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Moving Building Meeting London 11 Dec

Everywhere From Below | 07.11.2010 22:57 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Zapatista | World

Liberation: Beyond Resistance
Building a People's Assemblies Movement
Saturday 11th December 1-5pm
Birkbeck College

In response to the economic crisis, government cuts and the pressures of globalisation, we are now witnessing the rise of social movements from across the political spectrum in Britain, Europe and beyond. But how can this popular discontent be transformed into an emancipatory political movement?

It is the view of many activists that a very different form of mobilisation, and a new kind of politics aimed at changing the balance of power is now urgently required. Taking inspiration from last year's Climate Justice Action (CJA) mobilisation in Copenhagen, and the many spontaneous calls made there - and elsewhere - for a new movement based on People's Assemblies, the following planning meeting is now being convened.

Please note: this meeting will involve an open discussion about People’s Assemblies, and what they can do, but the main aim is to plan future action together.

Liberation: Beyond Resistance
Building a People's Assemblies Movement
11th December 1-5pm
Room M417, Malet Street, Birkbeck College, WC1E 7HX
A draft agenda for the 11th will be developed, with those registered at

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