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"We're Back" - back online

Fitwatch | 17.11.2010 02:14 | Policing | Repression

Thanks to the metropolitan police for giving us such huge publicity and making us even stronger. See you on the streets.

And with a secure server, massive coverage and a clear message that we’re here to stay.

On Monday night we received notification that our site had been suspended due to “attempting to pervert the course of justice” due to our posting offering advice to the Millbank students. Whilst the email requesting the site be closed on the basis it was being used for “criminal activity” came from DI Paul Hoare, from the Police Central e-crime Unit, the authorisation to close was given much closer to home, by acting Detective Inspector Will Hodgeson. Hodgeson, who was involved in the first Fitwatch case, and has sat through many of our trials and appeals, evidently finally had enough and decided to shut us down.

However, through totally underestimating the power of social media, this pathetic attempt has failed miserably. Within minutes of networking what had happened, people were re-publishing the post anywhere and everywhere. There are now over 100 sites carrying the original post – we haven’t managed to count them all. We have been overwhelmed by the support and solidarity and send massive thanks to everyone who’s offered to help and reposted the information. If we haven’t replied personally, it’s only because we’ve been inundated, and haven’t had time.

This was a real attempt to squash dissent and criticism of the police, as well as attempting to stifle common sense advice to protesters subject to a witch hunt by the right wing press. The solidarity given by so many people has ensured this hasn’t happened, and has shown we can fight back. Even if we were to be arrested and prosecuted now, we would still be grateful to CO11 for the amount of publicity they’ve generated for us.

We’re back, and we’re stronger than ever.

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Hide the following 16 comments

Account suspended?

17.11.2010 08:50

Something's gone wrong? :)


Re: Account suspended?

17.11.2010 10:27

My guess is that the DNS records will take 24 hours to update on the numerous name servers across the world, so some web users will see the website and others won't.

In English: When your computer requests a web page from a URL (e.g. it will first look up the IP address (which is a number identifying where to find any particular computer/server connected to the internet) on a 'name server'. Internet service providers provide name servers for their customers, so when you visit a web page your computer will first look up the IP address.

If Fitwatch changed to a new hosting provider they would need to change the IP address for and it would take about 24 hours for the majority of name servers in the world to have received the update.


The new fitwatch site

17.11.2010 13:03

The new IP is
to if you can't wait to see
go to



17.11.2010 13:20

well done fitwatch - like your style!

cheered up

Hodgeson contact details?

17.11.2010 17:16

Come on fitwatch, do what you best - contact details please so I can tell this pig what I think of him


Yay! And a lesson for all of us

17.11.2010 18:13

Great to see the site back up. Fitwatch do excellent work, but not enough people had heard of them. So I would like to say a special thank you to the Met for all the publicity that I'm sure FW could not have afforded by themselves.

But let's all learn a lesson. The coppers are bastards, and will trample over your right to free speech. Most web hosting companies are in it for the money, and don't give a toss about your rights. They will capitulate to the filth.

Use activist providers instead. Here's a small & incomplete list to get you started ...


Free speech: a gross misunderstanding

17.11.2010 19:37

Theres seems to be a major misunderstanding of what free speech means.
It does not mean you can say anything you like.

For instance, you can't walk up to an old lady in the street and hurl abuse at her and claim you are allowed to under 'free speech'. It is illegal to threaten and be abusive in public. Similarly, there are libel, trade description and obscenity laws that prevent you from just saying anything you like.

Fitwatch had illegal content on it and therefore was breaking the law. The police brought this to the host providers and attention and they took appropriate action in accordance with their contract with the customer, which I'm sure would have a clause about how any hosted site do not break UK or international law.

So, in summary, all this rubbish about "free speech" is a pile of crock. Free speech does not entitle anyone to act unlawfully


False claim

17.11.2010 20:38

"Fitwatch had illegal content"

So the police vaguely claimed. However their claims are most unlikely to stand up in court. Yes court, the place where in our society questions of illegality are decided.

I believe in the rule of law. You don't, because you seem happy for the police to try and take over the role of the courts.

A N Other

True claim

17.11.2010 21:20

>> So the police vaguely claimed. However their claims are most unlikely to stand up in court. Yes court, the place where in our society questions of illegality are decided

Wrong. The Laws of our country define what is illegal, not a court. A court applies the law to a case. The claims are likely to stand up in court. Anyone who tries to assist a criminal to evade a crime is committing a criminal act. If trying to assist someone who is wanted for attempted murder isn't a crime then i don't know what is.

Besides. The hosting company felt the site was breaking their T&Cs and so stopped hosting it.


But for...

17.11.2010 21:32

It's not over!

how long

Still using a TLD ?

17.11.2010 21:57

You loose a UK host so you switch - but you are still using a TLD - very stupid.

I suspect you have matter of hours - get ready to move again.

A little knowledge is dangerous but none at all can be fatal

so Stupid

Another false claim

17.11.2010 22:16

"The Laws of our country define what is illegal, not a court. A court applies the law to a case."

That is what I said.

Whether the post was illegal or not is something to be decided in court, not on the whim of some police officer. If the police thought they had a case they would have gone to court, they have tried many times against Fitwatch and usually lost. They didn't go to court because they knew they didn't have a case. They may now try to cover their embarrassment by trying the courts, hopefully the courts will laugh them out again.

You can prattle on as long as you like, I will not be responding again.

A N Other

We shall see.

17.11.2010 22:32

@so Stupid. We shall see. Nominet do not actually host the website, they just provide a name. So the legal position is different. It will be interesting to see how far the cops will push this. One way or the other, they will lose in the end. Their powers to censor the internet are not so wide ..... yet.

Quite Stupid


18.11.2010 19:44

@ tabbie

"The Laws of our country define what is illegal, not a court. A court applies the law to a case."

Apart from the ludicrous Cameronesque "our" (I'm not part of your "our"), this is a COMMON LAW SYSTEM, not a codified one, and that's not how common law works.

"The claims are likely to stand up in court."

So far, it doesn't look like the cops have the bottle to try, preferring to just make stuff up, as usual. By shooting their mouths off to the media the way they have, they're likely to have prejudiced any trial. Doubt it would get past the CPS, never mind reach a court.


Interesting to note.

18.11.2010 23:07

That in their application to close the site, the cops say.

We hereby request Singlehop to de-host this website for a minimum
period of 12 months.
Please note that this request will be also sent to the domain name
registrar for the website.

However the domain name is still being used, so it looks to me as though the domain name registrar did not comply with the cop's application, even though Singlehop, who host the site, did.

Anyone with a knowledge of the law on this, please comment.

Quiet Stupid


19.11.2010 17:39

>>> Apart from the ludicrous Cameronesque "our" (I'm not part of your "our").
What do you mean you are not part of our? What are you, Scottish or something?
If your in England then you abide by the England laws.

>>> this is a COMMON LAW SYSTEM, not a codified one, and that's not how common law works.
Yes it is.

>>> So far, it doesn't look like the cops have the bottle to try, preferring to just make stuff up, as usual. By shooting their mouths off to the media the way they have, they're likely to have prejudiced any trial. Doubt it would get past the CPS, never mind reach a court.
Its that weird Emily Apple of whatever her name is thats writes in the Guardian.
Her claim to fames are shes a mother and that she is from Cornwell. Whatever that means. Anyway, who cares. If shes breaking the law then she should face the consequence's.

What ilks me is telling protestings to get rid of their weapons? What the fuck is all that about?
People who are carrying knives should be locked up not supported.
