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Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Zwei Fuhrers!

The Koalition | 12.11.2010 11:46 | History | Repression | Workers' Movements | Sheffield

A message from your masters...

This country has been brought to its knees by the poor, the sick, the old, the unemployed. While the rich and the bankers work hard to get the country back on its feet, paying themselves enhanced bonuses and salaries to rejuvenate the economy, the low-paid, the work-shy, pensioners, are doing nothing. While the ruling class have to suffer expanding waistlines and liver disease, supporting the retail industry we control, the unemployed are laughing at us, frittering away their £64 giros on inadequate heating and cheap food - they are bleeding this country dry! Enough is enough!

If you are sick, unemployed, a single parent, a student, a pensioner, or lowly paid, the high life is over. No more expecting assistance if you become ill, no more thoughts of university for the poor, no more ‘rights’ for workers, or retiring at the tender age of 65. It’s time the hard-working rich, the tireless politicians, the driven bosses, and the philanthropic bankers stopped letting you sponge off us. There will be no more crumbs from our tables! The world belongs to us, and we want everything in it! After years of lazing around in our factories on minimum wage, or idling around in some other way while we do all the work, you’re in for a shock. Things are going to get harder for you and for everyone like you, we’ve had these policies sitting around for decades, centuries even, and now we’ve got the opportunity to unleash them we’re really going to screw you down. We’ll squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze, until you’ve had enough.

The Koalition


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These graphics are intellectually pathetic and deeply offensive

12.11.2010 13:57

Moderators please remove this horse-shit

These images totally misunderstand the historic nature of Nazism, and, far even from being funny in any way, shape or form, they trivialise the mass murder of Jews, socialists, Roma, homosexuals and the disabled etc in concentration camps and are wildly insensitive

Jewish Socialist

Could this be ...

13.11.2010 07:00

... the return of the artist formerly known as Digery Cohen?
Or is it Latuff experimenting with a new media?
Anyway, you can't spell Führer.

Digery Cohen Watch

Provocative, challenging, but politically sound

13.11.2010 08:14

Some years ago radical comedian and activist Mark Thomas did a sketch where he trailed Jack Straw round London on a mock-up WW2 BMW motorbike, dressed as Hitler, telling Straw what a good job he was doing. It was very funny, but also very biting, particularly since Straw was clearly annoyed by it. Mark wasn't mocking Holocaust victims , he was using satire to show just how right-wing some of Straw's ideas were. The stunt was all the more effective because of Straw's liberal past. These images have dark humour and a sense of political history which shouldn't be censored or ignored. The Right in Europe today is more powerful than at any time since the defeat of Hitler and Mussolini, and bearing in mind the scapegoat rhetoric being used by Cameron, Clegg, and co and the unprecendented attacks being made by their government on the poor, the comparisons made by the poster are not inappropriate. Exaggeration is intrinsic to satire, but if in this case the exaggeration proves to be excessive I will be feeling happy and relieved not outraged.

Atheist Anarchist

Very good

13.11.2010 09:24

These pics look like the sort of thing the fascist party in V For Vendetta would produce, but the slogans on them are no longer from the realms of comic fiction. Unfortunately, the Nazis did not have a monopoly on fascism. Putting slogans that might soon be headlines on the front page of The Sun into a historic context seems to me to be the point of these pics.

angry young man

The mystery of the disappearing Indymedia post.

13.11.2010 14:33

This is very similar to a post I attempted to put on Indymedia last Wednesday. It never saw the light of day on the site. It was titled, "The big, Arbeit Macht Frei, Society". The content was broadly similar to this except the graphics.

In summary the gist of it was in the UK today, the poor, sick, disabled, pensioners and those who are not in work are the equivalent of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Look at the right wing papers and media to see how the frenzy is building up. The Gestapo and SS are in place in the Police today. They have been planning long enough.

Anyone who thinks this is an exaggeration should give it 5 years and see what has happened by then. That is if they are alive to see anything.

In memory of Ulrike Meinhof.

Right on

13.11.2010 15:28

Yeah cos Cameron's like worse than a Nazi, cos the Nazis killed loads of jews and hippies and Nelson Mandela and shit, but like Cameron's making people work for the dole which is like far worse. And Clegg's like that French dude who collaborated yeah De Gaulle that's it.
And my dad's a real Nazi too
Deep man deep

Henry Spart

De Gaulle?

13.11.2010 17:00

Aren't you talking about Petain? I think there are parallels to be drawn between the type of rhetoric and the scare stories being used against claimants (for example) and that used by the Nazi party. At present I wouldn't stretch the analogy further, but isn't that enough? Any chance of some bigger images?

Butcher's Dog

Sorry but...

13.11.2010 17:41

...they are fucking funny!

Red Tom

I take it ...

13.11.2010 18:31

you're all familiar with Godwin's Law? Because this is a prime example.


More cuts

13.11.2010 21:20

We need even more cuts.

If we sacked loads of useless public sector pen pushers and took Incapacity Benefit away from those who are as capable of work as anyone else we could use the savings to help maintain benefit levels for those who are in genuine need.

There are plenty of working class people who are sick of working in low and moderately paid jobs while the tax they pay is used to fund others who scrounge, malinger or do newly invented non-jobs at the local council, the civil service or the NHS.


Sun Reader

14.11.2010 13:38

Can someone make a poster just for Pete?

Smelly Feet

A good example of why these images are relevant

14.11.2010 17:11

Yeah Pete, it's claimants and the sick and disabled that caused the current ecconomic crisis. They are living the Life of Riley on their £60 a week (or less for the under 25's). No wonder the Tory coalition think they can get away with anything with ignorant morons like you.

Thick Tory twat

A good example of why these images are relevant

14.11.2010 17:12

Yeah Pete, it's claimants and the sick and disabled that caused the current ecconomic crisis. They are living the Life of Riley on their £60 a week (or less for the under 25's). No wonder the Tory coalition think they can get away with anything with ignorant morons like you.

Thick Tory twat

A good example of why these images are relevant

14.11.2010 17:12

Yeah Pete, it's claimants and the sick and disabled that caused the current ecconomic crisis. They are living the Life of Riley on their £60 a week (or less for the under 25's). No wonder the Tory coalition think they can get away with anything with ignorant morons like you.

Thick Tory twat

A good example of why these images are relevant

14.11.2010 17:13

Yeah Pete, it's claimants and the sick and disabled that caused the current ecconomic crisis. They are living the Life of Riley on their £60 a week (or less for the under 25's). No wonder the Tory coalition think they can get away with anything with ignorant morons like you.

Thick Tory twat

Up the Kaiser...down the pan

15.11.2010 01:09

Ointment..!...That's what you need when your Job's been scrapped by the Gentry and your Cuntry is up the spout.

Noah Finnity