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Antifascist Films at Bradford 1 in 12 Club

Antifascist Solidarity | 09.11.2010 12:26 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

Saturday 4th December, 12 Noon - 10.00pm

Saturday 4th December sees the second Antifascist Film Day at Bradford ‘1 in 12’ Club. We hope those who came to the first event will be keen to see some different films and eat some more great food, while for newcomers it’s a good opportunity to spend what will hopefully be a great day in Bradford’s long-established Anarchist club.

The event is being held in the cafe area, and the films will be shown in the adjacent Albert Meltzer Library. We think we’ve got another good selection of antifascist films, four in total, and the cafe collective will be rustling up some great (and inexpensive) vegan food, snacks, tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cake! For ‘1 in 12’ members and their guests, there is also the bar of course (where you can apply to become a member of the club).

Come along for a toastie and a cuppa and take in a film, or spend the day stuffing your face and watch all four! Or you can just hang out and chat in the cafe area, browse the Leeds Anarchist Black Cross bookstall, and sign a card to a prisoner.
If you can afford it we are asking for a suggested donation of £1 admission, but if you can afford more all donations will be gratefully received, and nobody will be turned away because of a lack of funds. All money raised from the event will be sent to antifascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, who is currently locked-up in a Bulgarian prison (more on Jock’s case below).

Prisoner support has never been this much fun!

Hope to see you there.


The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (12) - 12.30pm

Based on the best-selling novel by John Boyne, The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas tells the story of two eight year-old boys who become friends through the barbed-wire of a Nazi concentration camp. Running time approximately 90 minutes. In English.

Conspiracy (15) - 2.15pm

On January 20th 1942 a group of high-ranking Nazi officials met on the outskirts of Berlin. Within two hours, and with chilling efficiency, they had decided the fate of Millions of lives through the Nazi’s ‘Final Solution’. Conspiracy is based upon the only surviving record of that meeting. Starring Kenneth Branagh and Stanley Tucci and featuring a superb cast of mainly British character actors. Running time approximately 90 minutes. In English.

The Army Of Crime (15) - 4.00pm

This inspiring film tells the true story of one of the most notorious and boldest resistance groups during the World War Two Nazi occupation of France. In an attempt to discredit them, they were dubbed ‘The Army of Crime’ by the fascists they fought against. Running time approximately 135 minutes. English subtitles.

Inglourious Basterds (18) - 7.00pm

And finally - By popular request (and lowering the tone considerably!) - Quentin Tarantino’s 2009 Nazi-killing romp Inglourious Basterds, a film which takes no prisoners. Running time 155 minutes. In English, French, German, and Italian!


Jock Palfreeman is a 23 year-old Australian Anarchist and antifascist, who in December 2007 went to the aid of two Roma boys being attacked by 16 fascists in Sofia, Bulgaria. The boys managed to escape, but the gang then turned on Jock, and he was viciously attacked. Jock fought back in self-defence, and one of the gang was injured and another killed. Since then Jock has been held in Sofia Prison, where he could be for years if pressure is not brought to bear on the Bulgarian authorities.. He urgently needs our support and solidarity.

Write to Jock at:
Jock Palfreeman
Sofia Central Prison
21 General Stoletov Boulevard
Sofia 1309

Antifascist Solidarity
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Hide the following 4 comments

Looking forward to it

09.11.2010 17:53

I only watched one of the films last time, but it was very interesting. I spent of the day rabbiting in the cafe. The food was really tasty and dead cheap. Really looking forward to this, nice one for organizing another.

Happy Vegan

Freedom For Jock!

09.11.2010 20:46

The link ain't working above, this is the correct web address and below is some cut n paste detailing Jocks story:

"Jock was walking home after meeting with friends in the early morning 28th December 2007, Sofia. He witnessed a large group of 15 men begin a vicious, unprovoked attack on two defenceless boys. When seeing the group disperse, Jock rushed to check the health of the young boy that didn't manage to escape.

At this point the group had reformed and commenced a savage beating of Jock. This is when Jock decided to remove a knife from his pocket. Jock gestured and yelled for the group to "get back" and "go away", however they surrounded him. The group recommenced their assault of punches, kicks and smashing concrete slabs over Jock's head.

As the melee finally subsided one of the attackers had been killed and Jock severely beaten. Jock was the lone individual arrested at the scene and to this day has been held as a prisoner at Sofia Central Prison.

The trial lasted nearly two years concluding on December 2nd 2009. Over this period strong evidence was presented to contradict the prosecutor's charge of "murder by hooliganism" and supported Jock's case for self defence. Independent evidence from psychiatric tests, security guards, police and group members that attacked Jock corresponded with Jock's testimony and his plea for self defence.

Security guards observing the events clearly described to the court two separate occasions of the group assaulting someone. They informed of the initial assault by the vocal group on the boys. They then detailed the assault on Jock which the group claim never took place. "They were running after him and reached him a little before the underground, pushed him to the ground and started hitting him. Someone hit him with a rock or some object on his head and he fell on the ground, they went on to kick and beat him." The security guard later identified Jock as the individual being assaulted.

Lengthy psychiatric reports presented in court describe Jock as "not aggressive, harmoniously structured, extroverted, with good contact and communication skills, socially mature."

Police officers that arrived on the scene had been provided a clear outline of what had happened when they initially interviewed the group and witnesses. "Someone said then that a gypsy had been attacked by them, and he (Jock) went there to stop them from hurting him. These were their coments, that's what I heard." Another officer testified "Later I found out that these 10-15 people, as they were moving, there was an altercation with a group from the minority and the defendant tried to stop the vigilante, after that they attacked him, he tried to defend himself and the incident occurred. That's what the boys there told me."

Despite vital evidence in Jock's favor and obvious flaws and omissions in the evidence provided by the group of attackers, the presiding judge sentenced Jock to 20 years for murder by hooliganism."

Free Him Up!!
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Northern Indymedia

12.11.2010 12:08

Why was the dodgy passive-aggressive crank at Northern Indymedia allowed to purge this event from the Northern IMC site? Why is he tolerated?


Reply to above

12.11.2010 14:04

Seems the cop-loving antifascist-hating cock doesn't like the poster - which is based on the poster for the Inglorious Bastards film. It was on the Northern site again briefly this morning, with a different image, but was quickly taken down again by their resident Nazi-lover.
