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Oxford students back fees hike.

ME | 14.11.2010 18:23 | Education | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Oxford

No surprise there then.

Any plans for action to show solidarity with the rest of the country? Any students from Christ Church want to picket the entrance on St Aldates? Or any other colleges.?



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Just plain wrong

14.11.2010 19:11

This is just divisive press association rubbish, thought indymedia readers might not believe everything they read in the corp press.

For one thing oxford sent free coaches with about 500 people! One of the largest presences of the unis!

And another thing is that the college they mention 'Christ Church' is the most elitist of all the colleges, far worse than most, clearly some tory in their midst just sent this to the PA.

Finally Oxford Students have done plenty of things in Oxford so far and are planning more. They had a really successful demo which stopped Cable coming to lecture, they had a vodafone sit in, and a free university on Saturday which was amazing.

Come along to Oxford Education Campaign meeting Monday 15th at St Hilda's 8pm.

Oxford Education Campaign


14.11.2010 19:39

Thanks for the response OEC it's good to know it's just the one college so far defecting. Still, it'd be nice for some Christ Church students to show some mettle against the more privileged, or at least, more elitist students.

My apologies if I caused you offence It was purely a reactionary response to something that angered me and more than anything I was hoping for some replies. So thank you for yours.


hardly a surprise

15.11.2010 09:11

This is all a class war anyway. Tories cutting off funding to the lower middle and working classes. So a bunch of aristocratic toffs at an elitist college are highly likely to support measures that help cut out competition to their hereditary interests.
