one example: It is like the Enron emails,” ( ) Assange told Greenberg in the interview. By Gilbert Mercier
Picture: WikiLeaks Cable Gate: the Visualizations and the Infographics .... ........ Guantánamo-Handbücher: Handbücher der US-Armee für den Umgang mit Gefangenen in Guantánamo belegen eine Verletzung der Menschenrechte und der Genfer Konvention. Wikileaks veröffentlicht sie im Dezember 2007. ....... ....... ..... - Video zum Thema: Wikileaks veröffentlicht Dokumente ... Staatschefs und Diplomaten am Pranger ...
Picture: WikiLeaks Cable Gate: the Visualizations and the Infographics ....
Raul Desmond
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