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Second Night of No Deer Kills in Richmond Park

Bushy Deer | 03.11.2010 23:29 | Animal Liberation

Yesterday evening, anti-hunt activists were again patrolling Richmond Park in London with the aim of preventing any deer being shot in the proposed cull.

Yesterday evening, anti-hunt activists were again patrolling Richmond Park in London with the aim of preventing any deer being shot in the proposed cull.

Throughout the night, various teams of concerned activists walked around different areas of the park and kept an eye out for any of the vehicles involved in the shoot, or the sound of any gunshots.

For the second night in a row, no animals we killed and no shots were heard. We have heard a rumour that, as a result of our presence, the Royal Parks have temporarily postponed the shooting of any deer in Richmond Park. Despite this, we will continue patrolling throughout the night.

We would like to make it openly clear that we take it upon ourselves to prevent the slaughter of 200 deer per year in Richmond Park and that, despite claims, this is far from a cull. It is quite clear that this is an organised shoot with the aim of bringing in money for the Royal Parks by selling deer carcasses to upper class restaurants. If it was a case of controlling the deer population, much more efficient means could be used such as feed-based contraception, sterilisation or the relocation of animals. The Royal Parks are also feeding the deer, with the direct result of a population boost - far from controlling the numbers!

It is for this reason that we continue to actively take part in bringing an end to this slaughter.

Bushy Deer


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Great news

04.11.2010 11:23

That's great news keep up the good work. You have the support of all the sabs up north.

Paul Timpson - North West Hunt Sabs spokesperson (

Paul Timpson
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