UK Royal Wedding and Australian genocide-ignoring
Gideon Polya | 20.11.2010 11:44 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Other Press | South Coast | World
The “happy families” engagement of Britain’s Prince William to “commoner” Kate Middleton has generated lot feel-good media coverage but has also provided a good example of mainstream media (MSM) censorship in anti-Asian, racist Apartheid Australia. However in a good example of the media censorship applying in Apartheid Australia, The Age On-line (Melbourne) has declined to publish the shocking, documented details of the devastation of circa 100 million mostly Muslim and far-from-happy families subject to Occupation and Muslim Holocaust of the Anglo-American War on Terror.
UK Royal Wedding
And Australian Genocide-ignoring
by Gideon Polya, 19 November 2010
The “happy families” engagement of Britain’s Prince William to “commoner” Kate
Middleton has generated lot feel-good media coverage but has also provided a good example of mainstream media (MSM) censorship in anti-Asian, racist Apartheid Australia. However in a good example of the media censorship applying in Apartheid Australia, The Age On-line (Melbourne) has declined to publish the shocking, documented details of the devastation of circa 100 million mostly Muslim and far-from-happy families subject to Occupation and Muslim Holocaust of the Anglo-American War on Terror.
107 years ago the British held a hugely expensive Durbar in Delhi (1903) in Coronation Park, Delhi, India, to mark the coronation of the new King and Queen of the United Kingdom. This hugely expensive event (thousands of participants, caparisoned elephants etc) was held shortly after huge famines that had devastated India. The contempt of the genocidal, racist British for their starving Indian subjects was well expressed by Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India in the following statement justifying murderous British inaction in the circa 1900 Indian Famine: “In my judgment any government which imperiled the financial position of India in the interests of a prodigal philanthropy would be open to serious criticism. But any government which, by indiscriminate alms-giving, weakened the fiber and demoralized the self-reliance of the population would be guilty of a public crime” (see Chapter 13 of my book “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”)).
Now we will shortly see another vastly expensive British “Royal Wedding” pageant played out with a backdrop of 23 million people dying avoidably from First World-imposed deprivation each year (about 3.7 million dying thus in India alone) and the continuing Western-imposed Muslim Holocaust (post-invasion violent death sand non-violent excess deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan now total 2.5 million and 4.9 million, respectively).
The Age On-line (Melbourne) recently re-published a gushing article by Monica Hesse in the US Washington Post about the engagement and forthcoming Royal wedding of Prince William (Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson) and his girl friend, “commoner” Kate Middleton. The following quote gives the feel of the article:
“A wedding with a touch of Diana magic may make 2011 an annus mirabilis. To the relief of the British public and taffeta-craving masses elsewhere, Prince William has announced that he is officially engaged. He proposed to his long-time girlfriend, Kate Middleton, while on holiday in Kenya a few weeks ago, according to a statement issued by palace officials. Other details were meted out, most notably that the engagement ring presented to Middleton, a brilliant oval sapphire surrounded with smaller diamonds, had once belonged to William's late mother. ''It was my way of keeping her close to it all,'' William said. The symbolism awakened a faint flutter of hope: the era of Diana has returned. William's nuptials will likely be Britain's grandest royal wedding in nearly 30 years. But more than that, the young lovers represent a royal redemption, rehabilitation, a reboot from the fraught triangle of Charles and Diana and Camilla.” (See Monica Hesse, “Chance for royal redemption as relieved England looks beyond Charles”, The Age, 18 November 2010”).
Unfortunately all this happy news and joyousness is happening against a backdrop of the continuing UK Chilcot Inquiry into the UK-complicit Iraq War, a war recently described as “illegal” by UK Deputy PM Nick Clegg and as “based on lies” by former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and which has been associated, so far, with 1.4 million violent deaths , 1.1 non-violent avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths and 5 million refugees – an Iraqi Holocaust and an Iraqi Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (for details Google Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide).
While Britain has with drawn from Iraq after helping to kill 4.4 million Iraqis since 1990, the UK is still involved in the Afghan War which has been associated, so far, with as estimated 1.2 million violent deaths, 3.7 million non-violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 2.6 million under-5 infant deaths and 3 million refugees – an Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention (for details Google Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide).
Of course these horrendous genocidal realities are scrupulously kept from the public in the entire pro-war, pro-US, pro-Zionist Western Murdochracies and Lobbyocracies, and in particular in the UK and in Australia, countries that have a common Head of State in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Inspired in part by Polish hero Jan Karski who attempted to tell the World about the Jewish Holocaust as it was happening, I have been writing endlessly for years about the ongoing carnage in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan as the death toll has remorselessly crept higher and higher. However I am largely excluded from Mainstream media in Australia (for a rare exception see my 2005 broadcast on the national ABC entitled “Australian complicity in Iraq mass mortality”, Ockham’s Raxor, ABC Radio National, 28 August 2005).
In order to inform my fellow countrymen about the genocidal carnage in which they are involved, I have resorted to making Comments on MSM articles that permit moderated comment. My medium of choice is the Fairfax news organization newspaper The Age (Melbourne) that has an On-line version linked to other Fairfax media around the country (notably the Sydney Morning Herald). The Age and its sister newspapers are relatively liberal in Australian terms; in marked contrast to the pro-war, pro-coal, pro-gas Murdoch media that dominate the scene (Murdoch’s News Limited owns 70% of Australian city daily newspapers). However I frequently get completely or partly censored even by The Age, and regularly so if the terms Israel, Palestine or Zionism appear in the Comment.
I submitted a carefully research Comment to The Age in response to the article by Monica Hesse about the Royal engagement. However only the first 3 sentences of my Comment survived the moderator and the rest of my Comment detailing the horrendous carnage associated with Anglo-American wars and occupations (in bold below) was completely deleted , presumably as information that The Age doesn’t want it readers to know about, even via the limited vehicle of a Comment thread.
“We all rejoice when couples get engaged and get married because fundamentally, from a biological perspective, it is all about children. And everyone loves children, or used to until the US Alliance launched the military-based Muslim Holocaust for oil and hegemony about 30 years ago.
2011 may be an annus mirabilis for the Windsor family but is set to be another annus horribilis for circa 100 million families in the various Occupied Territories of the American Empire.
UNICEF reports that the following under-5 year old infant deaths occur each year in the following Occupied Territories: 311,000 (Occupied Afghanistan), 19,000 (Occupied Haiti), 41,000 (Occupied Iraq; a likely 2-3-fold underestimate by the US Puppet Maliki Government), 4,000 (Occupied Palestine where 800,000 Indigenous Palestinian children are incarcerated in what the Catholic Church has described as the "Gaza Concentration Camp" and what UK PM Cameron recently called "a Prison"); 76,000 (Occupied Somalia); and 465,000 (in US Predator Robot-bombed and flood-devastated Pakistan).
It is estimated from UN demographic data that 1,000 children die each day in the American Empire from US-imposed violence or deprivation (simply Google "Hey, hey, USA, how many kids did you kill today?" or indeed just "Hey, hey, USA").
Taking a broader view, it is estimated from UN demographic data that 1950-2005 avoidable deaths (excess deaths, deaths that did not have to happen) and under-5 infant deaths in countries occupied by the UK in the post-1945 era total about 730 million and 510 million, respectively, and corresponding US victims total about 80 million and 60 million, respectively (see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").
Very unhappy families indeed.”
This extraordinary holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring by The Age, one of Australia’s more liberal newspapers, should be seen in the context of holocaust-complicit, genocide-complicit, holocaust-ignoring and genocide-ignoring, look-the-other-way, pro-war, war criminal, pro-coal, climate criminal, pro-US, pro-Zionist, human rights-abusing, anti-Asian Apartheid Australia. The very terms “Palestinian Genocide”, “Iraqi Genocide” and “Afghan Genocide” have wide currency around the world but are essentially unknown in Orwellian Apartheid Australia. Thus in relation to the cowardly, unethical, Zionist-beholden, neocon-beholden, taxpayer-funded ABC (Apartheid Australia’s equivalent to the UK BBC), “search results from the entire ABC site” for these terms is zero (0).
Some Western European countries have criminalized denial of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation and part of the WW2 Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies perished). Indeed in Austria there is a 10 year prison term for such denial. Recently Germany proposed that the EU should extend such holocaust denial criminalization to denial of holocausts and genocides other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust. Indeed France and Belgium has criminalized denial of the Armenian Genocide inn WW1 (1.5 million Armenians murdered).
My personal view as a scholar is that in the interests of free speech and scholarship there should not be custodial or financial punishment for such holocaust denial, and that the sole punishment should simply be the ignominy of transparent, authoritative public exposure of such awful holocaust denial and genocide denial. Former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad (who wonderfully reduced Malaysia’s infant mortality to about that of former Occupier Britain) advocated NGO tribunal war crimes trials for Bush, Blair and Howard, stating "We should not hang Blair if the tribunal finds him guilty, but he should always carry the label "War Criminal, Killer of Children, Liar". And so should Bush and the pocket Bush of the Bushland of Australia [John Howard]" (see “Malaysia’s Mahathir inaugurates peace conference: “Bush, Blair murdered more than Saddam, Qaeda””, Daily Times, 6 February 2007).
What must decent people do about holocaust-commission, genocide-commission, holocaust-ignoring and genocide–ignoring in the Western Murdochracies? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent folk must (a) inform everyone they can about commission, ignoring and denial of holocaust and genocide atrocities such as the ongoing Muslim Holocaust, Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide and Afghan Genocide and (b) urge Sanctions, Boycotts and Criminal Prosecution of all people, politicians, countries, and corporations involved in such crimes against humanity.
Gideon Polya
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google holly grieg
20.11.2010 20:20
had enuff yet?