'Wills', Kate and the Return of the Ghost Town
Infantile Disorder | 17.11.2010 11:34 | Analysis
According to BBC News, this morning's biggest story is the engagement of William Windsor to Kate Middleton, following a what is being called a "marathon eight-year courtship". And maybe it is significant in a way. Not for the wedding itself of course - which will just be two people saying some words in a building - but for the way it will be used, and the way it will be viewed.
Prime Minister David Cameron declared himself delighted at the news, saying it was "A great day for our country, a great day for the Royal family and obviously a great day for Prince William and for Kate." When the Cabinet were informed of the "unadulterated good news", ministers apparently gave "a great cheer", and "banged the table".
And well they might. At a time when the government is going flat out to increase the gap between super-rich and poor, they will no doubt be hoping that the royal family performs its ceremonial role, and 'unites the country' - i.e. chloroforms the opposition in workplaces and on the streets. I am reminded of satirical website The Onion's headline for the 1981 marriage of William's mother, whose engagement ring Middleton now wears: "Fairytale Wedding Distracts Rank-and-File: Economically Ravaged British Underclass Temporarily Forgets Miserable Lives".
July 1981 was an interesting month, and not just because I was born. With Margaret Thatcher's neoliberal reforms biting, poor young people rioted in Liverpool and Leeds, following uprisings in Brixton and Birmingham earlier in the year. The Specials were at number one with Ghost Town, a song which - as Harpy Marx has blogged - "capture[d] the moment". But yes, certain layers of society were distracted by the ill-fated wedding of Charles Windsor to Diana Spencer. There was bunting - not fighting - in many streets, as people toasted the 'fairytale'.
Nearly thirty years have passed, and social conditions have worsened for the majority, because Thatcher was just the beginning, and her disciples continue her work to this day. However, those three decades have not been lived in vain. Many have become 'disillusioned' - in the true sense - with royalty, and indeed all those in power, who are rightly seen as entirely self-serving and detached from everyday life. Despite the media fanfare, a glance at the BBC's 'have your say' page for the engagement shows a general lack of interest, plus concern about how much the patriotic extravaganza will cost. 'Steve' perhaps sums up the consensus with the following: "Oh goody rejoice the World is saved. Hope they have a nice wedding,no doubt we will be picking up the tab! Any chance of a day off?"
And there is the dilemma for the ruling establishment: a lavish wedding will no doubt overwhelm some people into 'uniting' behind the royal family. But at a time when every penny of government spending on 'commoners' is being questioned, the spectacle of a parasitic elite indulging in taxpayer-funding back-slapping would provoke furious anger in others. Because, of course, "we're all in it together".
And well they might. At a time when the government is going flat out to increase the gap between super-rich and poor, they will no doubt be hoping that the royal family performs its ceremonial role, and 'unites the country' - i.e. chloroforms the opposition in workplaces and on the streets. I am reminded of satirical website The Onion's headline for the 1981 marriage of William's mother, whose engagement ring Middleton now wears: "Fairytale Wedding Distracts Rank-and-File: Economically Ravaged British Underclass Temporarily Forgets Miserable Lives".
July 1981 was an interesting month, and not just because I was born. With Margaret Thatcher's neoliberal reforms biting, poor young people rioted in Liverpool and Leeds, following uprisings in Brixton and Birmingham earlier in the year. The Specials were at number one with Ghost Town, a song which - as Harpy Marx has blogged - "capture[d] the moment". But yes, certain layers of society were distracted by the ill-fated wedding of Charles Windsor to Diana Spencer. There was bunting - not fighting - in many streets, as people toasted the 'fairytale'.
Nearly thirty years have passed, and social conditions have worsened for the majority, because Thatcher was just the beginning, and her disciples continue her work to this day. However, those three decades have not been lived in vain. Many have become 'disillusioned' - in the true sense - with royalty, and indeed all those in power, who are rightly seen as entirely self-serving and detached from everyday life. Despite the media fanfare, a glance at the BBC's 'have your say' page for the engagement shows a general lack of interest, plus concern about how much the patriotic extravaganza will cost. 'Steve' perhaps sums up the consensus with the following: "Oh goody rejoice the World is saved. Hope they have a nice wedding,no doubt we will be picking up the tab! Any chance of a day off?"
And there is the dilemma for the ruling establishment: a lavish wedding will no doubt overwhelm some people into 'uniting' behind the royal family. But at a time when every penny of government spending on 'commoners' is being questioned, the spectacle of a parasitic elite indulging in taxpayer-funding back-slapping would provoke furious anger in others. Because, of course, "we're all in it together".
Infantile Disorder
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What the public love
17.11.2010 11:51
A royal funeral?
See the dreadful poster the black clad masses are distributing at http://anarchistmedia.wordpress.com/
Stick it in your window, your staffroom, the pub toilet. If you are good at art; spray it on a wall.
Dr Guillotene
“Fairytale Wedding Distracts Rank-and-File: Economically Ravaged British Undercl
17.11.2010 12:08
“Lady Diana Spencer and Prince Charles Philip Arthur George of Wales were married Wednesday in a fairytale wedding that temporarily distracted the teeming, dirt-faced hordes of British commoners from their dreary, destitute lives.”
“Captivated by the picture-book event, held at St Paul’s Cathedral, England’s faceless rabble momentarily forgot about the country’s high taxes, runaway inflation, stratified class structure, stagnant manufacturing base and rapidly plummeting position in the world economy.”
“Instead, they focused on the jewel-bedecked couple, who left Buckingham Palace in a majestic, diamond-studded coach following a stately, opulent procession of gleaming black Roll Royces carrying the crowned heads of Europe.”
“During the hours-long procession to St Paul’s, the royals passed hundreds of thousands of out-of-work coal miners stricken with black-lung disease. Many had camped out overnight in the hope of catching a glimpse of the bride and groom.”
” ‘This truly is a magical day,’ said George Livesey, an unemployed Sheffield mill worker who could feed his family for 437 years for the price of the royal wedding ring……”
“…….’How lovely she looks,’ said Francine Chisholm, a £1.50-an-hour maid who watched the wedding on a television in a shop window near her rat-infested two-room flat. ‘I’m weeping tears of joy’…….”
Explosive times ahead.
17.11.2010 15:01
The 1980 marriage of the other lot was used in much the same way.
Just wait until the media and their royal luvvies get going. Pass the sick bag, then the s*****x.
Throne down and up.
Mockny Watch
17.11.2010 19:34
Well done you have got your bit of publicity for your blog so why not go back to telling those at the Crown how Communism will be "coming to you very soon". Of course we could mention here what your father does and how that paid for your education. Or did you not want people to know where you went to school or indeed the job you will be starting next year ?
Communist ? My arse.
Cor - Love a duck
Miserable bastards
17.11.2010 19:56
Fucking cheer up.
17.11.2010 23:29
19.11.2010 17:31
Total bollocks - people are far better off than 30 years ago. Even the poor are less poor.
However you view the system, you weaken your case if you tell lies.
farns barns
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