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(From Latuff to UK students) Tory Cuts:Scissors BEATS paper, rock BEATS scissors

Latuff | 18.11.2010 00:02 | Education | Globalisation | Social Struggles

Copyleft cartoon for UK students, to be reproduced in newspapers, posters, t-shirts, you name it.

Cameron's rock-paper-scissors game
Cameron's rock-paper-scissors game

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18.11.2010 04:59

You know, when a cartoon is dumb even by Latuff standards, then it's really very very dumb.



18.11.2010 07:31

any chance of Latuff turning his rapier wit in support of the students of Iran gunned down and imprisoned by that government?

ma student

@MA student

18.11.2010 15:31

Of course not! Latuff may not know much but he knows better than to bite the hand that feeds him.

Bring back Digery Cohen


18.11.2010 21:26

Paper beats rock = education beats students

mr logic

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