Biden/Bibi nuke war game begins with 4 real China Syndromes!
Captain Eric H. May | 09.11.2010 22:57 | Terror War | World
Just hours after I posted the breaking news about Saturday's surprise nuke exercise, the Indian Point nuclear power plant 24 miles from New York City was in a crisis.
By Captain Eric H. May
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Article art: Israel Controls Obama!
HOUSTON, 11/9/10 -- ran my Sunday nuclear alert as Sudden Nuke Exercise Alarms Americans: The warning is also getting a lot of exposure through Al-Jazeerah as: Sudden Nuke Exercise Alarms Americans, as Netanyahu Arrives and Obama Leaves. Ron Paul's folks hedged their bets by running it as Al-Jazeerah: Sudden Nuke Exercise Alarms Americans.
Everyone who published our Sunday morning or afternoon analysis has done our country a great service, and perhaps interdicted a terror attack. Just hours after I posted the breaking news about Saturday's surprise nuke exercise, the Indian Point nuclear power plant 24 miles from New York City was in a crisis: Entergy Shuts Indian Point Reactor After Explosion,
A few minutes ago I came across this pearl of information, and was shocked: As Obama pushes nuclear industry's expansion, its safety troubles mount,
"Two nuclear power plants owned by New Orleans-based Entergy were forced to shut down over the weekend following serious operating problems, including a radioactive leak at one plant in Vermont. Those troubling incidents come on the heels of an electrical explosion at NRG's South Texas nuclear plant last week, and a Friday incident at Progress Energy's Shearon Harris plant in North Carolina that caused the plant to momentarily lose cooling to the reactor core.
Four echoes of The China Syndrome!
The two nuclear emergencies Sunday were both under the control of a company headquartered in New Orleans -- where Biden and Bibi are using the big Jewish powwow to talk over what to do about the Kenya Kid while he goes to India, and are probably active in this nuclear scenario.
Today is a definite red zone day for an Israeli terror attack against the United States, just like they false-flagged the USS Liberty. They mass murdered Americans then, and they'll do it again if given a chance. They must be stopped by law enforcement and military members who honor their oath of service and revere the Declaration.
The date code is ominous: 11/9/10 is 9/11/10 in Israel. Kabbalah and Freemasonry omit the zeros, so today is a variation of 9/11/01, and they do love their numbers. They used the same coding when they have executed Timothy McVeigh on 6/11/01 (flip the six to make a nine).
I urge all readers to forward this article to law enforcement and military -- or veterans of the military and law enforcement..
Upon my oath and honor,
Captain Eric H. May, CO,
Ghost Troop Cybercavaly
+ + + + + + +
Captain May, a disabled veteran, spent five years conducting Opposing Forces (OPFOR) exercises.. His army qualifications include military intelligence; public affairs; and nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. The former NBC editoriali writer's essays have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine.
To comment or serve with Ghost Troop, write email to
Intelligence Editor
The Lone Star Iconoclast
Article art: Israel Controls Obama!

HOUSTON, 11/9/10 -- ran my Sunday nuclear alert as Sudden Nuke Exercise Alarms Americans:

Everyone who published our Sunday morning or afternoon analysis has done our country a great service, and perhaps interdicted a terror attack. Just hours after I posted the breaking news about Saturday's surprise nuke exercise, the Indian Point nuclear power plant 24 miles from New York City was in a crisis: Entergy Shuts Indian Point Reactor After Explosion,

A few minutes ago I came across this pearl of information, and was shocked: As Obama pushes nuclear industry's expansion, its safety troubles mount,

"Two nuclear power plants owned by New Orleans-based Entergy were forced to shut down over the weekend following serious operating problems, including a radioactive leak at one plant in Vermont. Those troubling incidents come on the heels of an electrical explosion at NRG's South Texas nuclear plant last week, and a Friday incident at Progress Energy's Shearon Harris plant in North Carolina that caused the plant to momentarily lose cooling to the reactor core.
Four echoes of The China Syndrome!
The two nuclear emergencies Sunday were both under the control of a company headquartered in New Orleans -- where Biden and Bibi are using the big Jewish powwow to talk over what to do about the Kenya Kid while he goes to India, and are probably active in this nuclear scenario.
Today is a definite red zone day for an Israeli terror attack against the United States, just like they false-flagged the USS Liberty. They mass murdered Americans then, and they'll do it again if given a chance. They must be stopped by law enforcement and military members who honor their oath of service and revere the Declaration.
The date code is ominous: 11/9/10 is 9/11/10 in Israel. Kabbalah and Freemasonry omit the zeros, so today is a variation of 9/11/01, and they do love their numbers. They used the same coding when they have executed Timothy McVeigh on 6/11/01 (flip the six to make a nine).
I urge all readers to forward this article to law enforcement and military -- or veterans of the military and law enforcement..
Upon my oath and honor,
Captain Eric H. May, CO,
Ghost Troop Cybercavaly
+ + + + + + +
Captain May, a disabled veteran, spent five years conducting Opposing Forces (OPFOR) exercises.. His army qualifications include military intelligence; public affairs; and nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. The former NBC editoriali writer's essays have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine.
To comment or serve with Ghost Troop, write email to

Captain Eric H. May
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