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student cuts demo - pics from parliament square

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki) | 10.11.2010 18:22 | London

tens of thousands of students marched through london today in protest against the cuts. at various times, a hundred or more joined sit-down protests in front of parliament, slowing the march to a trickle. later hundreds stormed the tory communications hq at millbank.

as tens of thousands of students marched past westminster, police attempted to keep a line of clear road between the march and parliament. one by one barriers got loosened. i saw one student carted off quite violently by police after he moved one of the barriers.

however, eventually the inevitable happened, and with a combination of a sit-down protest, and more gaps appearing in the fencing, soon the march took over the whole road. police then stopped all pedestrian traffic on the pavement in front of parliament, and filled the area with police to prevent an incursion.

however, students didn't seem too interested in remaining in the square and as many drifted from the sit-ins as joined.

some attempted to approach the libdem hq in the back streets, but were forced back by truncheon-wielding riot cops.

later, millbank hq was stormed, but this correspondent had another appointment so missed the big story of the day.

rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[dot]com (rikki)
- Original article on IMC London: