Text of Zapatista Talk @ Bookfair
Martin O'Neill | 16.11.2010 00:45 | Zapatista
Starting in 2009 a new phase of attacks, primarily by state-sponsored paramilitaries, against the Zapatista communities and adherents to the Zapatista initiated Other Campaign began. These attacks, in various parts of Zapatista territory in which there are economic interests at stake, are intended to put an end to the Zapatista struggle. This struggle shows the real possibility of constructing social relations differently to the capitalist way, and of building another world which is emerging through the experience of autonomy in their communities, and which is projected nationally and internationally through the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle. Although the repression has been constant, it increased as 2010 approached. The new Zapatista campaign against the repression “Miles de Rabias, Un Sólo Corazón: ¡Vivan las Communidades Zapatistas! (
http://milesderabias.blogspot.com/) began with international days of graffiti and banners in July and August. November 27th will see another international day of action.
Read the rest of the text here:
A shorter, edited version of the talk can be found in the latest edition of Black Flag.

Read the rest of the text here:

A shorter, edited version of the talk can be found in the latest edition of Black Flag.
Martin O'Neill