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Royal Visit to Death Park! 18th Nov. 2010

Molly Mosschops | 16.11.2010 12:08 | Sheffield

War lords Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh will visit Rotherham's cutting edge DEATH PARK 'factory of the future' this week!

They will tour the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre at Catcliffe on Thursday. This sick global research facility is the experiment centre of heavy construction, nuclear, aerospace and defense corporations. Boeing, Rolls Royce, BAE, and UK and US Military all have their talons in this centre supported by the Sheffield and Manchester Uni's. Casting Technology International one of the businesses already operating at the park makes parts for 'drones' (unmanned aerial and ground vehicles) on site as well as other defence hardware for such instruments of death as the Taranis Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle, the Joint Strike Fighter, the M777 Lightweight Howitzer and the Future Naval Gun.

How lovely for the queen to be able to view first hand the innovative and advanced technological solutions of how to profit from death, raping of the earth and oppression of the people.

The Advanced Manufacturing Park has already been operating for over a year and now her Majesty will be leading a groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction for the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NAMRC) with Rolls Royce. She will also visit University of Sheffield, Sheffield Cathedral and the Gripple Factory.

So if queeny and her band of murderous men want to celebrate nuclear and death for profit then we will celebrate peace, love and respect so make your way to Catcliffe, Rotherham this Thursday 18th Nov for a PARTY FOR PEACE! Loads of support is needed so dont go to work, turn off your tv's, bring out your banners and drums and any other musical instruments you have, show solidarity and a big not in our name! What kind of future do you want for the human race??

Molly Mosschops
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16.11.2010 13:39

A lot of wildly inaccurate allegations again. Try and get your facts right, at the very least.

A Realist

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