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Students to target S Williams MP as day of action planned

anti-cuts | 15.11.2010 01:22

Remember remember the 10th of November
Hot on the heels of last weeks student demo in London, the NUS has announced plans to target LibDem MP's who told porkies to get elected - including S William (Bristol West) and Dan Foster (Bath). At the same time, a coalition of students and workers is calling for a national day of action on Wednesday 24 November.

Along with Williams (see and Foster, the NUS has Nick Clegg (Sheffield) and Simon Wright (Norwich) in its sights (see The aim will be to get students to either use forthcoming 'recall' legislation (ha - we'll believe that one when we see it!), or the next election to unseat these liars. Which is great, but leaves one huge problem - all the other parties have voted for fees. So if there's nobody to vote for...the possibilities become endless.

More relevantly, and more importantly to keep the campaign real and moving, the National Campaign Against Fees & Cuts has called for 24 November to be a day of walkouts, occupations, protests and outreach (see This is extended to all students, including school students whose futures are rapidly being ruined.

Here in Bristol it is unclear if student unions will formally support the day, but so what, it only needs a few students to get the ball rolling, and as we saw in London, who knows where it'll end up? So pass it on by any means necessary, diy and we'll see you on the streets and in the occupations.

- Original article on IMC Bristol: