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OZ Catholic Workers Oppose Appointment of Gen.Cosgrove Chancellor of CatholicUni

Ciaron | 29.11.2010 12:00

YOUTUBE (1min. 50 secs)
Sean O'Reilly (my big brother!) Speaks Out Against the Appointment of Gen. Cosgrove by Cardinal Pell on Steps of St. Stephen's Cathedral, Brisbane

YOUTUBE (1min. 50 secs)
Sean O'Reilly (my big brother) Speaks Out Against the Appointment of Gen. Cosgrove by Cardinal Pell
on Steps of St. Stephen's Cathedral, Brisbane

Tony Robertson Blog Report from vigil at Brisbane Cathedral

Photos/Report from CW Anti-War Vigil at Sydney's St. Mary's Cathedral against the Appointment of Gen. Cosgrove to Chancellor of Australian Catholic University (ACU)



Hide the following 8 comments

Fuck all religion!

29.11.2010 12:32

No Gods
No Masters
No Fairies
No Brainer!!!!


Go on @narcghst ..........surely ya can string more than two words together?

29.11.2010 13:57

...and apparently no intellectual capacity on your part to string more than two word slogans together!

Give the 70+ year history of christian anarchist praxis of the NYC/ U.S./1930'S born Catholic Worker movement (direct service to the homeless/ serious nonviolent resistance to the war making state) give me them any day....over ya feeble @dolescent @narchist @ttmpts to whip up prejudice on this site!

If all ya anarchism is - is a conservative individualism wrapped up in a cooler dress sense, then leave anarchism to the @dults mate!

If the anarchist movement can't handle pluralism who can? But I guess we gotta carry you like an eccentric uncle at a family party, right?

If ya want to be in a cult, join a cult...or start one.just don't bother with the serious @nachist movement.

Statin' the Obvious

"Serious Anarchist movement" You are a bit confued Mate!

29.11.2010 16:24

Anarchism and religion do not go together mate, thats simple. Respect for the work with homeless etc that these people do but keep the God bothering out of it. Catholicism, Islam, judaism etc etc are all cults which you may be blind to but we are not.

ps Santa Claus is also a myth....

pps Do not forget to spell check when finished...

Another Anarchist

Not so rushed this time, less spelling mistakes hopefuly...

29.11.2010 18:21

Another anarchist...ya left an "s" out of confused their mate...."taketh the log outeth of own eyeeth before looking for the spell check in mine", alright? worries understood ya poifectly don't get all anal on me ...even if it's a strong cultural trait in these parts
...................what I understand your implying in your post - is that I'm supposed to educate youon this this thread about the 2,000 year old tradition of christian anarchism
...ain't gonna happen buddy...not enuff hours in the day
..............what I'd suggest is some self managed - christian anarchism, catholic worker, dorothy day phil berrigan jacques illul, ivan illich, the utah philips (IWW)/ ani defranco track "anarchy"
........or let ya hair down and buy a book "Demanding the Impossible" and look up the chapter on christian anarchism.

Then move beyond your subcultural going nowhere brand of identity politics and be open to the wold's masses who are thiests....don't be scared in my experience they are a lot more tolerant than uptight athiests...hurry time's a wasten'

Statein' the Obvioius

Go back and play with your imaginery friend....

29.11.2010 18:45

and have a word with yourself. Religion is there to control the masses and those lacking the mental capacity to understand that cannot be trusted.......

Enough said.


Introducing 81 year old IWW card carrying, christian anarchist, Jesuit priest Bi

29.11.2010 19:01

OK let me introduce you to card carrying IWW member, christian anarchist, Jesuit priest Bill Bichsel. He goes to trial next week for anti-nuclear resistance.facing years in jail. He has already served years if jail time for nvda resistance to american imperialism He is 81. He was ordained in Berlin, before the wall went up, Great guy, nicer than me.....check out the 5 minute youtube clip....

Must see 5 1/2 min youtube clip of Old-vs-navy

Fr. Bill Bichsel, from Disarm Now Plowshares, talks with Seattle Times
reporter Mark Rahner.

And there is also a brand new "Video" page with the latest Disarm Now



In just ten days the trial of the Disarm Now Plowshares five will
begin. The government would like this trial to be about trespassing
on and destroying government property (cut fences). The Disarm Now
five know that it is, in reality, about much more than that. It is
about immoral and illegal nuclear weapons (thousands of them) and the
illegal first strike weapons system (Trident) developed to deliver
them. The action taken by the Disarm Now Plowshares activists on
November 2, 2009 was intended to shine a bright light (for all to see)
on the illegal actions of our own government, and show what the
government keeps hidden behind those fences. It was a call for us all
to demand that our government cease the constant preparation for
omnicide and turn swords into plowshares.

Whether or not our government's court system will recognize that the
act of conscience undertaken by these five activists is actually in
line with both international and U.S. law will be determined by a jury
trial beginning December 7th. The Disarm Now co-defendants are
preparing for trial and are prepared to face the decision of the
court, which could be significant jail time. They are prepared to
give up their freedoms for something in which they so deeply believe.

Over the next two weeks there will be opportunities to meet with and
learn more about Disarm Now Plowshares and our nation's continuing
preparations for the use of nuclear weapons. You will also learn
about the nuclear weapons depot(one of the largest concentrations in
the world) and weapons system (Trident) that lies in the heart of the
Puget Sound region. Additionally, there is one last pre-trial hearing
before the trial begins.

Here is what is happening this coming week.

(Go to:

Disarm Now Plowshares comes to Bainbridge Island on November 29th

On Monday, November 29 at 7:00 PM at Eagle Harbor Congregational
Church, 105 Winslow Way West on Bainbridge Island, Bill "Bix" Bichsel,
SJ and Susan Crane of Disarm Now will talk about their action and its
meaning, and the importance of public resistance to Trident and all
nuclear weapons. They will also thank the local Interfaith Council
and the City of Bainbridge for affirmations last April toward a
"Future Free of Nuclear Weapons."

The gathering is free. Contributions are greatly appreciated and will
be used for trial-related expenses.

Sponsored by Women In Black and Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent
Action. Hosted by Rev. Jaco B. ten Hove, co-minister of Cedars
Unitarian Universalist Church and vice-president of the Bainbridge
Island/North Kitsap Interfaith Council, with Senji Kanaeda of the
Bainbridge Island Nipponzan Myohoji Buddhist Temple, Denny Moore, and
Barry Peters, Bainbridge City Council member.

Pre-trial hearing in Tacoma on December 2nd

The Disarm Now co-defendants will be in U.S. District Court in Tacoma
one last time before trial for a pre-trial hearing on Thursday,
December 2nd at 11:00 AM. Supporters are welcome to attend and
witness the proceedings. The Tacoma Federal courthouse is located at
1717 Pacific Avenue.

Benefit for Disarm Now Plowshares in Olympia on December 2nd

On Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00 PM there will be a benefit to
Support the Disarm Now Plowshares 5, at Traditions (located at 5th &
Water Streets, downtown Olympia, just across from Capitol Lake).

Bill “Bix” Bichsel will talk about Plowshares, Nuclear Disarmament,
and his commitment to peace work through direct action. Singer,
songwriter, Danny Kelly will perform songs that speak to the strength
of the peace movement and of the love that motivates us. Contact for more information.

I hope you will be able to attend one of the gatherings this next week
to show support for Disarm Now and the hard (but truly important) work
of nuclear abolition. Watch for another email with details of the
trial-related events for the week of December 6th.

You can also check the Disarm Now Plowshares "Events" page for updated
information on all the events

Support Plowshares! Support Abolition!

Statin' the Obvious

Common threads

29.11.2010 22:37

I don't see very much difference between christian anarchists opposing bad top-down decisions by members of the Catholic hierarchy and atheist anarchists opposing bad top-down decisions by members of government hierarchy.

Presumably members of both groups will hold a wide range of views about how these hierarchies can best be challenged/changed/removed.

The things that unite us are bigger and more important than the things that divide us.



Photos from CW anti-war action Sydney Cathedral

30.11.2010 08:40

Cardinal Pell

Victims of Cosgrove's War: Opposed by the Papacy

Jimmy D Deployed by Briz CW to Sydney for the Day, Cosgrove under the Brolly

Sydney crew at Vigil

Nore Photos from Sydney Cathedral