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Millbank Fire: Lessons from Millbank: Leaflet for printing and giving out

Millbank Fire | 20.11.2010 18:44 | Public sector cuts | Repression | Social Struggles

Leaflet to be printed and circulated should you like the taste of it. Breaks down into three parts: Cuts are not an issue...(an article about resisting capitalism and not getting stuck on resisting the cuts) / Keeping It Real (advice for those new to doing stuff) and Some Lessons
From Millbank (4 practical lessons to be learned and put into effect everywhere).

Please circulate through your networks, should you wish.

Cuts are not an issue...

Although the impact of the cuts have yet to hit us hard, in recent months loads of local anti-cuts campaigns have sprung up to try and work together to resist the austerity the State wants to impose upon us. But it seemed like the fairly spontaneous attack on the Tory HQ at Millbank on the 10th November Demo-lition seemed to really light a fire under people’s anger about the cuts. Everyone was talking about Millbank. It seemed like this moment had ruptured the political silence that had been accompanying the collapse of the economic bubble in 2007.

But when people talk about fighting ‘the cuts’, it sometimes seems like it’s just a new political ‘issue’. But it isn’t. It’s much more essential than that. Issues are things like opposing nuclear power or being against animal testing. But the cuts are not the same thing. They cannot be resisted in the same way. The reason the cuts are being made all across health, housing, education and so on is to maintain the profits that can no longer be made from a busted economic housing bubble and the bonkers levels of individual debt (credit cards, loans mortgages etc). Now the profits to be made are going to come from squeezing the living standards of a large section of the population. The cuts are not being made because the economic system hasn’t worked, they are being made because that’s exactly how the economic system does work. It never stops trying to screw us for more and more of what we have had to fight to maintain over the centuries. The cuts are about how politics works at a systemic level, about our everyday lives and how we live and not just party politics or campaign issues. The Tories make the cuts with relish but if Labour had been elected to power they would be making just the same level of cuts to maintain the same level of profits for the same rich people.

We’re all pretty fucked...

It’s not just cuts in education and upping the fees that’s the problem. The problem is that the cuts in general mean we’re all pretty fucked. Whether you’re a student in a F.E college or University, whether you’re a working single-mum, whether you’re self-employed, whether you’re unemployed, whether you’re working a precarious temp job, whether you working a good job in the public sector. The depth of the cuts means most people are going to become worse-off.

There are differing trains of thought that link the cuts to ‘The Crisis’ or ‘The Deficit’ or ‘The Tories’ but for many there is a much more simple truth – it’s just called ‘Life as normal’. The rich have been getting successively richer in this country and the poor have been getting poorer. If the cuts are setting out to re-float a busted economy of over-inflated debt and speculation by taking more and more from the poorer section of the population, well, it’s just more of the same for most people. Poverty, crap jobs, insecurity, health problems – well, that’s just how we’ve been living anyway. But do you feel like politicians will sort it out for you? Do you feel like if you keep your head down and work hard, you’ll be okay? Do you feel scared? Had enough of that shit yet?

No Escape, Time to Break it
Mass unemployment is coming and the accompanying disciplining of those unwilling to work for shit wages or for free. The promise of a good job and good life after University is an illusion. The system’s guaranteed to be there but the jobs aren’t. Most college leavers and graduates will join the 600 Euro generation alongside their counterparts in France, Italy or Greece. It’s no wonder that those countries have seen huge levels of militancy and great new tactics of resistance as they have already been suffering the harsh realities of the imposition of austerity. It seemed like a little bit of that European fire was finally burning at Millbank last week when the ante was finally upped. That resistance has to remain at that level – always collective and open, always going beyond the polite and useless limits set up by political parties and unions, always ready to occupy, block, to strike, to walk out, to be adventurous and to be excessive! Anything is else is just more of the same shit. Who needs it?

Block The Economy!

Here follows an Excerpt from a statement read out at the General Assembly of students at the University of Rennes, France, 25 October 2010

“Nowadays, audacious experiments of the 2006 movement exist as the basic modes of militant actions in the struggle against the current government. In Rennes, the department stores are targeted in every demonstration. The Marseilles strikers paralyse the harbour and add to their city the beat of the movement. The train drivers are also on the front line, and the lorry drivers have joined the movement. We know that in order to win, we must be able to counteract the government strategies of waiting for the deterioration of the fightback and techniques of intimidation. This can particularly be seen in the increase in the police violence.
What is needed now is the spreading of the tactic – the economic blockade - to intensify the fightback with a means that is accessible to all and to disrupt them in a far more certain manner than the peaceful demonstrations and rallys which have absolutely no effect. Being ready to move quickly, of being able to gather as quickly as possible in one point to constitute a mass that can not be flushed out, as well as spreading to block the city at ten different places at the same time, this will be our tactic. The question of which are the priority targets for the blockade seems already solved: roads, train stations, department stores, distribution centres. Of interest are any blockades which contribute to the spreading of the situation. Let’s think about tourism which constitutes one of the main profitable economic sectors of the City fancy hotels and restaurants, big cultural shows, luxury stores – the list is endless.”

Millbank has now helpfully polarised the debates but there is something worth remembering from the day – it was a fairly easy victory! The next few years will not see our victories so easily come by but this should not make us forget the joy, collectivity and solidarity of that day. Those who think they can now step in and try to control our anger via negotiation or undermine us through party politicking – we will push them aside because this movement belongs to us all.


No Ifs, No Buts, Capitalism Sucks!!



Keep safe. Maintain open communication with people you trust. Know your surroundings and your friends. Act together!

Try to rely on argument and intelligence. Slogans are a staple for all sorts of political factions and usually very boring. They alienate many more people than they win over. Be smart, be funny, be approachable. Have a laugh.

Don’t get isolated. You’re surrounded by people who are angry and sad about what’s going on, but they keep quiet most of the time. So talk to people, find out how they feel about the situation – and what they might like to do. There are a thousand reasons for fighting back (and reasons not to, as well.)

Have confidence in your judgement. Don’t be afraid to back out of a situation which you no longer agree with. Things move quickly, can get out of control. Maintaining a critical stance is never a bad thing. A good group is a collection of individuals working together.

Consider the possibility that political activity could be a condition of happiness. Be wary of ways of acting that only feel like a burden – and ways of discussing which feel like placing a burden on others. They don’t often go anywhere pleasant. Although, you fight, it’s important to enjoy yourselves because real life is what we are fighting for...


Some Lessons From Millbank

The lessons of Millbank (and the past) should be obvious - if you’re gonna go for it then mask up or FACE PRISON! It’s that simple!! By masking up, we mean covering your whole face and not just your chin! And stay masked up too because cops and journalists never stop taking photos!! Even if you’re not gonna for it, the more who mask up the better for everyone. We have to encourage people via Internet, leaflets and by word of mouth on demos to MASK UP. How many photos of people going nutso without any face covering have you seen? Spreading a culture of masking up means that we are taking our actions seriously - support one and another!!

A serious lesson is that we have to stop news photographers taking pics or videos of people doing stuff. They are basically putting people’s liberty at risk! They must be told to fuck off, be blocked and moved away from the any actions. If, after being told to move, they refuse they should be physically confronted (in whatever way seems fit). The pics they take could put you in jail! But, it’s just as bad all the people who take also photos and post them on Facebook, blogs etc. doing the cops jobs for them. The cops trawl these sites to try and identify people. Be conscious of your actions! Don’t photograph people doing stuff!

Don’t fixate on a confrontation with the cops if you’re outnumbered. Move onto the next thing! Find your own actions, targets, streets to occupy. The cops have to wait for orders to act. They move slow. We should keep it lively and keep it mobile! If the cops block us one way, then let’s find another way! In this way, we avoid pointless set-pieces and we avoid getting rounded up in police kettles.

12 Volt battery Sound System on bikes or pushcarts are amazing ways to move large blocks of people fast! They also make a demo or riot more like a party! They inspire us to come together around the sounds and to keep moving! We need more sound systems on demos!! And we need more drum bands and freestyle MC’s on the megaphones because a riot is like a festival!!


Keep safe on the 24th!

Millbank Fire


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The leaflet looks like this, except A4.

20.11.2010 18:54

Page One
Page One

Page Two
Page Two

The leaflet looks like this, except A4.


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Stopping Photographers ???................ A Dangerous Path !!!!!

20.11.2010 21:25

So ..... It seems that the naughty girls and boys of Millbank and related to Millbank have decided to stop photographers going about there jobs AND LAWFUL business, for fear that those nasty snappers are going to side with the cops and grass you all up, "close-up" style ?
Of course it has never occurred to you, that some photographers/journos present are on your side and will respect your adolescent, pimpled identities, but no, you have decided to act like tin-pot dictators and rally your acne ridden masses to abuse any or all press who might just be attending.

Get the message "Idiots" its a dangerous path you tread ! We are not all right wing/police loving, tory-biased, seedy-raincoated hacks, but then, I guess you will not have the grace to ask ? If the cops can't scare us off with their "Section-44" shenanigins, then we certainly aren't going to be put off by the likes of you !

At the end of the day its simple : Attending a Demo and Looking for Trouble ? Then mask you faces !! Or put it another way: If you don't want to be labelled a Dog-Shagger, don't stand round with your Nob up a Labrador ! (Simples!!!!!)

mail e-mail:

worried photographer

20.11.2010 23:43

i too am concerned at the advice on photographers.

as a committed and long-standing contributor to indymedia, with no affiliation to mainstream press organisations, i don't really need some pimply student whacking me while i'm doing my best not to get whacked by the cops.

i have enough experience and knowledge to be careful about what i photograph, and what i do with any images after i have taken them.

my film and photos have been used by lawyers in the past to STOP people being fitted up by the police and going to jail. my work has NEVER led to anyone's arrest or conviction and has on several occasions led to very serious criminal charges being dropped or failing in court.

so, the advice to interfere with and physically block photographers may well have the opposite effect of the one desired. all you'll have is the well-edited police video of an altercation without potentially helpful evidence from people like me.

the poster shows a complete lack of experience and understanding, and i hope that people won't take this idiotic advice on board or indeed into their own hands.

having said that, there is indeed some need to make photographers aware of the potential for harm that their images might have, and some of what was written is absolutely valid, but please let's not have an ill-thought out vendetta against photographers. some of us really are your very best friends!

mail e-mail: rikkiindymedia{AT}gmail d0t com

Photography again

21.11.2010 00:27

It's pretty simple. If you're taking pictures of people breaking windows, attacking the cops or whatever, you shouldn't be. In the heat of it all no-one can tell which person with a camera is sympathetic and which person isn't. If people tell you to go away and you don't, then you're not listening to those who are the ones who are trying to do something.

What does it matter if another 1000 images of rioting enter the world in relation to the freedom of those who choose to act in this way? The action is what is important and not the representation of it.

If you're taking pictures of crowd scenes, police activity and so on, nobody is going to bother you.



21.11.2010 00:32


On the one hand the writer is said to have 'a complete lack of experience and understanding' and on the other hand to have written something that in parts is 'absolutely valid'.

I don't read it as a plea to attack photographers as it clearly says tell them to 'fuck off' and block them. Only if they then persist physically confront them. That seems like a reasonable warning.


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Newshound? Shitehawk more like.

21.11.2010 00:47

"Get the message "Idiots" its a dangerous path you tread ! We are not all right wing/police loving, tory-biased, seedy-raincoated hacks, but then, I guess you will not have the grace to ask ? If the cops can't scare us off with their "Section-44" shenanigins, then we certainly aren't going to be put off by the likes of you ! "

Ooh, brave talk. The bottom line is this - you go sticking your camera where it's not wanted & you'll get it jammed up your arse in short order. Hope that's clear enough for you, "Idiot".


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Don't be stupid!

21.11.2010 09:17

Actions need all the media attention they can get so fuck off with your nonsense of targetting journos... it is SELF defeating. Pictures and footage are the difference between getting as much people informed as possible and not getting any coverage.

If you are too fucking stupid to mask up and pack spare clothes then it your OWN daft fault.

I'm an activist AND photographer. I'll intervene if I see anyone targeting photographers.

Snappy Happy

case study

21.11.2010 11:09

@photolove - "If you're taking pictures of people breaking windows, attacking the cops or whatever, you shouldn't be"

at the bush demo, i took film of people both being attacked by and attacking the cops at the front of the demo. one person faced a charge of violent disorder and police film had been thoroughly edited and collaborative witness statements by police were orchestrated to completely stitch this person up.

my film showed that the police were lying and as a result, a jury acquitted him completely. otherwise he faced several years in prison.

i can give you other similar examples.

two more words for you - "iain" and "tomlinson".

we are not all your enemies, and our footage can be your best friend. your advice on this leaflet is dangerous, self-defeating, and encourages the sort of threatening and ill-considered remarks as made by "student" above.

mail e-mail: rikkiindymedia{AT}gmail d0t com

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uh huh

21.11.2010 17:56

Pimply? You are so much trying to get on our side (not). Thanks to you lot a young man from Hackney Community College is probably going to get kicked off his course and have to face a trial. I take it the "snap happy" activist will also intervene to stop total wankers taking idiot photo's ( you are going to intervine? Well count me and ten of my friends in - but not on your side). Interesting after such a stunningly good piece of writting that all you can think of is yourselves. See you in the streets.


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21.11.2010 18:38

You obviously are way too young and stupid. It is so utterly important that there is media coverage of civil disobedience anyone who has been active in the last 10 years will know how it often difficult to get any coverage at all.

It is this simple smartarse: if you aren't fucking masked up; don't fucking commit a crime!

ALWAYS operate under the premise you are being filmed!

Yeah, people should guass out faces when they post pics online... (and strip out the thumbnail iamges)...

But get real.

And yeah I cyberfight you and ten internet mates if you are stupid enough to start it! ZZZ!

Snappy Happy

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21.11.2010 20:00

You avoid my point completely. I take it you would not stop people making money out of sending us to jail. Do carry on living via zero's and one's. Best place for you. Meanwhile i will see you in the street.


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21.11.2010 21:28

I've probably been more at risk of arrest for direct actions over the last weeks than you have ever been. But dream on keyboard warrior.

Snappy Happy

I will take photographs

22.11.2010 00:39

I agree with rikki. Photographs and footage by independent journalists is essential on demos, to stop people being fitted up, to document the history of activism, and to turn the tables on the fuzz.
Noone will stop me taking photographs. Period. If people check out my posts on Indymedia they will see that I obscure people's faces in most photographs where they are visible, and mostly take pictures of neutral crowd scenes, or from the back of the action. As to the police getting hold of photographs, the useful thing about digital cameras is that you can extract the picture card at any time and it is small enough to hide successfully just about anywhere.



22.11.2010 14:51

having had my comments regarding photographers censored ( I know you lot. I know you are a fine bunch of people. I don't understand - so please explain yrselves.) ... Well.. you have said "don.t hate the media, be the media" . It seems i cannot. What exactly is going on? Meanwhile a very fine article is being obsessed over by proffessional photographers.


my 2 cents

22.11.2010 18:06

I've been filming and taking photos at protests, demonstrations and actions for over ten years - I've also been known to put down the camera and get stuck in. I support what is said in the leaflet and reject that notion that all actions are better for media coverage and that that coverage is dependent on images. Those taking pictures of people smashing shit up or fighting cops are not our friends regardless of whether they are cops, sky news, indymedia or facebook freaks. I've been nicked enough to know that cops target those with cameras and that you can't guarantee that you can delete or safely pass on your tapes/memorycard before that happens. I'm also aware that many media activists get totally into that role and loss touch (or never had touch) with the activists and campaigns they cover. When that happens the fail to properly listen to the concerns of those they track with their cameras. I've experienced such people argue to publish material purely on aesthetic grounds despite blatant security concerns over the images. So, yes, there are times when you simply should not be waving that camera around and as much as it's true to say that people must take responsibility themselves and mask up, it's also fair enough that those with cameras are told to fuck off when they getting themselves off shooting riot porn.


Futile and misplaced

23.11.2010 10:03

The logic regarding photographers is only superficially sound. The truth of the matter is that people WILL take pics and footage and WILL publish them.

The obvious solution is if you want to smash stuff up then come prepared, and if you aren't able to mask up, presume you are running a high risk of being busted or simply abstain from 'criminal acts'. Doesn't take a genius to figure it out.

It wasn't photographers and social networking's fault that people got busted, any more than it was the fault of people who made the shoes of the people that were busted.

I think the people who took direct action are heroes and deserve accolade and not punishment. But going after photographers is nonsense and unrealistic. Sure, people should think about not publishing, people should think about gaussing (Guassian blur) out faces, stripping thumbnails and destroying the original images (or storing them offsite) if they DO publish (what I would personally favour).

But most people won't have read this leaflet and most of those who did won't care. So, again MASK UP! MASK UP! MASK UP! And also, don't turn up pissed as it rarely leads to good judgement.

And once again if anyone starts getting heavy with me or any other photographer they'll be eating my camera.

Snappy Happy

miserable world miserable people

23.11.2010 14:30

I'm so saddened by the majority of these responses.. all those 'photographers' who claim to be part of the struggle, whilst snapping away, are willing to disregard the explicit wishes of their 'friends' who actually put their neck on the line.

You cant show me your solidarity in a way that I consider dangerous to me. we can only decide Together how to help one another....
So I hope you all grow out of your self interested infatuation with the post action products, your photographs.... and maybe just do something for the sake of doing it not showing it to others...
and I for one promise that if my request to stop being filmed or photographed is ignored I will smash everyone of your fucking teeth out...

(Don't hate the CCTV, be the CCTV)?



23.11.2010 15:18

I fail to understand your obssession with taking pictures of people doing stuff snap happy. Another photographer has posted a perfectly reasonable response... you however I presume are FIT.


two simple points

23.11.2010 16:02

1 i am not a "professional" photographer
2 my film of battles between police and activists have kept innocent people OUT of prison and have never put anyone IN prison

there is so much stereotyping and generalisation in much of the above commenting.

i think the last poster had an interesting point. if snapper isn't FIT, he might as well be for the benefit his advice will give the police. without my footage, shots and witness reports, the police WILL arrest people on the front line of any scuffles, and they WILL make up shit. if you want to scare independent reporters away with threats of violence, which is what this is about, then activists WILL be the ones to suffer.

as someone else mentioned before, we've had to deal with Section 44, which was designed to allow police control over cameras. if we weren't a threat to them, they'd never have lobbied for that law.

independent journalism is your friend, and either you are FIT recognising that and trying to cause problems, or you just haven't thought it through.


Dealing With Photographers

23.11.2010 16:49

I have told photographers to fuck off numerous times on demos where things were kicking off. They were right in the thick of it taking photos of people taking action. The pictures serve no purpose other than to endanger those taking the action. At first, I asked them to go, explaining why and some did. Other times, if they didn't go, I just pulled on their camera straps until they got the message. Should I now ponder whether they might be on our side and leave them alone? I don't think so. The photos being taken at those times would not be useful in court as counter-evidence, they are purely incriminating photos. If people want to take those photos then I think they should be challenged.

I am not a macho militant guy looking for reasons for aggro. In fact, I am a skinny runt but I take the actions in the spur of the moment as I did not want those taking action to be photographed for obvious reasons (as explained in the leaflet above). Personally I am not going to whack a photographer he s/he doesn't go away but I have been on actions where that has happened.

In addition, I am also sick to death of action shots of people breaking windows and so on. The action is in the moment and is part of the struggle. It does what it does and does not need to then be media-tised as if direct action was some sort of campaign move or publicity seeking to influence opinions.



24.11.2010 01:03

I am FIT because I am pointing out the totally obvious? Why the hell would I bother if I were FIT? I'd just happily sit back and watch activists attacking photographers and chortle.

If you don't want to be photographed and you don't want to be masked up and you don't have an ounce of common sense to follow the FITwatch advice, it makes you and idiot, not me a cop.

And you can wish it all away as much as you like, but people are going to be taking pictures whether you like it or not, so you should plan for that inevitability.

And my advice to mask up is a gift to FIT? I think you obviously never read the FITwatch post that pissed the Met off so much.

Here would be my pro-FIT advice:

Don't mask up. Smash shit up, and ask people nicely to not take pics and if they don't comply attack them, and then there will be no evidence against you and nothing to be cautious about.

I'll leave you ladies to get back to your typing and I'll get back to planning actions.

Snappy Happy

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