Nuclear waste travelling from France to Germany, protests en route
Diet Simon, translating activist reporting | 06.11.2010 02:07 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Energy Crisis
SA 12:25 am Dannenberg
The first reports by are online! School kids’ demo in Lüchow and visits to camps in Wendland.
SA 12:20 am Dannenberg
After the rally, at about 5 pm, Landessuperintendent H. Jantzen (senior churchman), the writer A.Maier will speak on the theme "They won’t get through with Gorleben ".
SA 12:16 am Dannenberg
124 people from Stuttgart are travelling in three buses to Wendland to take part in the rally in Dannenberg/Splietau.
SA 12:10 am Amiens
Castor trains passed Amiens at 12:10 am.
FRI 11.50 pm Hitzacker in Hitzacker
FRI 11:26 pm Dannenberg
Radio Freies Wendland broadcast from midnight to 2 a.m. on the Internet. First broadcast on 89.7MHz tomorrow with traffic reports. Tailbacks likely!
FRI 11:24 pm Breese i.d.M.
About 500 people in Breese i.d.M. at Meiselgeier concert!
FRI 11:10 pm Quickborn
In breach of agreements made, police are checking and obstructing people in the Quickborn area.
FRI 11:07 pm Metzingen
In breach of agreements made, police are checking people’s IDs and obstructing them.
FRI 10:35 pm Sotteville
50-minute logistical stop ended. Train continues towards Wendland.
FRI 9:47 pm Metzingen
Metzingen cordoned off in a wide sweep. Access currently only from the Hitzacker direction.
FRI 9:37 pm Sotteville-les-Rouen
The Castor train has reached Sotteville-les-Rouen, where locomotives will be exchanged, taking about 50 minutes.
FRI 9:08 pm Metzingen
Route B 216 closed in Metzingen because police are redirecting traffic.
FRI 9:04 pm Splietau
The trek from the Schacht Konrad nuclear waste dump, near the city of Salzgitter, comprising 40 vehicles, including 20 tractors, has arrived in Splietau.
FRI 8:58 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 5 Saturday: 3:30 pm music by Irie Révoltés, 4 pm closure.
FRI 8:53 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 3: 1:40 pm music Rainer v. Vielen, 2:10 addresses by Claas Chocholowitz, Lars-Ole Walburg, Luise Neumann-Cosel.
FRI 8:47 pm Lüneburg
Towards the end of the rally in Lüneburg the demonstration comprised 2,500 people. Very large police presence. (Report in German.)
FRI 8:42 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 1 Saturday: 11:00 am start with sound checks, 12:10 pm Lüneburger Schrotttrommler (drummers), 12:40 HAKA, 12:50 Wilhelm Wittstamm.
FRI 8:40 pm Metzingen
The blockade of route B 216 in Metzingen has been dispersed. Mood still good.
FRI 8:35 pm Neu Tramm
200 people and many tractors at the grill-off in Neu Tramm. Good mood and sausages.
FRI 8:28 pm Langendorf
The band DIREKT playing from 8 p.m. in the church in Langendorf.
FRI 8:22 pm Breese /Marsch
8 pm fundraising concert by the local Meiselgeier rock band at Schmaggel in Breese/Marsch, €3 admission.
FRI 8:21 pm Caen
Train still stopped, non-violent action by 4 activists and 150 demonstrators near the train.
FRI 8:19 pm Lüchow
350 people, holding lanterns and singing, took part in the solemn vigil.
FRI 8:15 pm Lüneburg
About 1,000 people in Lüneburg in the rally at the marketplace.
FRI 8:10 pm Metzingen / Dannenberg
Since 8 p.m. 250 people are walking in a lantern procession on route B 216 in the Lüneburg direction.
FRI 8:03 pm Caen
5 people blockaded. Police acted so brutally that two demonstrators needed treatment in hospital, one in surgery.
FRI 7:15 pm Caen
The rail blockade has been removed. The train is running again and has passed through Caen.
FRI 6:39 pm Lüneburg
Rally in Lüneburg of about 1,000 people at the railway station. Soon to move through the town towards the police station.
FRI 6:33 pm Caen
Train still stopped, 4 people chained to rails, big hanging banner saying GRENZENLOSER WIDERSTAND (Resistance Without Boundaries) in German, four people arrested.
FRI 5:55 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 4: 2:30 pm Rocko Schamoni + Bela B 2:45 Music LE FLY 3:15 addresses: - Martin Lemke - Michael Wilk
FRI 5:49 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 2: 1 pm county chairman Schulz, 1.10 pm minute’s silence, then addresses by Kerstin Rudek (leader of the Gorleben civic action group), Kumi Naidoo (executive director of Greenpeace International) and Anneliese Buntenbach (member of the national executive of the German Confederation of Trade Unions).
FRI 5.32 pm Darmstadt
The Castor train departed from La Hague at 2.30 pm. Its schedule is tighter than we calculated, so we are mobilising for tomorrow (Saturday), 5 pm, Kranichsteiner Bahnhof. Licensed warning vigil in front of the railway overpass (Jägertor-/Parkstr.) Hard to say just when the Castor train reaches Darmstadt, hence the vigil. Prepare for a longer stay (dress warm, blankets), we’ll provide music, food and drink. (Reported by atomkraftENDE.darmstadt.)
FRI 4.10 pm Quickborn
People and vehicles being searched in Quickborn although free passage had been assured.
FRI 4.10 pm Quickborn
People and vehicles being searched in Quickborn although free passage had been assured.
FRI 4:06 pm Caen, France
The Castor train has been stopped (report in German) by 12 people chained to the rails. Splietau camp urgently needs spoons. The People’s Kitchen urgently needs large pots with lids and thermos flasks, as well as collapsible tables, possibly donated or well labelled on loan.
FRI 3:26 pm Hitzacker
This evening RAVERPARTY with \"atomkraftwegbassen\" (“blow nuclear power away”) in CAMP Hitzacker
FRI 3:22 pm Dannenberg
7.30 pm Info gig in Schützenhaus Dannenberg.
FRI 3:18 pm Harlingen
ID’s being checked in Harlingen at the Biohofladen. Police harassing people and stopping them getting through in the Posade direction.
FRI 3:12 pm Dannenberg
Organisers still need parking attendants for the demo. Those willing and able report by 6 pm to 058618007666.
FRI 3:03 pm Neu Tramm
7 pm traditional grill-off outside the Neu Tramm barracks.
FRI 3:00 pm Hitzacker
7 pm lantern processions sets out from Camp Hitzacker.
FR 2:55 pm Essowiese
Far more than 300 buses of demonstrators have already been announced, and counting.
FR 2:47 pm Essowiese
Visitors from Stuttgart. Flügel-TV is on location and will feed images into the web under
FR 2:45 pm Lüchow
6 pm Warning vigil with Marianne Fritzen (“mother” of the Gorleben resistance), Stephan Wichert v. Holten and Martina Lammers on Lüchow marketplace.
FR 2:36 pm Lüneburg
6 pm Demo outside Lüneburg tailway station. Infos at
FR 2:24 pm Valognes BREAKING NEWS!
The Castor train departed from Valognes at 2.24 pm. We’ll meet tomorrow at noon at the biggest anti-nuclear power demo in Dannenberg/Splitau.
FR 2:33 pm Uelzen
3.30 pm Welcoming the trek World Nuclear Inheritance Braunschweig at Herzogenplatz in Uelzen.
FR 2:21 pm Metzingen
Ralley Monte Göhrde set off with 200 people from Metzingen and Köhlingen.
FR 1:53 pm Dannenberg
Weather in the county getting better all the time. Dry and c. 14 degrees.
FR 1:47 pm Gorleben
5 pm Lantern procession sets off in Gorleben at the exit towards Dannenberg.
FR 1:19 pm
Police union and taxpayer association reportedly demanded 50 million euro security fee from the nuclear companies for the Castor transportation.
FR 1:07 pm Dannenberg
Info point at Essowiese in Dannenberg now in business. Also brokers sleeping places.
FR 1.05 pm Wendland
Radio Freies Wendland will do traffic guidance from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday for the demo. Frequencies: Lüneburg: 95.5 MHz, Wendland: 89.7 MHz.
FR 12:45 pm Klein Gusborn
Farmers now allowed to set up a camp after all, construction permit just issued by the County authority.
FR 12:24 pm Bresse in der Marsch
Meiselgeier (Wendland rock cover band) playing tonight at 7 pm in Gasthof Schmaggel, Breese/Marsch.
FR 12:20 pm Wendland
People’s Kitchen Wendland says thanks for overwhelming response to call for donations and says keep it coming.
FR 10:33 am Everywhere BREAKING NEWS!
The official Castor time table appeared on Indymedia linksunten:
FR 10:32 Lüchow
School kids‘ demo numbers growing, now at 1,400 participants. Pictures.
FR 10:25 am Lüchow
School kids‘ demo has grown to 1,200 participants.
FR 10:10 am Lüchow
The school kinds‘ demo in Lüchow comprises 400-500 kids, 10 tractors, accompanied by police.
FR 10:00 am Braunschweig
30 to 40 tractors from the Asse and Konrad nuclear dumps setting off to Wendland after a rally. (Braunschweig to Dannenberg is about 123 km.)
FR 09:57 am Lüchow
400 t0 500 school kids demonstrating. Police at egg stand asking each kid why they’re buying eggs.
THU 11:03 pm Metzingen
Termin für Freitag: Rallye Monte Göhrde ab 14 Uhr. Start in Metzingen und Köhlingen!
THU 9:22 pm Wendland
Internet streaming of Radio Freies Wendland (Radio Free Wendland) now available, audible live and on
THU 9:02 pm Metzingen (Wendland)
Farm machinery display: about 350 people. Police dispersed assembly on Route B216.
On Thursday evening 4 November about 350 people gathered in Metzingen near Dannenberg for a so-called exhibition of agricultural machinery. (Pictures) After music was played live from a truck, the 350 and a few tractors blockaded route B216 for about 90 minutes. Police moved in and dispersed the blockade after some time. This action resulted in two temporary arrests and one person being injured. Subsequently the police extinguished a fire drum and secured the area for a while longer.
THU 8:51 pm Metzingen
250 people and 40 tractors at farm machinery display.
THU 7:13 pm Germersheim (south Germany)
General ban also issued against assembling along the Castor route around Wörth (“south blockade”).
THU 7:00 pm Dannenberg (Wendland)
Our gear is set up, we’re starting to ticker.
The first reports by are online! School kids’ demo in Lüchow and visits to camps in Wendland.
SA 12:20 am Dannenberg
After the rally, at about 5 pm, Landessuperintendent H. Jantzen (senior churchman), the writer A.Maier will speak on the theme "They won’t get through with Gorleben ".
SA 12:16 am Dannenberg
124 people from Stuttgart are travelling in three buses to Wendland to take part in the rally in Dannenberg/Splietau.
SA 12:10 am Amiens
Castor trains passed Amiens at 12:10 am.
FRI 11.50 pm Hitzacker in Hitzacker
FRI 11:26 pm Dannenberg
Radio Freies Wendland broadcast from midnight to 2 a.m. on the Internet. First broadcast on 89.7MHz tomorrow with traffic reports. Tailbacks likely!
FRI 11:24 pm Breese i.d.M.
About 500 people in Breese i.d.M. at Meiselgeier concert!
FRI 11:10 pm Quickborn
In breach of agreements made, police are checking and obstructing people in the Quickborn area.
FRI 11:07 pm Metzingen
In breach of agreements made, police are checking people’s IDs and obstructing them.
FRI 10:35 pm Sotteville
50-minute logistical stop ended. Train continues towards Wendland.
FRI 9:47 pm Metzingen
Metzingen cordoned off in a wide sweep. Access currently only from the Hitzacker direction.
FRI 9:37 pm Sotteville-les-Rouen
The Castor train has reached Sotteville-les-Rouen, where locomotives will be exchanged, taking about 50 minutes.
FRI 9:08 pm Metzingen
Route B 216 closed in Metzingen because police are redirecting traffic.
FRI 9:04 pm Splietau
The trek from the Schacht Konrad nuclear waste dump, near the city of Salzgitter, comprising 40 vehicles, including 20 tractors, has arrived in Splietau.
FRI 8:58 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 5 Saturday: 3:30 pm music by Irie Révoltés, 4 pm closure.
FRI 8:53 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 3: 1:40 pm music Rainer v. Vielen, 2:10 addresses by Claas Chocholowitz, Lars-Ole Walburg, Luise Neumann-Cosel.
FRI 8:47 pm Lüneburg
Towards the end of the rally in Lüneburg the demonstration comprised 2,500 people. Very large police presence. (Report in German.)
FRI 8:42 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 1 Saturday: 11:00 am start with sound checks, 12:10 pm Lüneburger Schrotttrommler (drummers), 12:40 HAKA, 12:50 Wilhelm Wittstamm.
FRI 8:40 pm Metzingen
The blockade of route B 216 in Metzingen has been dispersed. Mood still good.
FRI 8:35 pm Neu Tramm
200 people and many tractors at the grill-off in Neu Tramm. Good mood and sausages.
FRI 8:28 pm Langendorf
The band DIREKT playing from 8 p.m. in the church in Langendorf.
FRI 8:22 pm Breese /Marsch
8 pm fundraising concert by the local Meiselgeier rock band at Schmaggel in Breese/Marsch, €3 admission.
FRI 8:21 pm Caen
Train still stopped, non-violent action by 4 activists and 150 demonstrators near the train.
FRI 8:19 pm Lüchow
350 people, holding lanterns and singing, took part in the solemn vigil.
FRI 8:15 pm Lüneburg
About 1,000 people in Lüneburg in the rally at the marketplace.
FRI 8:10 pm Metzingen / Dannenberg
Since 8 p.m. 250 people are walking in a lantern procession on route B 216 in the Lüneburg direction.
FRI 8:03 pm Caen
5 people blockaded. Police acted so brutally that two demonstrators needed treatment in hospital, one in surgery.
FRI 7:15 pm Caen
The rail blockade has been removed. The train is running again and has passed through Caen.
FRI 6:39 pm Lüneburg
Rally in Lüneburg of about 1,000 people at the railway station. Soon to move through the town towards the police station.
FRI 6:33 pm Caen
Train still stopped, 4 people chained to rails, big hanging banner saying GRENZENLOSER WIDERSTAND (Resistance Without Boundaries) in German, four people arrested.
FRI 5:55 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 4: 2:30 pm Rocko Schamoni + Bela B 2:45 Music LE FLY 3:15 addresses: - Martin Lemke - Michael Wilk
FRI 5:49 pm Splietau
Rally programme part 2: 1 pm county chairman Schulz, 1.10 pm minute’s silence, then addresses by Kerstin Rudek (leader of the Gorleben civic action group), Kumi Naidoo (executive director of Greenpeace International) and Anneliese Buntenbach (member of the national executive of the German Confederation of Trade Unions).
FRI 5.32 pm Darmstadt
The Castor train departed from La Hague at 2.30 pm. Its schedule is tighter than we calculated, so we are mobilising for tomorrow (Saturday), 5 pm, Kranichsteiner Bahnhof. Licensed warning vigil in front of the railway overpass (Jägertor-/Parkstr.) Hard to say just when the Castor train reaches Darmstadt, hence the vigil. Prepare for a longer stay (dress warm, blankets), we’ll provide music, food and drink. (Reported by atomkraftENDE.darmstadt.)
FRI 4.10 pm Quickborn
People and vehicles being searched in Quickborn although free passage had been assured.
FRI 4.10 pm Quickborn
People and vehicles being searched in Quickborn although free passage had been assured.
FRI 4:06 pm Caen, France
The Castor train has been stopped (report in German) by 12 people chained to the rails. Splietau camp urgently needs spoons. The People’s Kitchen urgently needs large pots with lids and thermos flasks, as well as collapsible tables, possibly donated or well labelled on loan.
FRI 3:26 pm Hitzacker
This evening RAVERPARTY with \"atomkraftwegbassen\" (“blow nuclear power away”) in CAMP Hitzacker
FRI 3:22 pm Dannenberg
7.30 pm Info gig in Schützenhaus Dannenberg.
FRI 3:18 pm Harlingen
ID’s being checked in Harlingen at the Biohofladen. Police harassing people and stopping them getting through in the Posade direction.
FRI 3:12 pm Dannenberg
Organisers still need parking attendants for the demo. Those willing and able report by 6 pm to 058618007666.
FRI 3:03 pm Neu Tramm
7 pm traditional grill-off outside the Neu Tramm barracks.
FRI 3:00 pm Hitzacker
7 pm lantern processions sets out from Camp Hitzacker.
FR 2:55 pm Essowiese
Far more than 300 buses of demonstrators have already been announced, and counting.
FR 2:47 pm Essowiese
Visitors from Stuttgart. Flügel-TV is on location and will feed images into the web under

FR 2:45 pm Lüchow
6 pm Warning vigil with Marianne Fritzen (“mother” of the Gorleben resistance), Stephan Wichert v. Holten and Martina Lammers on Lüchow marketplace.
FR 2:36 pm Lüneburg
6 pm Demo outside Lüneburg tailway station. Infos at
FR 2:24 pm Valognes BREAKING NEWS!
The Castor train departed from Valognes at 2.24 pm. We’ll meet tomorrow at noon at the biggest anti-nuclear power demo in Dannenberg/Splitau.
FR 2:33 pm Uelzen
3.30 pm Welcoming the trek World Nuclear Inheritance Braunschweig at Herzogenplatz in Uelzen.
FR 2:21 pm Metzingen
Ralley Monte Göhrde set off with 200 people from Metzingen and Köhlingen.
FR 1:53 pm Dannenberg
Weather in the county getting better all the time. Dry and c. 14 degrees.
FR 1:47 pm Gorleben
5 pm Lantern procession sets off in Gorleben at the exit towards Dannenberg.
FR 1:19 pm
Police union and taxpayer association reportedly demanded 50 million euro security fee from the nuclear companies for the Castor transportation.
FR 1:07 pm Dannenberg
Info point at Essowiese in Dannenberg now in business. Also brokers sleeping places.
FR 1.05 pm Wendland
Radio Freies Wendland will do traffic guidance from 10 am to 5 pm Saturday for the demo. Frequencies: Lüneburg: 95.5 MHz, Wendland: 89.7 MHz.
FR 12:45 pm Klein Gusborn
Farmers now allowed to set up a camp after all, construction permit just issued by the County authority.
FR 12:24 pm Bresse in der Marsch
Meiselgeier (Wendland rock cover band) playing tonight at 7 pm in Gasthof Schmaggel, Breese/Marsch.
FR 12:20 pm Wendland
People’s Kitchen Wendland says thanks for overwhelming response to call for donations and says keep it coming.
FR 10:33 am Everywhere BREAKING NEWS!
The official Castor time table appeared on Indymedia linksunten:
FR 10:32 Lüchow
School kids‘ demo numbers growing, now at 1,400 participants. Pictures.
FR 10:25 am Lüchow
School kids‘ demo has grown to 1,200 participants.
FR 10:10 am Lüchow
The school kinds‘ demo in Lüchow comprises 400-500 kids, 10 tractors, accompanied by police.
FR 10:00 am Braunschweig
30 to 40 tractors from the Asse and Konrad nuclear dumps setting off to Wendland after a rally. (Braunschweig to Dannenberg is about 123 km.)
FR 09:57 am Lüchow
400 t0 500 school kids demonstrating. Police at egg stand asking each kid why they’re buying eggs.
THU 11:03 pm Metzingen
Termin für Freitag: Rallye Monte Göhrde ab 14 Uhr. Start in Metzingen und Köhlingen!
THU 9:22 pm Wendland
Internet streaming of Radio Freies Wendland (Radio Free Wendland) now available, audible live and on
THU 9:02 pm Metzingen (Wendland)
Farm machinery display: about 350 people. Police dispersed assembly on Route B216.
On Thursday evening 4 November about 350 people gathered in Metzingen near Dannenberg for a so-called exhibition of agricultural machinery. (Pictures) After music was played live from a truck, the 350 and a few tractors blockaded route B216 for about 90 minutes. Police moved in and dispersed the blockade after some time. This action resulted in two temporary arrests and one person being injured. Subsequently the police extinguished a fire drum and secured the area for a while longer.
THU 8:51 pm Metzingen
250 people and 40 tractors at farm machinery display.
THU 7:13 pm Germersheim (south Germany)
General ban also issued against assembling along the Castor route around Wörth (“south blockade”).
THU 7:00 pm Dannenberg (Wendland)
Our gear is set up, we’re starting to ticker.
Diet Simon, translating activist reporting