UK Counter-Terror agent exposed in New Brunswick, Kanada
Anarchist | 04.11.2010 23:00 | Repression | Social Struggles
Story reposted from about a UK Counter-Terror 'Security Consultant' exposed in Kanada. The British man was overheard in a cafe talking to another man, by an individual who subsequently videoed his personal exchange and posted the footage online.
From :
"One man said to the other, "I just moved from the UK. I used to work for counter-terrorism out there and in the United States. My wife wanted me to move here to little Fredericton. Not much work for a person like me here. Now I am working for CSIS. I document anti-capitalist and anarchist groups. There are at least two groups that I am researching lately and we plan to eventually infiltrate these groups. Strax and RAAN, the Red and Anarchist Action Network."
This video should be seen in light of the growing militant struggle in Europe, the media-hype-repression against SHAC, Smash EDO and other points of conflict/repression.
By the way, this 'Security Consultant' obviously is a bit thick, being simply overhead in cafe, I mean, that is not very good security, is it?
"One man said to the other, "I just moved from the UK. I used to work for counter-terrorism out there and in the United States. My wife wanted me to move here to little Fredericton. Not much work for a person like me here. Now I am working for CSIS. I document anti-capitalist and anarchist groups. There are at least two groups that I am researching lately and we plan to eventually infiltrate these groups. Strax and RAAN, the Red and Anarchist Action Network."
This video should be seen in light of the growing militant struggle in Europe, the media-hype-repression against SHAC, Smash EDO and other points of conflict/repression.
By the way, this 'Security Consultant' obviously is a bit thick, being simply overhead in cafe, I mean, that is not very good security, is it?
http://From :
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I don't think you quite understand what security means idiot
05.11.2010 01:20
I mean for fuck sakes! Hes here to give a presentation!
Its not even like its going to be a big secret
james bond
Well done
05.11.2010 09:07
Lynn Sawyer
Oh my days.... Smash Edo attack children!
05.11.2010 11:18
This is some priceless shit! I suggest that people do actually watch this moron talk its great for comedy value!
Smash Edo “was started by Red and Anarchist Network” (any one this side of the pond even heard of them OMG "RAAN Brighton” ha ha ha!)
Smash Edo “started out with democratic protest” (as in "this is what democracy looks like?")
Smash Edo “ attacked children in a school” (surely this is libel)
oh and if I have to hear the Shac dig up granny's = terrorist thing again.....
Slightly odd in my opinion but not terrorism!
I suspect that the real secret state isn't that fucking stupid. Sounds to me like this turd is some kind of delusional internet watcher whose convinced somebody on the other side of the pond to pay him to spread scare stories about UK Anarchists. He is trotting out a variation on the all direct action groups are all the same and controlled by some sinister conspiracy, very similar to the stalking injunctions crap.
After the Mark Stone/Kennedy shit its nice to have the comedy wing of the state to cheers us up.
“their might have been a kitten in the trunk”!! HA HA
If he really is NETCU or similar and this ignorant fuck is their finest then we have little to fear my friends...
silent bob
I totally agree
05.11.2010 11:32
Please don't think that my flippancy don't make me think that this is still a bit alarming,
Incidentally who said we weren't about job creation. This fine specimen of humanity seems to be getting a few contacts on our backs...
silent bob
Excellent work
05.11.2010 14:05
RAAN (General Secretary)
hilarity ensues
05.11.2010 14:33
Also good to see him confirming that EDO MBM make the tiny Arming Unit called the ZRFAU (used on Israeli f-16s amongst others), as the company continue to deny it. OOps
RAN agent X (brighton branch)
XXX is another Mark Stone/Kennedy
05.11.2010 16:32
rumour mongering crap
05.11.2010 17:34
AR is a troll
picture of man and direct youtube link
06.11.2010 20:10
UK "counter-terrorism" spy
also direct link to the video:
i think
06.11.2010 20:55
sniff out the spies!
fucking hell
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