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Defend the right to protest - Join the anti-Afghan war protest on Sat, Nov, 20.

stop the war coalition | 12.11.2010 10:12

The Royal Parks authority says the Afghanistan demo on 20 November can't assemble at Speakers' Corner. WE WILL DEFY THE BAN and defend the right to protest. JOIN US and send your complaint to the authorities.

We are urging as many people as possible to attend the anti-Afghan war demonstration on Saturday the 20th of November. See here for full details:

stop the war coalition


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Tactical suggestion in response to the ban - take the initiative to NorthwooodHQ

13.11.2010 07:44

Go to Northwood HQ (it's on the f'n tube...the most accessible in England)

2,000 marching on Northwood will create more tension
than 50,000 "one more time with feelin'"marching through the empty streets of London
(it feels like a Hollywood set down there/Downing St etc...and we feel like extras outta centrals casting)

You'l;l get more engagement with the suburbanites in Northwood than you'd get form the spin doctors whose empty buildings you plan to march past

We are at war an there is no tensions about it in the streets
Creative tension doesn't mean violence
...heading out to leafy suburban Northwood will create that tension

Not only is Northwod HQ the command centre for all British forces deployed abroad it is a NATO base
This demonstration has been called at this time to coincide with the NATO meeting in Portugal
(where the Russians will be invited on board for a formal military role in the war on Afghanistan)

statin' the obvious

nice suggestion about northwood but....

13.11.2010 15:16

you're talking to the 'can't stop the war coalition'. they have no interest in anything remotely creating tension. and they make up these pre-protest stories with monotonous regularity about fighting some pointless ban. then the ban gets lifted at the last moment. oooooh aren't they tough!
when people start organising for themselves, real progress happens. while we leave it up to mainstream and thoroughly infiltrated organisations (like STWC and NUS etc) to stifle dissent with their carefully stage-managed and controlled demonstrations, wars will continue and unelected governments will slash our welfare and education. as for tony benn, he's against anything that might point out his son is a war criminal, so please god, stop following his advice or calls to controlled, inneffective and polite action.
