The Earth Centre is FOR SALE | 26.10.2010 19:42 | Sheffield
The Earth Centre is FOR SALE email or for the sales particulars and tender form.

Doncaster Council has their signs up and apparently the entire earth centre site is up for grabs. This is your space they are flogging remember community land = business opportunity! Boo!
Will the community get a look in, will the new owners give a shit, will it
be for the benefit of the local community and environment or will greed get in the way again?
If you have any desire to purchase the land you must act quickly, the
police, the mod and RTTG have had their eyes on it for a long time. The
council has previously rejected offers of purchase from community
enterprises and local businesses so lets see where this is going. Does
anyone really believe that joe public will feel the benefit of a quick sale
of the site? What about the abundant wildlife and rare species that habit the space, its been derelict for 6 years and has grown into a beautiful nature spot full of food and life.
Please remember the land was occupied by the community long before The Earth Centre designers muscled in on it and over £100,000,000 of public funds has disappeared into the vortex that is the earth centre. Local community near the EC have struggled to find funding and support for years due to the ridiculous amount that was spent on the space during the earth centre’s life, we think they deserve better.
The Land is Ours!
Will the community get a look in, will the new owners give a shit, will it
be for the benefit of the local community and environment or will greed get in the way again?
If you have any desire to purchase the land you must act quickly, the
police, the mod and RTTG have had their eyes on it for a long time. The
council has previously rejected offers of purchase from community
enterprises and local businesses so lets see where this is going. Does
anyone really believe that joe public will feel the benefit of a quick sale
of the site? What about the abundant wildlife and rare species that habit the space, its been derelict for 6 years and has grown into a beautiful nature spot full of food and life.
Please remember the land was occupied by the community long before The Earth Centre designers muscled in on it and over £100,000,000 of public funds has disappeared into the vortex that is the earth centre. Local community near the EC have struggled to find funding and support for years due to the ridiculous amount that was spent on the space during the earth centre’s life, we think they deserve better.
The Land is Ours!