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US "giving a hand" to Koreas' crisis (by Latuff)

Latuff | 24.11.2010 11:24 | Anti-militarism | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, originally produced for Greek newspaper "Dromos":

US "helping hand" to Koreas' crisis
US "helping hand" to Koreas' crisis

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Not really

24.11.2010 12:32

Fantastic cartoon as always from you Latuff but I don't see how America are pushing for war here. Their retoric does not suggest so. They are stretched in the middle east. Why would they want war to start in Korea? On the issue of North Korea I'd really reccomend 'Nothing to Envy' by Barbara Demick.



24.11.2010 12:58

Do you actually know anything about this region? Why would the US want to encourage war between the two Koreas? South Korea has one of the biggist economies in Asia, is currently one of the few countries that is actually driving global growth, and is a major force for regional stability. It makes it look like your cartoons are just automatically anti-US regardless of the events on the ground. Where is China's hand on the grenade? That would be far more relevent.


Anopther brilliant idea

24.11.2010 13:25

Latuff could do a whole series with the same pose, but changing the characters each time. To start with, how about Hezbollah and Israel with Iran in the background with its giant finger on the pin?

Latuff fan

not a news flash

24.11.2010 14:45

"It makes it look like your cartoons are just automatically anti-US"

That's the thing with Latuff. Middling sketches tied to thinner-than-thin kneejerk 'analysis'. Anyone opposing the US is heroic; everything US does is satanic.

Literally kid stuff.

not a kid


24.11.2010 16:54

I laughed out loud! The US are pulling the pin on the grenade of war! That's brilliant Latuff - you deserve an award!!!



24.11.2010 18:03

Have Latuff ever considered drawing for the tabloids or daily mail?
Lets dumb things down to the point where we are all sheep going "I hate america"

Latuff, things don't work like that in this country. They may beat ideas into people in place like Iran, but we've got a brain here


Totally awesome

24.11.2010 20:53

piece of bullshit. You can't blame America for everything!
Doesn't someone actually pay him to draw these things?



24.11.2010 23:45

He won a couple thousand pounds off the torturemasters of the Iranian theocracy for his mock-the-Holocaust cartoons.
