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Musheir Al Farra speaks at the Sheffield Humanist Society Meeting

Sheffield IMC | 04.11.2010 00:21 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles | Sheffield

Wednesday 3rd November 2010
Conflict in the "Holy Land".
Musheir Al Fara, Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign

What is the reality of the situation in Israel/Palestine? How did the ongoing ‘troubles’ come about and to what extent is
religion responsible for the conflict affecting the "Holy Land"?

Audio from the meeting - mp3 62M

Audio Musheir's presntation slides - application/pdf 6.2M

Audio SPSC Images - application/pdf 6.3M

Ball Pool donated by Sheffield people to the kids of Nussairat Refugee Camp 2010
Ball Pool donated by Sheffield people to the kids of Nussairat Refugee Camp 2010

Attatched are two pdfs

The first shows a History of the transfer of Palestinian lands to the Zionist Colonialists

The second contains images of some of the activity of the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign over the years.

Sheffield Humanist Society

Sheffield PSC

Recordings of other Sheffield Humanist Society meetings:

How does the Vatican keep getting away with it?

Is Clean Coal An Act Of Faith?

Why Social Inequality Persists

Rebels and Radicals in Sheffield History

Religion and Revolution

Sheffield IMC