Virtually repressive: Met shuts down Fitwatch site (metropolis) | 16.11.2010 11:23 | London
Last night the Met police shut down the Fitwatch blog, citing it was "being used to undertake criminal activities". It is widely believed that the post titled "Beating police repression after the student occupation" was the reason for the shut down, it was advising protestors who were worried about being targeted by repression following the Millbank protests. The article has in the meantime gone viral, rendering the censorship attempt futile. Fitwatch has been keeping twitter followers updated, and thanks the Met police for the publicity. Also see [Guardian | ElReg | JonnyVoid | Fitwatch on Fitwatch]
While the attempt at silencing the blog has failed, and resulted in much publicity for Fitwatch and the article in question, it is unclear what will follow and if they will try to prosecute anyone for "perverting the course of justice".
For some background on corp online services see Their business and ours and Social Networking... how cool is that?
Have you ever had a facebook, twitter or gmail account suspended? Was your blog closed down? Who was making it happen and why? What did you do about it? Did you lose any emails, articles, pictures because of it? Post your stories here. (metropolis)
Original article on IMC London: