Muslims reject war on terror
Simon Hinds | 19.11.2010 14:53 | Anti-racism | Terror War | Birmingham | World
UK Muslims joining violent, Islamic extremism due to the English Defence League, or anything else, is nonsense.
Opinion polls show that Muslims do not believe the West’s line on the War on Terror.
According to a 2006 poll by Pew, in the least sceptical Muslim nation, Jordan, 53% do not believe Arabs did 911. In Pakistan only 5% believed the official 911 story whereas 17% of UK Muslims do. UK. Indeed, most Pakistanis believe most terrorism in their country is the work of Blackwater, a US military contractor.
Unscientific, 2009 poll claims that 3 UK Muslims out of 1511, supported Bin Laden’s war against the West. A 2007, Channel 4 poll showed that nearly one quarter of UK Muslims believe the government did 7/7.
We are told that UK Muslims are ‘radicalised’ by the Internet. But the same Internet will tell Muslims that Al Qaida is a branch of American Intelligence.
Muslims know about the Sparkbrook surveillance cameras and the lengths the UK security services go to spy on Muslims.
Given all this, what UK Muslim is going to believe the extremist Jihad story and become a suicide bomber?
• Europe’s Muslims more moderate
• British Muslim Poll
• Survey: ‘Government hasn’t told truth about 7/7’
• U.S. Is a Top Villain in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk
Opinion polls show that Muslims do not believe the West’s line on the War on Terror.
According to a 2006 poll by Pew, in the least sceptical Muslim nation, Jordan, 53% do not believe Arabs did 911. In Pakistan only 5% believed the official 911 story whereas 17% of UK Muslims do. UK. Indeed, most Pakistanis believe most terrorism in their country is the work of Blackwater, a US military contractor.
Unscientific, 2009 poll claims that 3 UK Muslims out of 1511, supported Bin Laden’s war against the West. A 2007, Channel 4 poll showed that nearly one quarter of UK Muslims believe the government did 7/7.
We are told that UK Muslims are ‘radicalised’ by the Internet. But the same Internet will tell Muslims that Al Qaida is a branch of American Intelligence.
Muslims know about the Sparkbrook surveillance cameras and the lengths the UK security services go to spy on Muslims.
Given all this, what UK Muslim is going to believe the extremist Jihad story and become a suicide bomber?
• Europe’s Muslims more moderate

• British Muslim Poll

• Survey: ‘Government hasn’t told truth about 7/7’

• U.S. Is a Top Villain in Pakistan’s Conspiracy Talk

Simon Hinds
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An expert speaks.
19.11.2010 16:41
Explanation, please?
19.11.2010 17:27
An expert speaks.
19.11.2010 16:41
No doubt Mr Hinds is well acquainted with and deeply informed about the Muslim community in Britain.
Try speaking to some UK Muslims.
I take it, you can explain why some UK Muslims after being 'radicalised' by the Internet become Jihadists after finding out Bin Laden had nothing to do with 911.
what about those ones who blew themselves up?
19.11.2010 17:29
19.11.2010 17:42
1. 2006 poll..... brilliant. only 5 years out of date then.
2. "believed". So, its not anything to do with fact then?
I think you will find that 99% of these same Muslims "believe" in the supernatural spirit world too.
So, forgive us, but we can hardly take their judgement as any form of fact.
3. Again, most pakistanis believe in some kind of God because it tells them to in a book.
I put it to you that they probably believe that about Blackwater because it tells them on the internet.
to Simon
19.11.2010 18:03
You mean - why should all these British Muslims become radicalised after reading the works of David Ray Griffin? Easy - one type of nutcase recognises a kindred spirit.
Belief in a sky pixie
19.11.2010 22:36
So, it's not surprising they'll believe other crazy fukkking nonsense
we should not be surprised that they believe the british govt blew up the tubes and a bus on 7/7. Why not? They believe in an imaginary friend in the sky
I believe in fairies at the bottom of my garden
I believe in father christmas
In other words who fucking cares what OTHER insane beliefs this group who self identify as muslims believe?
One Billion sky pixie believers
19.11.2010 23:15
That is self evidently insane, because there's no evidence whatsoever to justify this belief in a sky pixie
So, it's not surprising if someone who believes in a god in the sky will believe other crazy nonsense
We should not be surprised that they believe the british govt blew up the tubes and a bus on 7/7. Why not? They believe in an imaginary friend in the sky
If I believed in fairies at the bottom of my garden would you respect my belief that gods on mount Olympus caused the earthquakes from Vesuvius?
If I believed in father Christmas would that justify me thinking that Elves make all the presents he delivers?
In other words who frakkkking cares what OTHER insane beliefs this group of muslim believes?
Whatever they believe we DON’T have to respect those beliefs.
Credulous Fools
Irrigation systems!
20.11.2010 02:27
One aspect of this War of Terror is that psychological warfare is waged using the worldwide propaganda mechanism called the internet.
Their are many theoretical 'episodes' operating on the internet within the realm of this propaganda for instance, that the US Government and British Government are behind terrorist attacks in the US and UK. They are not. But they are behind so-called 'terrorist' attacks in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan because that is where they currently have military forces deployed in order to widen their strategic influence and global reach.
So what you have is the British and US Government's claiming the credit for domestic 'terrorism' because that is where they need to keep control of the local population in order to prevent a 'loss of control' and at the same time you have the British and US Government's actively taking part in terrorist atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan because by the same token, they need to keep control of world opinion in order to underpin the occupations of those countries.
Britain, for instance, is fighting terrorism...with terrorism.
The British and US have been rendered utterly helpless at home by freedom fighters engaged in the just cause of fighting western imperial ambitions around the world. British and US political imperial leaders have responded by attacking sovereign countries around the world by terrorising their local populations and carrying out terrorist atrocities in order to fool the worlds population into believing that they are engaged with fighting terrorism.
The British people, who generally can't tell shit from shoe polish at the best of times, have bought the whole charade hook line and sinker.
It is why the US and UK remain, throughout much of the world, imperial powers who have only succeeded in rendering their own populations fools and idiots. The western narrative is completely dismissed around the rest of the world as industrial strength propaganda.
Whenever you hear military leaders claiming that this war will go on for 50 years, whenever you hear media 'branded' garbage about Al Qaida, in the Arabian Peninsula, whenever you see 'interviews' with so-called anti-terror experts given by so-called 'journalists'...there you have the squeaking wheels of this western imperialism grinding away.
In the end, this war WILL end in the complete collapse of both the United Kingdom and the continental United States.
In the end, those who fought, defended, served and perpetrated this war...will become traitors to us all. That includes the fools who spend their time trawling around on the internet for people to piss off in the name of their nationalist fantasies. They will be the worst traitors of all. They will be the ones who will always swear blind, they were against the war. They will spend the rest of their lives...lying to everyone they ever meet!
It is these people who are fighting, not for their country, but because they have always dreamed of having their 'moment in the sun'. These are the children who grew up on 'judaic-centric' war stories of their parents and grand parents and who want to 'prove' themselves in exactly the same way. For these people, this war is a vocation. They do not care about the people they kill...they simply dream of their own private glory! They do this because they have spent their entire lives being stupified by their parents, their political leaders, their lack of culture and self control, their social environment and being bombarded with the endless and saturating 'message of capitalism'. One cannot spend more than a single day watching modern television without being overwhelmed by the feeling that one is polluted and effected by it. The British have never been more idiotic and worthless as a people than they are at this moment in time. Never before, has this country been more prone to the production of mindless drones so willing to go to war...and so willing to support war. Never before has there ever been such a reckless and mindless failure of government, the media and the British state as right now.
If we win this war, terrorism will finally be victorious and we will be completely defeated!
Better the devil you know, will not nearly be good enough to stave off what comes next!!!!
The British people, like the British nation, has all but disappeared. There is very little that is recognisable left. All that is left, is a quasi-Jewish "children of God" mentality with a throbbing vein of self-deceit and delusional insanity aching away where domestic pride and self respect used to be.
We are simply not properly aware yet, of what it is we have lost and had stolen from the name of the new Jerusalem!
Long live the 'insurgency', long live the 'king'!
Knot Eyed Jaguar.
Whining morons pretending they are activists!
20.11.2010 02:51
Not counting the four and a half billion in the rest of the world who beleive in other Gods.
Look, the maths illustrate a simple point. The vast majority of people around the world beleive in God. NONE of them claim he lives in the sky. A tiny very insignificant (and probably a bit retarded) number of people claim they don't beleive in God but in the same breath claim he lives in the sky!
Whatever the argument, the maths say you are utterly, completely and murderously beaten.
Athiests have got to be the most ridiculous and moronic breed of fucking failures the world has ever seen. Are they people who don't beleive in God...or are they people not intelligent enough to understand what God is? Thats the fucking question!
Its like standing in front of a half mile thick hundred mile high brick wall trying to demolish it with a single human hair swearing blind to everyone who stops to look at you that the wall is going to fall down any moment now.
With comments like the one above, you have got to be a copper, or a wannabe copper!
Mr Athiest Pinkskin
Reality Check.
20.11.2010 03:11
At least they don't film themselves while doing the bombing and then call a press conference of their media lackies to show off their villainous work while laughing about the dead afterward's at Nato HQ!!!!
The only good a dead patriot!
Save Your Soul.
20.11.2010 11:34
So, forgive us, but we can hardly take their judgement as any form of fact. Again, most pakistanis believe in some kind of God because it tells them to in a book. I put it to you that they probably believe that about Blackwater because it tells them on the internet."
Poor poor little non-believing athiest.
You sit at home spewing out your hatred for the world while your tormentors live the high life at your expense.
I believe in God because I have something inside me called faith. It is my undying belief that those who want to be my masters can never be my masters. No human can ever be my master. My belief in God is my absolute guarantee that I can never be dominated by any self serving selfish and misfitting human. It is my protection from those with ambition to dominate me for their own ends.
Each person of faith I meet, is a fellow fighter against tyranny and dictatorship. We are brothers and we are sisters. We are loyal to each other and our collective faith conquers all comers. My God is my protector, my mate and my guide through life. My God walks before me and ensures the road ahead is clear of fools.
You however, have no God, no faith, no protector.
You are an athiest and believe only what you are told to believe. No thought is your own. Your life is filled only with the interests of those who already dominate you. The space within you that is reserved for your guide in life, and which is only for your use and no-one elses, is stolen from you by those who understand the value of having servants. Like a parasite pupa laid within an infant insect, it thrives on your body and soul. It robs you of everything you have and everything you are.
An athiest is somebody who has been robbed by other athiests. Science, politics, business, advertising, media, populism, public relations are the tools used to exact the theft.
Once you turn your back on God, you will be set upon, like a frog that has fallen into a pond of starving piranha. They will fight over your very soul and will kill each other to feed from it.
What a man of faith believes, can never be understood by the faithless. Fact is the first defence and last refuge of the dispossessed.
What a muslim man or woman believes, they believe. For secular western athiest's, the "facts" are simply the dispossessed spitting with a tongue that is not their own.
Repent your sins. Join us and ask forgiveness for giving that part of you that is for God, away to the athiest's and those with avarice. Let us refill your soul and give you back your sanity and love.
Do it as an act of defiance against your masters.
but God isn't real
20.11.2010 13:54
G-d is experiential
20.11.2010 14:33
about priests - that's man's design, has to do with religion and not necessarily with G-d: which Is whether you Know It or not. just like any profession, there are good ones and bad ones. a real priest is born not made. if you're truly interested, Honestly, sincerely ask the Universe to guide you to It's Presence and It will. Thy Will Is the whole of the law and that's a paradox too.
Save Your Souls.
20.11.2010 15:08
A man of faith who is a priest, would never want to be your master.
A man who wants to be your master, is absent the faith required to be a priest.
If you have space within yourself for love and accommodation of God, God will become more real than anything else you can know. If that space, which is yours by birthright, is surrendered to those riddled with the self loathing of avarice, then God can never appear within you, and can never be real.
If you give away that space, the imposter that takes up residence will fight you tooth and nail, to convince you never to turn your back on him. If you come to understand that the imposter itself is not real, God will appear to you...will evict that imposter, and will bring you back to your brothers and sisters to once again love them, and be loved by them.
Repent your sin and turn your back on that which is itself, robbed blind by those who have turned their backs on God in the past.
The imposter can never love you...and will never allow you to love it. It will only ever be, a loveless marriage.
Sunman - what about gays?
21.11.2010 12:43
What does your god say should happen to gays who march in the street?
To gays who have orgies?
to gays who refuse to shut up when told to who proclaim their sexuality publically?
Religious people are atheists too...
21.11.2010 14:27
Muslims are atheists with regards to Hindu gods, or pagan gods, or ancient Greek gods, or ancient Roman gods, or Norse gods, etc.
Each religion is convinced that their own little religion is right and the others are all wrong, for no rational reasons at all. Most people follow a religion purely because that was their cultural upbringing.
The whole idea of "al-Qaida" is really a political one, because of the actions of the (primarily Christian) US against Islamic countries, and because of the whole Israel/Palestine thing.
Religion is really just the brainwashing to keep people in line and get them to be good cannon fodder for the fight. hat is just as true for Islamic fundamentalists as it is for the anti-Islamic forces.
Save your Soul
21.11.2010 15:13
sexuality publically?"
A gay man or woman is no different to an atheist in that their space has been co-opted by their masters.
In exactly the same way, a working class man, or woman, is more co-opted than most by their masters. I recently observed a young man in London around Regent Street walking with a number of carrier bags covered in the message of capitalism. He wore a tracksuit smothered from head top toe with the messages of his masters. He wore a hat covered with the message of his masters. He walked along with the pride of a man who MUST be arrogant for fear of finally waking up to the reality of his life...the life of a miserable servant. The life of a caged animal.
A gay man or woman is no different than any other man or woman. It is of no importance what a gay man or woman does with their is of no importance what a gay man or woman does on the street, nor is it important what a gay man or woman says to themselves or to others.
A gay man or woman is no different than any other man or woman. If they have surrendered their space, if their soul has been robbed...they are no better or worse than any other atheist.
Their sexuality does not offer any safeguard, nor does it offer any solace. It does not mark them as special nor does is infer any privilege. If their space has been surrendered or abandoned to a master...then they are as empty as the next human husk.
Everybody has a soul, you are in possession of it or it has been seconded and it is owned by somebody else. Nothing else you can fill your life up with, gives any solace to you once you have lost that which is most valuable to you.
Repent your sins.
Save Your Souls.
21.11.2010 15:34
"Religion is really just the brainwashing to keep people in line and get them to be good cannon fodder for the fight. hat is just as true for Islamic fundamentalists as it is for the anti-Islamic forces."
It is nothing more than the politics of the atheists to suggest, infer and promote the idea that those with faith carry the same identical flaws as the atheist. The atheist is absent that which provides the knowledge to seek God and it is this knowledge which can only come from God. The atheist see's only the veneer of religion from those who have faith. To believe in God, is to recognise the nature of the differences of all religions for religions are the manifest interpretation of the will of God. Religion is man's interpretation of the will of God.
In each of the great nations there have been different interpretations through the ages and those interpretations have always been changed. It is the atheist that refuses to accept that these interpretations should be made at all or can be changed through the ages. It is the atheist who lives in a world that is endlessly being changed but who refuses to allow that change to be undertaken by those with faith. For the atheist, the world MUST change according to the will of his master, but that change must NEVER be allowed if his master does not approve.
It is also the talent of the atheist to offer its own failings as explanation for the non-existant failings of those with faith. So the brainwashing of the atheist that his master undertakes to keep control is offered as a measure of the failing of those with faith, in order to protect the atheist from becoming aware of the fraud he is subject to. The majority of those who have been sent to war...have been atheists fighting to the right of their masters to continue to dominate them. Only when the shells are falling, and the bullets have been fired...does the atheist finally understand the folly they are involved with. When death approaches...the atheist will only see their master turning his back, in order to search for a new replacement to dominate.
Give up your masters and throw them to the ground. Your brothers and your sisters are lonely and must be loved by you. You are a human being, you must no allow yourselves to be servants, you must not allow yourself to be used as an animal. You must turn your back on your master and you must identify them in public. You must expose them as creatures of avarice. You must expose the fraud that is their dominion over you.
Repent your sins.
@Sunman: no one is my master, not even God
21.11.2010 18:29
Face it, the whole idea of a supernatural "god" was just a myth made up in the past to explain (or really, brush under the carpet) things that weren't understood. There are no sentient all-powerful entities that control the whole universe, only basic laws of physics that control how elementary particles behave, and from which emergent patterns arise like human and other life.
You don't have to be religious to see that much of consumer society is bullshit.
Fucking crock of idiots
21.11.2010 20:36
it has been overrun by loons if this is where the british anarchist movement resides it is fucked
fuck off scunman- I can look after myself without your G-d
Love these words, find their meaning, and return to God.
21.11.2010 22:14
"I use indymedia less and less because of this kind of garbage it has been overrun by loons if this is where the british anarchist movement resides it is fucked fuck off scunman- I can look after myself without your G-d"
When God appears in your life...all becomes understood.
The rest of your writing is little more than science and the confirmed and unqualified bias of science. But I agree, consumerism is worthless and largely futile as a mechanism under which the life you live is to be understood. Consumerism offers nothing because it has nothing to offer. It appears as a creator of wealth as is defended as such but this masks a separate intention, the desire to formally organise the dominion of the dominant and to manage and maintain the strength of that domain.
The second comment is clear enough evidence if more were needed illustrating the desperation of the atheist. It is a hard thing indeed for the atheist to be challenged directly by the proposition that a more realistic and persistent reality exists beyond, and in place of, the borrowed, and false, reality of atheism. If it is anger that causes you to write the words you do then it is that very anger which you might consider turning against that which is controlling you. Why exhaust this anger here, anonoumously, on your computer when it is far more desirable, and rewarding, to place it directly at the foot of your master.
Do you have the absolute assurance of your direction in life without permanently being handicapped by an anger which is slung at you continually and without pause. Every day, every week, every month and year you are prodded and poked by your masters because it is anger which confines you and binds you to them. With that anger, your master and your soul are welded together. In the previous years, have you not been astonished at the object of your hatred curiously smiling while saying the most vile things. When you become angry at your target, do you not stop to wonder that your nemesis is so careful and deliberate when saying the vile things that they say?
For the atheist, anger is a mechanism by which absolute control is enacted. It is this anger which demands your obedience and it is this anger which controls you.
The avarice knows this when commanding your obedience, the avarice is carefully aware that your anger is his permission to own you. It is his permission to dominate, control, and act as your master. It is this anger which acts as contract between you and that which you hate. Once you show it, you are relieved of your soul and your thoughts are no longer your own. Take your political leaders, the squalid and retarded fool we had as prime minister not so long ago, delights in offending you, takes comfort in committing the most violent crimes, celebrates his black achievements and invites you to challenge him, openly. He needed your anger because he could not survive without it.
Understand that God is aware of all that every human being has known through every age of mankind. To be aware of God, and to allow God into your life, is to become married to that knowledge and to be given the right to explore it for yourself. When that knowledge appears, the avarice is exposed and what is in his heart is seen and viewed as clear as day. The avarice does not know this because the avarice cannot believe that such a knowledge exists. To the avarice, God is simply superstition, a fairytale fit only for children's bedtime reading. For the avarice, the greatest and most profound strength of all, simply does not exist because it is not wrapped in sparkling packaging, because its value does not resemble and mimic the false value of his fools gold.
You cannot live your life on your own, no man is an island. To live, you must decide what it is you need to survive. Will you trade your soul for an empty pot only to watch it filled with the bleeding filth of an avarice?
Or will you find the courage and humility to allow your soul to be filled with God. To know that the rules by which you may trade with God are not the rules you have been told. To find that once God is within you, even men of religion are not to be trusted, because the avarice is even prone to wear the uniform of the church in order to gain a flock, such is the degree to which the avarice has been dispersed.
Repent your sins and return to your God and be loved by him and learn to love your brothers and sisters. Take nothing as the truth until you know the voice of the truth is inside you. The world is full to bursting with those who have taken the truth, turned it on its head, and have given you day for night, and night for day.
You can do nothing, if you do not know the truth of what you stand for.
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