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The Game Has Changed - Kepping Up Momentum Against Government Oppression

RUE | 26.11.2010 15:46 | Policing | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Some thoughts on whats been happening since the con dems declared a class war against the people of the UK....

The Torys and the rich are finding it increasingly hard to hide their contempt of the working classes, a fine example of this being more comments from Tory bankroller Howard Flight; the multi millionaire stated that the government's cuts to child benefit would 'discourage the middle classes from breeding' - 'but for those on benefits there is every incentive', charming words as ever, and saying what every other rich Tory / Labour / Lib Dem mp thinks about the working classes who have put up with their lies and nonsense for so many years.

Clegg knows both he and his party are finished. His deceit over the tuition fees which he used to get elected are backfiring big time, and his rich mate Cameron must be wetting himself, knowing that he has destroyed the lib dems and any perceived confidence people had in Clegg. Don’t think for one minute that this is just a Con-Dem thing...all politicians, whichever party, share the common trait with the police – every time their lips move it is guaranteed to be a lie..

But the rich and the privileged politicians, bankers and corporations can hear something coming in the distance, and they are rightfully worried.
They can hear the rising discontent of the people – the working people who are facing uncertainty over job security, the students faced with a 9k a year fee for their degree’s , the pensioners watching the value of their pensions dwindle and their services cut, the sick and vulnerable who are facing savage attacks to their services, the unwaged workers who are preparing for draconian cuts to benefits, the children who will see their families and communities break down, with less money being spent on educational and recreational facilities.

To date it has been the students who have done a fine job of leading the way, taking action by organising and making their voices heard.
Vilified by the media, keen to depict the images of frustration as mindless violence and anger, they continue to play down the rising tide of upset towards the conservative led government’s ideological cuts as being instigated by anarchists and troublemakers.
This, another dumbing down technique, is an effort to tell the masses that ‘there may be 50,000 protesters, but it’s the 500 that are causing all the trouble, so you can all sleep safely because there’s really nothing to worry about’. Really?

The student march on Milbank raised the bar, and despite the kettle in Whitehall, the second protest went ok too. We need to maintain this momentum, and given that, in a very short time, more and more people are going to feel the brunt of the Con Dem oppression, our numbers are going to rise, and with a rise in numbers and a bit of collective organisation, we can take this to a whole new level, the likes of which have not been seen since Wat Tyler and his mates came to town....

Police are now aware that these protests are different, saying that they are ‘facing a new era of riots’ and are likely to change their methods accordingly. We all know what this means-undoubtedly upping the heavy handed tactics, but also becoming increasingly, when kettling - sorry, ‘containing’ protesters, to relieve the boredom and to stimulate their lonely brain cell, they have taken to informing the people held against their will that if they walk to the other end of the kettle they will definitely be let out, only for the filth at the other end to say the same and send protesters off to another side of the kettle, trying to provoke a reaction. Don’t play their sad little power game – as tempting as it is to react to the retarded behaviour of the police, don’t give them what they want, unless you are organised, mob handed and can follow through.

One of the main benefits to the movement (and what the police apparently fail to realise) is that kettling is one of the greatest ways to radicalise otherwise moderate protesters – forget kids forming daisy chains around police vans – spending ten cold hours in a kettle, with nowhere to take a leak, nothing to eat or drink and being mugged off by the filth is enough to awaken even the most placid of minds to the lengths the state will go to in order to control the people.

Do bear in mind that the police are essentially working class like you and I – the difference being that you or I have not sold out our class / families / self respect in order to be the state sponsored oppressors of our communities..but I wonder what will happen when they wake up to the fact (and, given the endemic lack of intelligence throughout the ranks they could well be the last ones to reach this realisation) that they - their husbands, wives, parents and children are all going to be affected in a BAD way like the rest of us by the actions of this government? As thick and subservient as the police are, surely the government can’t take for granted that maybe a few disaffected coppers would possibly become a bit of a chink in their armour...? Just a thought......

I know it’s been said before, but we need to organise better – looking at alternatives and constantly changing and upping the game..if there is a protest coming up, familiarise ourselves with the streets / area, leave the union / swp oddballs to walk into the kettle, and organise so that we have secondary/tertiary etc strategic points at which to protest / disrupt..its made so easy for them to be in control when people just walk straight into their kettles – PLAN AHEAD!

The declaration of class war was initiated by Thatcher, Cameron and his public school chums in politics and commerce have reiterated the declaration. We defeated her over the poll tax, now they are back to finish off what she started..we HAVE TO keep the momentum going, we need to organise, resist, and retaliate in order to protect our futures, our children’s futures and that of our communities in whatever way we can, both collectively and as individuals.
Time to get involved. Its time to rise up.

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Display the following 2 comments

  1. Cops propaganda — Just a thought
  2. @just a thought.... — osmo