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Dublin kicks off, UK crap... as usual

UK exiles | 03.11.2010 19:08 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

"Students occupy Dept of Finance in Dublin
News is coming in that upwards of thirty students have occupied the Department of Finance in the center of Dublin with several hundred supporting them in the streets outside. Tens of thousands of students are demonstrating as part of the USI protests against plans to introduce fees, these students carrying out the occupation appear to have broken away from the main demonstration which is taking place around the corner in Merrion square."

repost from Irish indymedia

It has been reported that eggs were thrown at the building and that four Gardai horses have just arrived on the scene.

Suppose that a militant UK response would be to occupy an Irish state building, or summat. (The Greek response was "letter bombs").
But seriously, people demanding that 6bn quid be paid to HM government; for what; to fund war; more cops and CCTV; more ethnic cleansing of British "citizens" in the Chagos islands???

UK exiles
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03.11.2010 19:19

We're at a different stage.

The cuts haven't been implemented or felt here.

Actually a thousands signs for optimism. Just scan the newswire and you'll get an idea.


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@ the bogtrotters

03.11.2010 23:21

You lot need to remember who you are speaking to!?
The pecking order is the UK is always higher than bog trotting Irish.

So quit telling US what to do and do as you are fucking told.


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