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Manchester Uni Occupation

from text | 11.11.2010 14:01 | Free Spaces | Public sector cuts

Occupation of Manchester Uni's Finance office to expose planned cuts within the institution

spread the word far and wide and Ocuupy! Now!

from text


more on finance occupation

11.11.2010 14:53

hallway twitpic 2pm
hallway twitpic 2pm

The mancs uni cuts meeting turned into a spontaneous occupation of the finance director's office. currently 50-60 are occupying it and blocking the hall outside, demanding to open the book and see the extent of the cuts.

From the Manchester occupation:
Students at Manchester University have peacefully occupied the John Owens building and are lobbying the finance board over the coalition attack on higher education. We are demanding that the university opens its books so that we know where the cuts will fall, how many voluntary redundancies have already been made.

pic by rezahadisi:

solidarity - statement

11.11.2010 15:32

Statement from students in occupation at Manchester University:

“Students at Manchester Univeristy have peacefully occupied the John Owens Building and are lobbying the finance board over the Coalition’s attacks on higher education.

“We are demanding that the University opens its books so that we know where the cuts will fall, how many voluntary redundancies have already been made and to highlight the fact that the vice Chancellor is paid 20 times the average salary. The financial director has denied any cuts are planned, despite the fact that voluntary redundancies have been announced and the combined studies department has already been cut.

“We are here to support lecturers and administrative staff who will be losing their jobs. To oppose the rise in tuition fees that will price out most working class students. And to oppose the privatisation of our Universities.”

Rush messages of support to



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11.11.2010 15:47

Well done to all those involved.

Time to kick some coalition ass!



11.11.2010 16:16

Nice one Manchester !!!


Victory to the Students!

11.11.2010 18:27

“Support lecturers and administrative staff who will be losing their jobs."
Should read:
“Support lecturers and administrative staff whose jobs are threatened."

Victory to the Working Class!

Know yr Enemy - Paul Marshall

11.11.2010 18:38

in the words of Centre Forum - the Lib Dem Thinktank, providing the ideological doublespeak justification for the increase in student fees (from their website):
"Extending educational opportunities requires us to better direct public expenditure to those who most need it. Hence [their report] 'Open universities: a funding strategy for higher education' made the case for an increase in private payment, and a decrease in public subsidy, to free up scare resources to invest in early years education."

Paul Marshall, director of Hedge Fund Marshall Wace, is a major donator to the Libs Dems, and most significantly, donated £1 million to Centre Forum, and is chair of the Centre Forum Management Board and the Liberal Democrat Business Forum, and is special advisor to Nick Clegg. Marshall also co-edited the controversial The Orange Book in 2004, which contained essays championing pro-market policies. Marshall is also co-founder of charity ARK which is running one of the biggest academy chains in Britain. They currently run 6 schools (including the controversial Wembley Park academy in Brent*) and aim to run 12 by 2012.

* For more info about the ARK academy in Wembley Park and the financial hegemony behind the new wave of academies ie. privatisation masquarding behind the thinly veiled conceit of the new philanthropic charitable trust business model, see this excellent video about the campaign against Wembley Park Academy by Jason Parkinson:

Bullshit Detector

dont forget...

11.11.2010 19:04

to secure the building and barricade it


York Socialists (Uni of York)

11.11.2010 22:19

Well done Manchester, keeping the memento going! We are with you in spirit and if you go on for a month again, we'll be with you once more in a concrete way!
Thanks for leading the way, hopefully we all won't be long in the following!
Keep us updated.
Much Love,


Sophie Shaw
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