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The Frowning Motorcycle Presents The First Eviction Party

Hells Pigeon | 26.11.2010 23:22

Benefit gig for 'Stop Hinkley C' and 'Bristol Against Arms Trade' as well as 'Save Classics' campaigns!
Saturday 27th November @ The Frowning motorcycle
27 Stokes Croft
Doors 9pm - 5am
£3 suggested donation
The Bailiffs are coming!....So get down to what could be one of the last nights at The Frowning Motorcycle and show your support for the space and the 3 campaigns supported by the benefit! Bands from 9.45pm followed by hip hop, ragga, jungle and dnb dj mash up into the wee small hours.

This is the first of 3 consecutive events over the weekend, with a 'Queer and Greasy Wrestling' knock out tournament on Sunday from 8pm and then the 'Resistmas Market' on Monday morning....bailiffs are due @ 11.30am so be there early!

When you threaten one, you threaten all
Eviction solidarity

Hells Pigeon
- Original article on IMC Bristol: