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G20 (by Latuff)

Latuff | 17.11.2010 21:12 | G20 London Summit | Globalisation | Public sector cuts | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, to be published in "Ideias em Revista", magazine of Sindicato dos Servidores das Justicas Federais no Rio de Janeiro, Nov/Dec edition.


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sell out

17.11.2010 21:24

Yeah right. What with the disclosure on how much money you get paid Latuff, I think who are the biggest capitalist of them all! Profiting out of other people's misery - two faced bastard. Fuck off


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@goo - The root of socialist violence

17.11.2010 22:21

So you hate some one just because of how much they earn, not because of how they earn it ?
It's the: "he gets more than me, so let's attack him" attitude.

Doctors also earn a high wage out of other peoples misfortune, do you want them to fuck off too ?


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